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Everything posted by Consilience

  1. Profound question. The difference is relative. From one pov of course there is a difference, but from another, there is none at all ?
  2. Ive had similar feelings but only on psychedelics, oddly enough
  3. Hmmm... maybe the mental projection of separation isnt symbolic. Separation doesnt actually exist, but our minds carve through the whole of direct experience, creating an illusion as though it does. I think there's a difference between emotions, and then something such as our inner dialogue and visualizing mind. Emotions can be observed as themselves without the mind reacting. I think that’s why I dont define them as symbolic.
  4. @Pouya As far as I can tell, no.... emotions seem to just be themselves. Ultimately both are still consciousness, just different forms. This is a super interesting topic though. Like I said, Im still in the process of contemplation ?
  5. Thoughts are symbolic representations of some other form of reality. Emotions are not symbolically representing anything. Emotions are weird though... I still don't understand them very well other than that they propel survival.
  6. Notice that it is a belief that there are no other perspectives. Where did you acquire this IDEA? Why does your mind (not your true self) want to hold onto this idea? I think relative to the fact that your direct experience contains the whole of reality inside, yes you are alone. But in some weird way, your actions literally have consequences across time and space in other lives, and for other perspectives, such as mine. Right here, right now, I am typing on this keyboard at an empty computer. Relative to this manifestation of the universe, Shaun is just an idea, a projection onto my direct experience. You are nothing more than an idea in my mind. However nonetheless, we are both existing simultaneously, and not at all. Right now, contains everything, literally infinity inside of it. So... It's all relative. In the end, the duality of solipsism vs. other's existence collapses. Both and neither are correct simultaneously... But only when your mind is quiet enough, only when the true self reveals itself to itself can this be grasped. In the meantime, I would say understand you are alone, but realize that one day these other perspectives will occur, perhaps eons after Shaun's perspective has ended. Reality is, after all, a giant, infinite mindfuck haha.
  7. Wait now last post, The duality of sobriety and intoxicated must be transcended young grasshopper
  8. If you think it takes mindsets to become conscious of what being or ultimate truth are, that itself is a belief, a mindset. You need to research epistemology and have a conceptual understanding of why this work is not about creating mindsets before you can ultimately transcend them. Psychedelics make this point abundantly clear because of how powerfully they blow apart the human mind, and force you to see reality as itself, not as what your egoic mind cling to on a daily basis. Anyways, Im done replying. Good luck on your journey brother.
  9. You’re not listening. It’s literally not a mindset. Ive achieved this state through meditation, yoga, contemplation before. Psychedelics only temporarily amplified BEING. Being has LITERALLY nothing to do with the mind or mindsets. It is a priori to any mind or any sense. It is the underlying essence of your entire existence but are you conscious of that?
  10. There is no mindset. It’s the opposite of mindset. Psychedelics literally blow apart your mind and launch you into insane levels of BEING. Only when the egoic mind returns after a trip would mindsets form. The essence of a strong trip is that there is no longer a mind, or identity. Just pure consciousness.
  11. You’re assuming a lot about evolution here. A lot of beliefs that are nothing more than your mind projecting. Additionally, you’re entire argument rests on a metaphysical belief system of materialism. The brain doesn't produce consciousness, that is a yet another metaphysical belief system bread by mainstream science no different than dogmatic religion. Music, emotions, the weather, food, pets, relationships, media, sickness, comfort, nature (the list goes to infinity) all affect your perceptions of reality. Literally everything is always affecting perceptions and the senses. Psychedelics are no different except that they shift your awareness on overdrive. Psychedelics have much less to do with shifting perception (technically a lot are hallucinogenic) and more to do with literally increasing your consciousness. Are you open to that possibility?
  12. Cannabis has been extremely helpful for my progressing spiritually. It increases awareness, augments my thinking allowing for greater amounts of creativity, and has been the catalyst for a myriad of both worldly and non-dual insights. My opinion is you’ll be fine.
  13. It seems like once every 2 weeks is a good amount or possibly more time in between. Integrating the experiences is the challenging part though and if taken too often, I could see the experiences not having the time needed to fully integrate. Contemplating and journaling about the experiences is a helpful tool for integration. Even meditation will help. So if the goal is to use these substances as tools, definitely watch the frequency of use and make sure you’re committed to integration work imo.
  14. This was awesome to read. Thank you for sharing! If you don't mind me asking, how long did the trip last?
  15. As odd as it may sound, yeah... The duality between free will and determinism eventually collapses. It’s neither, both, or one or the other all depending on your perspective. Reality just is, always, right now. This is definitely a wild insight and cannot be understood with the mind. You just have to become conscious of it. Which isnt a helpful answer per-say but it’s a good pointer imo.
  16. Couldn’t disagree more. Weed has been extremely beneficial for my personal development and spiritual progress. But it can also be highly (pun intended) addictive. While it works great for me, it would be foolish to say that weed is an effective tool for everyone. Likewise, it would be foolish to say weed isnt a good PD tool. It depends on the individual. All paths are unique. The only way to truly answer your question is to experiment with it yourself.
  17. This is precisely my point. You cannot, and literally could not get outside of direct experience. In this regard, your existence is direct experience, the two are inseparable. The mind has stories about existence, about theoretical facets that exist outside of direct experience but notice what that is - it’s the mind telling stories about reality but it’s doing so within direct experience. No matter where you turn or how hard you try to find a piece of reality beyond direct experience, you will never do so. Funny how that works. My ultimate point that models and knowledge all occur as direct experience. All of your life, of reality has only ever been available to you through direct experience... so look there. Who are you directly? Not what the mind tells you (via models and knowledge) but who are you directly, in this present moment, and all moments? If there is ever going to be an answer, it must come through direct experience just as every point of your life already has.
  18. Step 1 is realizing literally all you’ve ever, EVER, had is direct experience. At no point in your life have you experienced anything outside of direct, conscious experience. Anytime you experience existence, it only occurs via conscious experience and it has been so at every point you’ve been alive. Step 2 is realizing that existence literally cannot manifest any other way EXCEPT through direct experience. When scientists learn about some facet of reality, they do so through direct conscious experience. Reality doesn't manifest any other way for you. So *if* there ever was a way for you to find the existential truth of your self, the absolute truth of who you really are, it must by default manifest through direct experience, as there is no other way for anything within reality to manifest. If these points are understood (within your direct experience ) this will open the rabbit hole for further inquiry.
  19. Holy shit ? And you made a thread claiming enlightenment..? Bruh
  20. I would be interested to hear his perspective. After having multiple experiences with LSD and an extensive amount of experience with weed, I can say Ive had more intense non-dual experiences from edibles than I did on the LSD. But LSD showed me infinite love which is something weed has never done so... it’s interesting. The non-dual states with weed always feel masculine. Ive also wondered whether 5meo would affect the highs from weed. One of my goals in life is to try 5meo, one of the reasons being Im curious how it’ll affect the headspace from weed usage. Drugs are fascinating. Even more fascinating is when you realize sober and high are completely and utterly relative. Life is just as psychedelic as the highs from psychedelics but much harder to recognize as such.
  21. I definitely feel you on that. Not knowing to me seems to be dis identifying with the mind though, or rather, recognizing the mind for what it is in actuality. As strange as this may sound, you can be in a state of not knowing while simultaneously having the mind thinking. From my perspective, Not knowing = Being. His work is immense and often times thing will click after I set down his books and then return to them. Overall one can not know while the mind is on full throttle. Why? Because it’s actually impossible for the mind to know anything, which is something we easily lose sight of. The mind is a shapeshifting, symbol creating machine used for concept survival. It never *really* knew anything.
  22. What Ive noticed is that sometimes I will have glimpses into certain truths but then the ignorance returns, much like what you’re describing here. But over time, the glimpses seem to slowly percolate back into direct experience. So the embodiment occurs slowly over time, rather than it being this immediate, decision to do so.
  23. Sales is an intense field. You will learn and grow a lot by the end of the 4 months