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Everything posted by Consilience

  1. Aim for 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight. There wouldn’t be any negative health consequences unless you have a problem with your kidneys. But just drink plenty of water and you’ll be fine. Best practices to strengthen the nervous system are hatha yoga and meditation. Both of these really help balance and mitigate the stress of resistance training, besides helping with contemplating the existential nature of reality
  2. Look into Alberto Nunez. He is a professional natural bodybuilder who would eat poptarts during his contest preps. Zero effects on his physique because one’s physique is primarily determined by the energy balance of your diet since your physique is an energetic output. Obviously eating like shit will eventually catch up to you because you wont be able to train as hard, but thinking simple sugar is bad for building muscle is just inaccurate. Moreover, there is more and more research coming out indicating our understanding of glycemic load is incomplete. Individual’s response to sugar is dependent on genetics, activity level, how much protein and fat was consumed with the meal, and microbiota. Anecdotally, Im someone who’s eaten plenty of wheat and sugar and had very good gains both with building muscle and strength. It’s much more nuanced than simple sugar is bad.
  3. The more mechanical explanation is that thoughts are literally not separate from “physical” reality. The space in which thoughts exist is the same space in which physical reality exists. All of it, thoughts, physical reality, emotions, attention, any phenomena or form, is existing within your consciousness. Understanding this lack of separation, and more specifically, this unification of mind with the rest of the universe, is crucial for understanding why the LoA works.
  4. For gaining muscle, sucrose isnt anymore or less effective than more complex carbohydrates. For overall health, there may be better carb sources.
  5. Athlean is not the great imho. Dude is jacked but that doesnt always mean much. Look into 3dmj ok youtube. They have an absolutely phenomenal series on nutrition and exercise. To make gains, both are needed. They’re a bodybuilding coaching group, but the principles still apply for non bodybuilders. Ill link the series below but just a fair warning, it's very information dense so be prepared. However taking the time to understand these principles will absolutely pay off.
  6. What is the existential nature of separation? Ill spoil it for you: it doesnt exist. No part of existence is separate from any other part. God, consciousness, the true self, absolute infinity is not separate from itself, as separation is an illusion.
  7. Because reality is literally subjective experience Notice the only way for reality to ever “be” to an individual is through direct, subjective experience. That’s all that has ever existed for you and all that could ever exist.
  8. @ardacigin Your other post inspired me to look into this guy’s work, so much so that I went on ahead and invested into his book The Mind Illuminated. It feels like Im finally starting to build consistent progress with meditation. I severely downplayed the importance of stable attention when it comes to contemplating reality or the self. And moreover, severely overestimated my concentration ability. I think investing the time required to master attention will pay off down the road, thanks for bringing this guy up on the forum. His work has been very helpful thus far.
  9. Look into the hard problem of consciousness. Notice that everything in your direct experience is consciousness, including brains. Sight, taste, touch, sound, smell, mind, awareness, everything that is form, is some manifestation of consciousness. The idea that there is physical reality is itself an IDEA which is mind, which as we just discussed, is a manifestation or expression of consciousness. Physical reality has never been proven, nor could it ever be since literally everything we experience IS consciousness. Just because brains correspond with experience, this does not entail that they are the experience or even responsible for the creation of the experience. This is basic logic, correlation =\= causation. Moreover, since brains themselves are consciousness, it means that brains are consciousness interacting with itself. Does mass create gravity? Why does every particle of mass have a gravitational force associated with it? You could say, “oh mass creates the gravity!” But this is making a metaphysical jump. We only “know” that mass is correlated with gravitational fields and these can be calculated using mathematics. To say that mass creates the gravity is to make a claim (the mind) about the fundamental nature od existence that is ultimately just a belief, since such a claim could never be proven. Similarly, we only know brains correlate with consciousness insofar there seems to be a relationship, just like with gravity and mass. However, to make the claim that conscious is produced by the brain is to make a metaphysical jump that extends beyond the limits of honest epistemology. There’s your logic. Notice how quickly you’ll want to counter argue everything I say though, and point to gaps in the explanation. This is ego (more conscious manifestation). Ultimately you must become conscious that all that there is is consciousness, including brains. I hope this helped.
  10. The body is dependent on physical nourishment. YOU are not.
  11. If Im meditating 1 hour per day doing self inquiry right now, would you recommend stopping the self inquiry and investing that time into concentration practice? Another question I had, more metaphysical, what exactly is attention? Is it awareness? And like... what is the mechanism of attention? Who or what is creating this attention around a particular object? It almost feels like concentration is a manifestation of ego.
  12. Great post. The only thing id like to add is that the duality between introspective and extrospective awareness is the mind superimposing onto direct experience. The “inner” and “outer” world are actually one, not separate, and it’s important to recognize the nature of this distinction fundamentally being of the mind, like all distinctions (I think). Literally your mind and emotions is in the same location as a tree, it’s trippy once the insight sinks in haha.
  13. Notice how his approach is triggering your ego. The truth is the truth regardless of which language is trying to speak about it. The language one uses is utterly meaningless, on the absolute level. You don’t need sanskrit to understand truth, which was his point.
  14. I felt that Leo was spot on with his description of Zen and Buddhism not being a scalable path for humanity. The deeper I go into this work, the more I feel like despite our existential nature being total infinite consciousness/God/whatever words you want to use, there is beauty in the single life we all have. Our singular lives are so fucking infinitely unique.. it’s mind-boggling how rare and sacred the uniqueness actually is. It’s as if the whole cosmos and our existential nature = infinity/1 and our individual human life = 1/infinity. In the end though, infinity and 0 actually are the same, and in this way, the single life of every being and perspective is just as infinite as the universe itself through it’s total uniqueness. This is also the bridge between life purpose and enlightenment and it made me really happy hearing Leo discuss this connection. It’s been something Ive been contemplating a lot. There’s nothing wrong with Zen, it is the path for some and has so much wisdom, but if humanity is to awaken at large, we need something else.
  15. I thought you were planning on doing a 100g trip with truffles though after you had already made multiple posts about how you were conscious that you were god
  16. There isn’t absolute proof of the “physical world” either though. In fact, it’s an epistemic jump to even conclude that there is a physical reality at all. Just something to keep in mind.
  17. I was only asking because I am going to two of the 4 (can only afford 2) and was wondering if I had remembered you going. Felt weird that you ignored such a straightforward yes or no question. But you’re right, you're not here to answer comments. Thanks anyways.
  18. Relative to those governments providing the space for such work to be undertaken.
  19. Think about what you just said. History has shown this is clearly false, unless you’re trying to bring non-dual relativism into the discussion, in which case there’s no point in replying. Also speaking from personal experience as someone with a chronic illness and requires a functioning healthcare system to keep my body alive, politicians can very much influence the quality of my life. Obama raising the age for individuals staying on their parent’s healthcare has been pivotal for my early career and life purpose development.
  20. What would happen if the whole of America shared your opinion, and no one voted?
  21. This is a great post and awesome insights. Are you going to Ralston’s fall workshop? I feel like I have a memory of you saying you were but I can’t remember.
  22. I'm a Personal Trainer/Weekend Fitness Director (I manage the training team on the weekends) at a big box gym. I fell hook line and sinker into the student debt cash cow and graduated with a two degrees. One in Kinesiology and one in Nutrition and $100k in student debt. Current plan is to become a project manager, fully integrate and master Stage Orange as I work in a business setting, while paying off loans. I also am intreguid by learning how to manage micro and macro systems simultaneously, which a project manager would certainly need to be capable of. Plus it pays a hell of a lot more than PT. Even though I love health and fitness, it's not my life purpose. My Life Purpose is to help others become conscious of their authentic self by essentially guiding them towards deeper and deeper levels of self understanding on emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels. I'd like to find a way to open up a retreat like setting that does meditation, contemplation, and perhaps even psychedelic retreats once psychedelics are fully legal, and create workshops. But this is a long term, 15-20+ years down the line goal that requires a shit ton of personal development on a multitude of levels.