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Posts posted by Shadowraix

  1. I've found great use from MDMA. It can really help you deeply explore your emotions and how you are feeling. MDMA helped me realize some really fundamental trauma that prevented me from connecting and loving people as deeply as I wanted to. When I figured that out, I was just crying in happiness. My first candyflip (LSD + MDMA) experience also was very beneficial. The colors and feelings and my way of thinking was so mind fuckery. Seeing the paradox and I felt like I experienced a glimpse of being absolute infinity. You probably will want to be around people but I did most of my MDMA doses alone and called a friend if I really wanted to talk.

    17 hours ago, Gabriel Antonio said:

    I don't have experience with MDMA, but from what I read, it's a dangerous drug.

    Having so many options with psychedelics, why would you choose a drug that can mess up with your brain chemistry?  

    You haven't read up on it enough. If you aren't doing high doses, you stay in cool temps, and wait like 3 months at least ideally between doses its no more dangerous than your classic psychedelics. Its a very unique drug in its capability to let you access emotions compared to psychedelics. There is concern for neurotoxicity, but use the drug sparingly and you won't have a problem at all. Treat it like a vacation. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, TheBeachBionic said:

    I'm scared I might never date or have sex because of my level attractiveness and that's hideous.

    Attractiveness is RELATIVE

    Let that sink in.

    Nothing can factually tell you you are beautiful or ugly. In fact I would say everybody is both! Thats exactly what makes it relative.

    You're trying to derive self worth in what other people think of your attractiveness level and how many/much boyfriends and sex you have.

    If you don't ever have a boyfriend that is FINE

    If you don't ever have sex that is FINE

    NEITHER are necessary for a happy life.

    Your own fear over this stuff you are creating. Do you see this? You create your own suffering.

    I doubt the person who called you the ugliest woman in the world has seen every single woman to exist on this planet. This is enough to 2nd guess on if you should really consider who is telling you that. And if they are telling you that then they likely have some ulterior motive.

    People will call other people a bitch and ugly even if they find them smoking hot if they have something against them.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Mirror of Confusion said:

    What is right and what is wrong? It is the perspective I actually have so how can it be wrong? Also you are argumenting with sense. So you believe that things should make sense?

    This is exactly my point.

    I'm trying to get some idea across to you and the perspective you are seeing it in is making it increasingly difficult to do so. If you can't match the perspective of the person talking then you will likely end up in a downspiral of confusion.

    Its like looking at the nondual paradigm from the materialist paradigm. Looking at a 1 sided window from the blind side.

    There is no right or wrong. No should or should not from the nondual perspective. But when I say you aren't looking at it from the right perspective I am trying to convey that to understand what they are trying to get across you may need a perspective shift.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Mirror of Confusion said:

    Some questions that pop up after seeing the video:

    1. Why do enlightened people teach their knowledge/wisdom to students and write books? Don't they just "believe" that there is somebody to teach this stuff to?

    2. Isn't practicing techniques like Kriya Yoga highly conceptual? Some of us assume that there are things like chakras and visualize energy going up and down the spine. Hocus-Pocus? Vipassana Meditation seems more accurat because it wants you to see the reality as it is (scanning the body "objectively" and observe sensations/feelings).

    3. Why is Leo talking about getting "deeper" into the truth/consciousness in some videos? Does deepness exist actually when the most real thing is watching my hand as it is?

    4. What is quality? Why do we say something has a qualitatively higher/lesser value? Is it just a feeling? Why does a picture of Mona Lisa seem qualitatively higher than a poster from a random artist in my kitchen? Is there something behind it? Some deepness/quality?

    Your questions seems to be due to not looking at it from the right perspective. We're using language and so often times we use words to try and get a point across that may not make much sense from a nondual perspective.

  5. How many times are you going to make a new thread about these problems? This is like the 5th time now. In which none of them truly expands on the problem more.

    You've been given a lot of advice but you hardly engage.

    Are you here to vent or get advice? If its advice, you need to apply it. Leo has many videos on improving self-pessimism.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Samra said:

    To me, it seems that we are using the "all is possible, infinity, the Truth, all is illusions, nothingness, ... " to shot down the wondering. Isn't the point to be in the state of Not-knowing? When you shot down a sense of wondering by saying everything is possible and it's all nothingness , in fact you are refusing to admit that you just don't know. That's another way of saying : I already know all the answers. 

    Infinity wouldn't be infinity if it excluded something.

    All is possible is not making a definite claim of something being present in our experience of reality though.

  7. On 10/4/2018 at 9:54 AM, Key Elements said:

    If you never want that marriage certificate, that's fine. It's your choice. It's a good decision. But, just keep in mind that some ppl are married to each other not just for the sake of getting benefits. They do love each other, and their love runs deep. A marriage certificate isn't the thing that's holding them together. All in all, it's just a piece of paper. They don't fear that.

    There are always two sides to the same coin.

    Then, there are those who stay together for years without the certificate, only to breakup in the end for whatever reason.


    When ppl hear of other ppl loving each other, they only have their own definitions of what that means. And so, ppl are on all sides when it comes to the definition of love, right? Why not?

    I think this clip explains love the best:

    It also works for the dating world and also for intimate relationships. Most ppl that you run into will only end up coming and going. If you truly want to find that root, then you got to develop yourself to that level to attract one. And, if you do find that root, then the both of you could develop even further and go from root to trunk. To me, he forgot to mention trunk. A trunk is a non-quitter who is well-rounded and could solve many problems easily. Trunks are extremely rare.

    Yes, from what I understand marriage is an expression of their love. But it seems to be a very culture-based practice. You can express love in a indefinite amount of ways. I often shrug aside culture to try and find my most authentic expression of such affection.

  8. 9 hours ago, TheBeachBionic said:

    I'm scared I might never find a boyfriend or have sex because my level of attractiveness is hideous.

    You don't give people much to work on. You make these threads, give very vague and undetailed replies to them, then make a new thread to a very similar degree of the previous thread.

    If you are trying to seek advice and help you gotta engage in the discussion.

  9. Rationality is based on pattern based thinking with rules. Thats what "reason" seems to be at its core. And so rationality is conforming to reason or such rulesets.

    So as SoonHei put it, its entirely relative.

    The conclusions people come to here are actually using rationality to contemplate things.

    To say if the separating of things is something you artificially create the result must be that there is no actual separation. All is one. This is using rational thinking to come to such conclusions.

    A better application is to contemplate what rationality is and even reason down to its core.

  10. 2 hours ago, Emanyalpsid said:

    Read it thoroughly and try to see what I try to explain. The non-duality of existence is not only non-dual because the ego creates an separation. But it is also non-dual because it (infinite consciousness, absolute infinity) does not exist upon itself. It requires deep investigation to see this.

    Existence/nonexistence is also a illusory duality.

    1 minute ago, Shin said:

    The real horror is going to retreat and spiritual stuff session and being the only person below 30 when everyone is at least 40.

    Or is it ?

    So much cougars offered on a silver plate ???

    I want to go to vipassana or whatever but my nearest one is a couple of states away. I'm probably go in my early 20s as im just turning 20.

  11. 2 hours ago, Emanyalpsid said:


    Hey dude, you're basically shouting to people in a church that God does not exist. Here they all believe they are god, or infinite consciousness or absolute infinity, because of their non-duality experience and their believe in enlightenment. They all abandoned reality to stay in their mind bubble, thinking it is all consciousness. Spare your time and energy, they are beyond salvation. I also tried to reach them with no results. Read these topics and see how they, by ignoring reality, are attached to their believe in infinite consciousness because they do not understand the nature of it. They believe in a truth (infinite consciousness), which they defend by coming up with arguments, instead of focussing on reality. So, they are all happy in their minds as long as they don't have to deal with reality, by ignoring it or dismissing it as ignorant. I trew everything out of reality at them, but they keep holding on.

    There is a test however to verify if consciousness is infinite or that it is created by the brain; by slamming someone on the head with a baseball bat to see which prevails; consciousness or the brain. However, while they are so convinced, no one volunteers to take this test... I wonder why ;)

    The difference is, they will stay on this forum and you will leave. This is their Church.

    You claim people abandoned reality yet you are comparing that to your own perception of reality.

    The thing about infinity is that all perspectives represent some facet of truth.

  12. unconscious behavior I would describe as behavior in which your mind just sort of "shuts off" so to speak or your awareness is extremely limited.

    Egotistical tendencies for example tend to be unconscious because they still separate themselves from everything else. Its like tunnel vision. But there are many facets to being "conscious" so you can be conscious in one thing but unconscious in another.

    Of course to call someone unconscious is a highly relative term. Unconscious people can be highly conscious compared to unconscious people of some higher degree.

  13. 44 minutes ago, RiseAbove said:

    That looks really cool.

    Newcomers might prefer a linear guide though.

    Its not the preferred route as everybody has their own problems to work on and such needs to be adjusted but a lot of people operate in a linear fashion and can get overwhelmed by indecisiveness.

  14. 4 hours ago, TheBeachBionic said:

    He thinks I won't ever find a boyfriend  and that no guys will want to have sex with me because my level of attractiveness is hideous.

    So whats the problem? Thats what that one person thinks. They likely have something against you. Some agenda which is why they are saying those things.

    One person says you're ugly. Another says you're beautiful. Who do you believe? You could say it relies on perspective. :) 

    If perspective varies that widely why try and appeal to humanity as a whole?

  15. I think the problem here is people get these terms mixed up.

    When people say I am conscious they usually equate it to self awareness or along those lines.

    When you say all is consciousness you are essentially referencing the most fundamental form of everything.

    Yes the brain probably creates your ability to think and be self aware and so on. But that brain is made out of consciousness you see. So its behavior and functionality is a direct extension of consciousness!

  16. 5 hours ago, Consilience said:

    What’s really ironic about the idea that spirituality is escapism is that for me, I literally hit the limit of rationality and modern science which pushed me to explore alternative explanations of reality and consciousness. It had zero to do with escape and everything to do with discovering truth. You should watch Leo’s blog on metaphysics and epistemology.


    Look into the hard problem of consciousness, contemplate the true profundity of the idea that the map is not and can’t ever be the territory by definition, really wrap your mind around the fact that symbolic representation is always SYMBOLIC, eg not the thing it represents. Science, language, rationality are contingent upon ralationships and concepts, they are LITERALLY nothing more the constructs within the domain of mind. Reality is being itself though, not mental activity.


    Best advice I could give is go down the rabbit hole of rationality. You’ll eventually become so rational you’ll have no choice but to see the limits, and flaws of logic and reason and why using the traditional systems of thought you’ve been programmed with since birth wont cut it if you want to really understand the absolute nature of reality.


    And in the end, become so rational you become a mystic because that’s where it will ultimately lead. 

    Yep. +1 A lot of people who criticize this stuff hasn't actually put deep thought and effort into pursuing this stuff. So they see the very surface level. Its like a kneejerk interpretation without truly trying to figure out what the person means. 

    Viewing nonduality through a materialistic lens is like trying to see the other side of a 1 sided window from the blind side.

    Prior to nonduality I was a very skeptical atheist. I pursued nonduality solely because I wanted to understand this perspective being shared and just under a year of following this path I have found great progress.


    11 hours ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

    Leo spouts nondual nonsense that's even dangerous, such as saying that psychedelic drugs "enlighten" you.

    Thats not dangerous in of itself. Psychedelic drugs can genuinely give you a lot of insight. For instance it was psychedelics that showed me I blindly followed my culture. Such as what was and wasn't proper attire for certain situations. Thats not based in fact thats a subjective opinion based in culture. A lot of our morality also derives from that. This is something you can rationalize even from a hard materialist perspective. It strips a lot of social programming and you can dig very deep into yourself.

    Its been stated many times to

    1. Do your research before doing a drug.

    2. Psychedelics can definitely give you delusional thoughts. This is why the integration period in sobriety is important.

    3. Psychedelics aren't guaranteed to enlighten you. They simply just have a high capacity to do so.

    You can give advice after advice on how to do a drug safely but there will always be people who don't heed warnings. Which at that point I'm not going to blame Leo for it. Psychedelics for this kind of work has been used for centuries. Probably longer.

    If you shrug off psychedelics because its a drug then you are simply putting too much value into sobriety over altered states of consciousness. Neither is more accurate than the other ;)