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Everything posted by tenta

  1. But you need to go one step further and be one of the people smiling while they're hit by the nuclear strike.
  2. Well that's one of the drawbacks of the fact that you don't get notifications when someone replies to you, I didn't tag you in my original comment Every teaching boils down to nothing, (not even true or false, and that's a duality, just absolute nothing) this is basically why this video has the most potential to be controversial and groundbreaking, Leo even says "why am I even talking to you?" and says that a lot of stuff he said previously will be directly contradicted I don't know if he'll still make the conscious politics video or not since that thread was posted before the latest video
  3. I mean did he experience omniscience first hand while awakening
  4. Also how do cults like this get started? Does one person just start talking to people and convinces them to join?
  5. People who want you to walk on eggshells or not question are never your friend, and there are many, many like that
  6. Can you give one reason it's heaven and not hell? Or how heaven can exist without hell?
  7. I did shamanic breathing for 20 minutes and nothing happened
  8. Not an argument, just a circular-reasoning fallacy (literally) pulled from one of Jordan Peterson's lectures, since Mao Tse Tung was human, it doesn't mean being human is a diabolical
  9. I'm not into that but it can be stage green
  10. Yes, stage yellow politics content would be good
  11. What do you mean by "Father"? Are you part of a cult?
  12. Taken right out of the worst Jordan Peterson speech you could think of, saying that those on the top of a hierarchy are hardworking, spoiler alert: they're not, they're privileged... thinking that those on top of a hierarchy are morally superior, spoiler alert: North Korea If you think bill gates or elon musk would be successful while not having the advantages they had, it's an amazing example of why self deception knows no bounds
  13. Because you don't have 7/10+ social skills or they're chasing you in a work environment
  14. Nationalism is just an illusion created because people want to feel superior or have a sense of pride for something nobody can control
  15. Leo Gura has an unhealthy stage orange and blue shadow, especially with the nonsense talk of "everything is good with a capital G and nothing is bad" which is the dumbest duality/hypocrisy we've seen out of him, and admits to wanting subscribers and views badly Aside from also saying you should chase enlightenment even tho everything is meaningless, because his ego (and this is actually very difficult to do) cannot admit nihilism, even alleged "nihilists" argue for meaning with everything they can Also contrary opinions like that blackpill video are shut down, yet he claims to be stage yellow, no matter how you look at it this forum has cult dynamics
  16. That's not what they're saying, they're saying the sexual market was better back then.
  17. That wouldn't mean we have free will in any way. And yes there are strong arguments for determinism
  18. INTP can easily be orange.
  19. I laughed my ass off when I saw it. Mad?
  20. How would this work? What force would your mind be using to make you levitate? And it's kind of convenient that you'd only be levitating instead of being able to fly in any direction. Because Leo mentioned if he saw a yogi levitating he wouldn't be that shocked because he kind of already knew it was possible, Aleister Crowley also said somewhere that he saw a roommate levitating, but there are no videos whatsoever of levitation or any supernatural abilities nor any full proof, at least that I've seen.
  21. double reply.... note that I've said nothing inflammatory and u got mad over a valid point/question.
  22. Literally never said that, don't try to debate online until you grow out of calling people idiots randomly while not even bothering to consider perfectly valid points before jumping to personal insults, you just come off as aggressively ignorant.
  23. Lol... that would imply you could levitate effortlessly. I was asking exactly how it translates into levitation and since your mind can materialize things effortlessly, why isn't levitation effortless?