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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Here we are still climbing that mountain
  2. @winterknight What does "previous life" mean, and does this imply a soul (or memory bank)?
  3. Update: I'm still processing some things. Had some insights that at least shed some light on who I am not. I am not a thinker or a doer. In fact there's no me to do those things, only a bunch of me-thoughts pretending they are in control. Much thanks to @winterknight and my guide on for pointing me towards this. (and @Telepresent too ) This video is unrelated, but wanted to share it because I think there's some beauty in the juxtaposition between words (language) and the visual representations:
  4. @winterknight I'm sure these insights are very basic, but they sure feel good when it happens. Enjoy the ride they say.
  5. @winterknight I hope I don't embarrass myself, but here goes. Please correct me! I have seen that all thoughts are me-thoughts, because all thoughts are about how this thought relates to "me". In this sense, everything I view around me (more thoughts) and touch and feel (even more) are included in this false sense of self, as me-thoughts. That means this entire reality I perceive is me, the false I. Not saying reality itself, whatever that is, but just the one these me-thoughts are thinking about.
  6. @winterknight what was your work schedule like for the past few years pursuing this? Are you married? Kids? If not, would you see yourself getting this far this soon with wife or kids / busy schedule? I know you've mentioned many times before you do not identify with Maya, but for the shits and giggles, do you like Maya? Or at least does that body's stream of me - thoughts like Maya? Do they still get some kind of excitement for it? Have you had mystical experiences?
  7. Gotcha, thank you.... Yeah "I" feel sorry for them (wow that's Meta)
  8. @winterknight what happens if this particular stream of me-thoughts does not... Whatever... Become enlightened or whatever... Is it important to do this or is it just kindu of (or very) cool?
  9. @winterknight is there, at any point, a thinker of thoughts?
  10. It would probably be of no use to you at this point, (whatever the hell that means). But it covers alot of topics from quantum physics and interpreting the books of jed McKenna. But that's still only a small part of what it covers, and I'm only about halfway through. It's a free e-book on Amazon and not short. He uses an analogy of being in the theater, which is a play on Plato cave. ( There are the ones who are (falsely assumed) stuck in chains and identify with the movie being played, and there are those who have stood up and wandered to the back of the theater. He says that all teaching or what not is just happening in the back of the theater. Then there are those that exit the theater altogether. He likens this to entering the cocoon stage of becoming a butterfly, whereas emerging as a butterfly is enlightenment. The ones identifying with the movies are larvae, and the ones who wander the theater are caterpillars. Of course I probably screwed that up all too hell so of course the book explains it better. Well anywho the only use it would probably be of to you is to expand your mind on certain ways to express what you have learned (and unlearned), not that you really need any help with that.
  11. I know you aren't asking me over here, but kind of reminds me of synesthesia
  12. @winterknight Thank you so much for helping to evolve the understanding of serious seekers on this forum. I am selfish and want you to keep this thread going forever! Especially as more questions arise. So funny the mob mentality when you first opened this thread.... hopefully everyone's off topic banter on here won't get this thread closed. Please bear with us for at least a few more days, I can really sense the rise in understanding already across the forum, and my own. Conversing with you, and my guide on liberation unleashed forum, "I" had a glimspe into no-self (no thinker) the other night. I know its only the beginning, but so glad its begun. Oh, have you read "Butterflies are free to fly", by Stephen Davis?
  13. Thank you! I'm currently wanting a therapist for that reason. What type of therapist should I seek?
  14. @Wisebaxter if you want to experience 'no-self', there is a forum where a person like winterknight will step by step guide you to this realization, with no judgements to how silly your replies may start out. You can at least go on there and comb through the archives to get some cool insights and answers (though answers are crap without experiencing it for yourself. Answers you read or hear can only point you towards the realization experience, after which these answers take on a new context and meaning. )
  15. @Wisebaxter well, definitely don't go by what I said... But that's how it seems to "me"
  16. @Leo Gura thank you! @Wisebaxter I think : within the context of Maya (illusion, hallucination, etc) , there are lots of human mothers giving birth to human babies, none of which need a "you". These human bodies have brains or minds or whatever, which interprets the constant rise and fall of thoughts, and then there is the perception or awareness of these interpreted thoughts, still none of which can be labeled as a "you". The you that you think you are is like a mixture of this awareness of the thoughts and these interpreted thoughts by human mind. But even that isn't a you because ultimately there is no you, because that implies a separation from the infinite Self. I really hope someone replies and corrects the hell out of that....
  17. @Mikael89 how long have you been feeling abandoned by God like this? Is it something new or does it come and go?
  18. @winterknight when getting psychoanalyzed, what is being analyzed? The mind? The mind of what? The brain of the particular body? Because of how it interprets the thoughts it perceives? If there is no I, (as far as the one being identified with/mistaken as thoughts), then what is being analyzed? And for what purpose?
  19. @winterknight within Maya, if we were to akowledge it, what is memory, where is it stored, (brain, body, somewhere else?) and what is its relation to thought? What is a human, and why do they seem to be different than other animals?
  20. Yes, can you elaborate? It's just that many things seem to be propelled by story. A life. Ideas. When observing thoughts, many of them seem to cluster in favor of a story, as if propelled to do so. Stories seem to be a large part of experience. Self must love a good story....or at least a good laugh..
  21. @winterknight it seems that when observing thoughts, they take on a random train of subject matter, or otherwise follow a succession of thoughts that build upon each other. By holding a certain intention in mind, the thoughts that arise tend to be about that intention, which I refer to as - "I am steering these thoughts toward so and so." Am I searching for this I that can steer these thoughts, or is it an illusion that "I" can do this? Also, are thoughts consecutive, or am I only perceiving them in a consecutive order? (that's probably a silly question, you don't have to answer that)
  22. @winterknight thank you! Why do we like a good story? I hope that makes sense... I can elaborate if you wish...
  23. Ok. Could you give a beginners explanation to that method? Sorry, this thread is long so you can just link to one if you've already covered it.
  24. @winterknight I've understood about the idea of me for a while now. But I still struggled with feeling like an I. Feeling like the thinker of thoughts. But what clicked is that there is only thoughts of an I, not an I(persona). Only the thoughts. No thinker. Even now as this is being typed, it is a succession of thoughts which does this, not I. Again, please straighten me out if needed. I will find the I that observes. Thank you.