Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @universe can you extrapolate a little on what you mean? Also with where I want to go with it, actually I want to specialise in mental health, purpose, spirituality and general strategy. So many people have imbalanced lives, I was one of them. I know how much it would've helped me to have an affordable life coach for young men in particular help me out when I was going through hell. My LP statement is: using god, spirituality and strategy to help people fix their entire lives. I want to help people fix the broken arm that is more often than not, their life.
  2. @Thought Art thank you for your advice bro much appreciated:)
  3. The golden age for stage orange is videos that are 6-8 years old. I personally love these videos and revisit them a lot.
  4. yeah im personally waiting until im not having the hard times anymore to trip again, also waiting until my business starts up and waiting for more stability before i trip again
  5. good shit my dude, love to see it!
  6. Religion isint the right term. The word religion roughly means a system of ideas and beliefs held. Enlightenment is not ideas and beliefs. That is I suppose it we use Google's definition. You have to remember mate, religions were the thing that brought law and order to our world for hundreds of years before stage orange started getting going. So it's only expected that a lot of peeps respect their civilisations ancestral root. It obviously all revolves around jesus. The thing is, I am jesus
  7. - take Leo's life purpose course - you can also brain storm social hubs; new jobs, new church, new Buddhist temple (the mahayana Buddhists have kadampa centers dotted through the world, you could look it up), try dating apps and psychedelics (only if you can handle them). Psychs create more connections in the brain and thrust creativity forward rendering your ability to identify, isolate and solve problems improved. Don't attach yourself to people who are Gona drag you down bro.
  8. @HMD yeah he's a little aggressive, but who the fuck cares. He's giving us free teachings on how to orient your entire life and not to mention enlightenment. I think there is a place for gentleness, as is what the scripture says of the fruit of the spirit. Galatians 5:22-26 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control." --- But saying that I have no doubt that he is gentle in his personal life, and kind and good and patient. But we arent in his personal life we're in his professional life and it seems that his personality is simply very aggressive. Theres nothing wrong with correctly placed aggression. An aggressive frontal attack on the beaches of D-Day would be considered a successful execution of tasks. And let's not kid ourselves, enlightenment is already hard enough to understand...there is no hope in hell I would have experienced nirvana without his aggressive teachings. Ultimately he'll resonate with some ...and others maybe not. He's still a boss
  9. Fuck, the fear can be very palpable. You preface your 5meo trips with a [good] dose of [high purity] MDMA. Dr. Martin Ball writes in his book about the people he did basically guided psychedelic trips with took mdma before a dmt or 5meo(/analogue) trip. I actually personally reached out to one of Martin's facilitators and they said they did it a lot, it's not even an amber warning it's a yellow "caution" area. But don't take mdma more than once every three months or you run the risk of developing dependency. Also be aware of this...Leo is way more advanced than us, he's extremely strong. Try to differentiate good pain and bad pain...like in the gym...if you feel like certain chems or whatever put too much unhealthy strain on your mind just recognise it. You don't want to pull an egoic muscle
  10. Or next year?
  11. @Schizophonia i duno bro, my intuition says that there is a place for human level love. look at leos apology on his vlog, he says he now is very caring towards the suffering of all other sentient beings
  12. god is very special, it is so special that its amazing
  13. One thing I've realized personally is that there are hidden benefits with following traditional paths. There are also more disadvantages than advantages [in terms of power] when not having the likes of Leo's teaching to mix in. But the advantages are that a path that is specific, and a path that you have deduced is accurate and correct...will synthesize very elegantly together different practises and form a very followable step by step plan usually. This can provide a very good frame work of understanding... especially concerning some of the small details and fine print. Leo's video catalog is absolutely powerful and amazing but he has to cover so much powerful stuff he can't afford to spend hours an hour's and hours going into the nitty gritty of each detail. Buddhism is something I'm getting into more recently. It's definitely helpful in terms of stabilizing the mind and creating a more balanced beginner to intermediate slope rather than just blasting yourself with the most powerful mind altering substances on earth lol. As good as that is. And as necessary as that is in the later stages.
  14. one of martin balls 5meo ceremony facilitators recommends a substance called "diphenhydramine" for symptoms of serotonin syndrome. its an antihistamine, can get from doctor. But me and obeler actually did a bit of research together about martin balls trials with m + 5 combo, complete removal of fear...is pretty cool. but dude take it easy, massive doses of mdma arent necessary, whatever gets you just to the point of solid love and fearlessness. But also beware of mdma. its obviously still addictive and its also notoriously impure, getting rocks off the 74rkn3t would probably be safe enough with trusted rating and lots of reviews. people usually recommend only taking m once every three months max. the complete removal of fear is pretty cool...but careful you dont accidentally throw yourself deeper than you are meant to...your inhibitions would have otherwise prevented you from going too far. have to consciously exercise wisdom when under the influence of stuff like m. (btw if your still having difficuilties after like 2.5 weeks you can get quick release antipsychotics or benzos for short term from doc to...just be careful what you tell your doctor, medical reports can be accessed for certain things, maybe just say it came on naturally)
  15. So I don't know if anyone else is actually posting about this but Leo had a pretty insightful blog post recently entitled "Apology 1" wherein he articulates a new understanding that he's been lacking sensitivity, compassion and general, human level goodness. I've recently been formally introduced to a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that teaches in depth techniques regarding the human heart, compassion, gentleness, kindness and regular selflessness. It's very interesting that Leo's posted this just lately in his blog. Leo, your our hero bro. Thank you for being vulnerable enough to post that. As it turns out, it feels nice to be compassionate and gentle I've found. There is of course a place for more old school Buddhist style approaches, whipping, canning etc. The language of love and motivations powered by love [as opposed to fear] are the only ones that are realistic and long term oriented (as even described in the life purpose course, eliminating negative motivations module). My question is this, are we going to get to see this beautiful new side of Leo? revelations of love, tender compassion and kindness. I'd love to learn more about these new ideas. With deep respect, and compassion for your suffering, God.
  16. you sir, have a bad batch. when you get proper 5meo, it will be like a nuclear bomb to the left eyebrow
  17. Just another thank you friend. You are absolutely brill. Your work has given me the strength I need and will need in the future. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have the utmost respect for you, my teacher. I love you man
  18. This is quite a key point for me, because it's hard to identify the difference between regular mental health issues and insights of power and authentic spirituality. For example what is the difference between Depersonalization (the category of mental illness relating to the sense that you are not real) and an awakening into the truth of no self (the realisation that you are not real). And the same for the sense of a real external reality... I'm hoping to get an objective answer. ---------------------------------------------------- Leo, is the defining factor you use to distinguish these two [similar sounding] phenomena, purely a matter of remaining functional as a human?
  19. I have never experienced depersonalization or derealization myself personally. I suppose the truth will set me free and it will bring to nothing simultaneously. Just not the nothing I currently imagine. But I will definitely be seeking it. We don't need to worry about falling into a trap of seeking that which cannot be found...we have 5meo analogues. There is something extremely real to be sought and found and its magnitude is greater than we can all imagine. I suppose we're finding the ballance. Recognising that the ego can be dissolved whilst the body and mind and human dream can continue with full health, socialisation, growth and penetrating success. Almost like we can have our cake and eat it
  20. @Moksha awesome words I like your description of healthy ego dissolution. So it is connected to functionality. The individual remains functional, if anything he will be leaps and bounds ahead of where he was originally in terms of functionality. In one way I suppose to look at it, awakening doesent eradicate the requirements to feed and nurture the body and mind. The self remains but it is seen through as illusory and fictitious. And I suppose becoming aware that the dream or "movie" of life is just an illusory story could only motivate one to develop and create a great movie! For its own beauty
  21. i remember how you said one time, @Leo Gura, that awakening can be done incorrectly very easily and in many different ways. I suppose its a matter of ones own intuition to determine healthy growth vs unhealthy growth (or premature stress)...
  22. Its quite scary for the ego, this loopy feeling everything feels like it's getting dark and heavy sometimes. It makes my jaw clench. I've noticed that certain intelligent people intentionally don't push too far, I think because they fear what's there. Any wisdom or advice regarding how to deal with this kind of thing, or if it sounds healthy or unhealthy. PEACE