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Everything posted by vibv

  1. @Brandon Nankivell If YOU were enlightened, evil wouldn't exist anymore.
  2. @The Don You are not allowed to say everything you want unpunished - and that's a good thing. What about defamation, insults, verbal abuse, commission of a crime, direct inciting of violence, etc. -- just to name a few.
  3. Ya .. that’s too good to be true. It’s not real, though. Heard an interview with the guy in the video, and he said it was just an early YouTube art project.
  4. @Michael Bertoni Where do I find answers to any of my questions to you there?
  5. @Romer02 Thank you for the tip. Gonna look into it.
  6. @ColeMC01The current internet is just great for building information bubbles. And the incel community is great at encouraging themselves to lay the blame on society .. or just women in general. That's just too easy! Instead of taking responsibility, like a conscious being would, they just delight themselves in guilt shifting and being bitter about life that treats them oh so unfairly. It's not that hidden of a psychology. It's blatantly obvious identification with their role as a victim, and thus being morally above the rest and in a position to justify their violence against evil femininity and society at large. An ego trip par excellence, unconsious as fuck and thus perpetuating their own misery.
  7. Welcome to the forum! What do you mean exactly by "knowledge worker" and how do you want to achieve your vision for the future? How do you define success for them and how do you want to help them with it?
  8. Not to be the party pooper here .. but all I can think about is the book „So Good They Can‘t Ignore You“ by Cal Newport. It essentially says: Do what‘s in your Zone Of Genius - that‘s something you are above everyone else qualified to do because of your very unique skillset. People won‘t pay you for something that you like to do, but for something you can give them that nobody else can. I’d say in my own words: Follow your passion is great and all - but do it strategically. Maybe just the right thing to do is working a job just to make money to finance your dream - if it leaves enough room for your passion project and the alternative is being dependent on your family. If that’s not an option at least have a really solid plan how to make money with your passion. You shouldn’t just expect things to work out by themselves.
  9. There are movies in there you can buy? I almost completed the course and I didn’t purchase any movies, just some books here and there.
  10. @vinc3nc It took years before I could enjoy psychedelic substances again. But now it's better than ever. It will be just totally clear that I'm God. It honestly just feels like the intelligence available to me gets boosted. That doesn't mean that it's not possible to get entangled in some egoic story or something like that and experience a little bit of self-created hell and suffer. But that's only when I didn't prepare enough, and it will not happen again even when I trip right after with a proper mindset. To surrender or not is the only difference.
  11. @BakeJeyner I feel you. Was at a very similar point in my past. Turns out it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me, but that took me years to realize. But eventually it happened - and it will happen for you, too, someday. Meditate. Take your time. Take it easy. Relax. I can tell you: It's all gonna be good. You're in for quite some surprises. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
  12. Woah .. do you really trust yourself so little?
  13. Okay. It's like this: You don't really want to stop. Why else would you keep doing it? Why do you even want to stop? It's obviously not clear enough. There's something that it seems to give you. That's what you feel. Examine that! Do the action .. but do it as consciously as possible. Once it's totally clear that you want to stop, it will be very easy. The suffering results because you experience a division inside yourself. One part wants to stop but the other wants to keep doing it. Do it totally - and then stop totally.
  14. @PurpleTree I think you forgot the /s
  15. @Craigxt22 Don't force yourself to trip. Integrate thoroughly. Grounding is very important with the psychedelic approach. You could trip once a week for a while and then take a break. Do what feels right! For most people it's probably not advisable to trip all the time. If it feels right, do it. If not, please don't. It's not about the number of trips, but about their depth.
  16. I, too, had some strange dreams like that a few months before my intellectual awakening (seeing with my mind how everything is consciousness), and a few years before actual deep emotional awakenings (actually feeling that everything is consciousness, and realizing what that means). So .. just keep at it. This right now are merely preliminary tremors at best.
  17. @SonataAllegro You gotta be kidding me Nice! I'm working on a psychedelic musical play which will be performed at a live event. I will be wearing the mask you see as my avatar and live-perform by playing the Piano as well as singing, dancing and narrating the story to partly pre-produced music, ambient as well as danceable electronic music, whatever the story at that moment calls for. The goal is to reach a collective orgasmic state by transcending the emotions we're being moved through by the music and by actively dancing and singing and thus experiencing communion and essentially God together. Being on a psychedelic will be very helpful here. It's not a must but it will be strongly hinted at that this event is especially made to be on one. It will be called - the vibvent. More details will follow soon. I plan on starting a YouTube channel where I document the process from my vision I have right now to the first realized events. I already have over an hour of pure music and am currently writing the story, song texts, and planning and rehearsing some ideas how the event can be conducted, and what to say to bring everyone attending on the same page and so on. I'm already doing a few very first alpha version on my own, and will in the foreseeable future extend it to a small group of people - and then finally someday hold one publicly, accessible by any interested person. But this is a long way to go. What do you plan, if I may ask? Did my description match anything you also intend to do?
  18. @SonataAllegro Music is the purpose. That's what makes it very alike to Life itself. And it's also what makes it go beyond science and logic. Today science is being seen as "hard" and "real" and "practical" while music is allusive and "soft" and not so important in comparison. Maybe there's a future where this notion will be switched. I'm working on it
  19. You are God. That's why your perceived limitations are of course your creation. It's like asking: "Can God create a rock that he can't lift." The answer is yes. And you're experiencing it right now.
  20. @Behrad You could. But you are too used to it. It's not so easy to break habits. If it was our society would look much different. You could wear glasses that show you everything upside down for a few weeks. That would then become your new normal. In this way it's by the way possible to do what you want! The method has only to be believable to you.
  21. And again .. what advice exactly are you looking for here? If you just want to go on a whim .. do it. If you want to be strategic .. ask better question.
  22. But how will you make a million dollars if you don't have a plan? Do you have something which you would call your life purpose? Moving to NY could be integrated into that I suppose. But I don't think that NY as the be all end all - so to speak as your sole life purpose - will gonna cut it.