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Everything posted by RareGodzilla
RareGodzilla replied to Husseinisdoingfine's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This reminds me—there was a political debate on our Slovene national TV, and the super pro-capitalist stage orange guy complained that the state has grown so big that it's way bigger than it was douring socialism. Of course that's a nice perk of letting people manage themselves. Hell, we might be able to get Elon Musk to like the idea if we package it the right way. -
That's a really good question. I'm sure that the answer is complex, but here are my thoughts as somebody who distantly dealt with unions. I feel that in a way blue collar work has some aspects that foster unions. Working a phsyical job tends to build up a feeling of unity really fast. Often times these jobs are super vital for the function of society. The state will literally shut down if the railways, roads, power, water etc stops working. The collective bargening power can give them a very strong leverage. The traditional success of such actions is what helped to build them up in the first place. The existing union tradition goes a long way. There's plenty of conservative minded people who are proud of their union history, having it as part of your culture helps alot. Especially as selling leftist ideas to conservetive minded folks is something the left really sucks at today. Programers and such tend to be much more individualistic. They traditionally had relatively good benefits and standard of living. These jobs flourished at the time of prosperity when unions tended to be in slow decline. There's no union legacy to lean on here, and it's also not possible to copy blue collar union strategy to unionize these kinds of workers. When I talk to these kinds of workers about the prospect of unions it's usually something that they never even thought about as a possibilty.
RareGodzilla replied to ivarmaya's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
America seems like such a mess to me. I have a family memeber who studied IT there and coudn't get a job after graduation. They even moved back to europe because of that. Seems unthinkable to me, america was always the land of opportunity where people went to get rich. It's crazy that a person with a degree from such a perspective sector would move from there to an ex-socialist state. If Trump was smart I'd asume that he's already starting to distract people from the fact that the economy will get worse. Politically it's pretty smart to blame foreing countries for your economic problems and impoverished people are easy to rile up with nationalism. The poorer the place is the more nationalistic they are. However considering it's Trump he's probably going the Biden way and is slowly losing his grip on reality. -
RareGodzilla replied to Whitney Edwards's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
To me this seems like a conflict of interest. No matter how intelegent Musk is, it's a fact that he is an owner of capital. It's in his direct interest to cut any regulations that stifen his company's profit. It's not smart to have such a strong and direct conflict of interest on such an importnat position. -
RareGodzilla replied to Rafael Thundercat's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I don't think it's inherently the nomads who are at fault. The problem is that the neoliberal system does not invest the extra tax revenue from rich nomads into the local community. In the end only a small circle of landlords and business owners (often foreing owned) make huge profits, from them, while all the locals get are low wage hospotality jobs and higher rents and food prices. -
RareGodzilla replied to PurpleTree's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
They actually made a state sponored dating app to help young poeple get to know their potential spouses. https://daoinsights.com/news/china-launches-state-sponsored-dating-app-to-boost-marriage-rate/ I wonder if this is a good Idea. Problem with tinder is that it's not actually in the companies interest to make good couples, it's better for it if we keep coming back. Hence the app ignores personality traits and focuses on looks. I honestly have no Idea what my generation will do. It's obvius that we won't have affordable housing. Landlords don't want pets in their units, letalone a child. And then there's preassure at the workplace to not have childern since the employer wants you to commit full time to your work. -
RareGodzilla replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Inflation will hit us hard, but other than that us lucky 1st worlders have little to fear in terms of being killed. I've meet a couple of Ukranians in 2023 since Slovenia is pretty close to Ukraine and the women and some lucky men are allowed to leave the country. We are so fucking lucky that we don't have to deal with the brutal reality of war. -
RareGodzilla replied to The Redeemer's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I used to be of a similar opinion as you. Drinking, after all is very unhealthy so there is some logic behind your thinking. However, going through life, I learned that drinking in the proper amounts at the proper time has social value. It helps you relax, it makes you talk faster and more, and the fact that you're drinking and allowing yourself to be vulnerable shows that you trust the person you drink with. That's important for bonding with others. You can say things that would normally not be acceptable, and if you make a mistake, alcohol will soften that mistake. It's understandable that people say silly things when drunk, after all. That being said, you can have just as much fun sober, and even more if you're developed enough. Especially pshychodelic users will learn this as they experience alternative states without the numbness that alcholol brings. But you probably won't be able to be this kind of person if you judge the people you're trying to have fun with. Pull the stick out of your ass and have fun -
RareGodzilla replied to Bobby_2021's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Imagine going from a billionare life with the most luxorius lifestlyle and as much pussy as money can buy to living in a romanian prision that has not even been repainted since the communist era. -
obvious troll post.
RareGodzilla replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I'm not an economist, but consider the implications of thousands and thousands of young Americans starting their lives with debt. It makes it much harder to start their own families or open up their own businesses. -
RareGodzilla replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This is actually a bit of popular misconception. While the fins fought really well they did in the end give up all the teritiories that the USSR wanted them too. -
I got 36 points. I'm a bit proud of myself, if I took this test 6 years ago I would have gotten "marked anxiety" no doubt. Pretty good growth, but there's still some way to go.
RareGodzilla replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Individuals can. You're an individual so that's good news for you. But the masses can never do that. The system depends on an army of poor wageslaves working overtime for penauts. If everyone did this actualized thing with not spending money on stupid shit, eating healthy home cooked food, and doing their best to get ahead in life and the system would colapse. There would be a huge recession since the economy depends on you spending your money on stupid shit and wageslaving your life away. You can improve your situation with working hard, but that should not be a valid excuse for the system not growing and improving itself. In fact you should strive for being part of the solution once you manage to get ahead and get some power and influence. -
Mede me full of energy, I would dance for hours and with all the girls that were there. Later had the best sleep in a long time. Next day I felt the need to do more of it, that shit is addictive as fuck even after doing just two lines. That was the moment I decided never to touch that shit again.
RareGodzilla replied to jimwell's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
To some extent, Leo is right, but it's exactly this blind obedience to authority, which might really have been useful at some point, that brought them to the horrible situation that was the Second World War. Which only brought death and poverty for the people. Clearly, authority needs to have checks and balances to prevent abuse and corruption. -
RareGodzilla replied to Razard86's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I don't think they are inherently the same. The main problem is that their campaing is financed by the same people. That's why there is little difference in terms of foreing policy. -
RareGodzilla replied to ChrisZoZo's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
You need stage orange or at least well developed blue society for capitalism to work. In stage red society it won't work. It's kinda like how USA attempted to enforce democracy on stage red/blue countries like Afganistan. It can't work, people don't want it and they are not ready. Same with socialism, it can't work on a stage red or even blue society. People need a higher stage of development in orded for the system to work, socialism is inherently based on solidarity, if everyone is just attempting to give into the system as little as possible and take as much as possible it becomes impossible for the system to work. Even Karl Marx wrote that socialism would come as a step after capitalism. Historic irony had it that socialists only won in semi-feudal countries. -
@Something Funny In a way I agree. It's true that being a hot woman comes with tons of advantages. There's an obvoius advantage to having very high sexual value by mere virtue of your looks. However it comes with a serious downside. Your looks are to some extend luck based. Makeup, fashion, and fitness does a lot, but at the end of a day a 10, wearing a potato sack will be more attractive than a 5 doing her best to look good. Looks also degrade really fast. So I must imagine that loosing your greatest asset in the first third of your life feels kinda lame. As a man there's greater wiggle room to improve. Even an ugly man has insane value if he has status, charisma and personality. And all these you can increase up to 10 with hard work. You can also improve your looks, doesn't help us much, but it's an option. I imagine that it's fair to say that an avrage woman has a better deal in 2023 than an avrage male. However I would rather take my chances with being an avrage looking guy, knowing that I can imrpove my value with hard work.
I think that in the longterm it will free us. We will have time to fish a little in the morning, read some philosophy during the day, and do some painting in the evening. No wagie mcjobs, no hard manual labor, and no silly barista jobs. But this is really far away, far beyond our working lives. While technological innovation is fast, it's not that fast. To some extent, automation also creates new jobs, and with an aging population and a lower birthrate, it actually evens itself out. Take farming, for example. It took 15 people to harvest the field manually with sicles. Today, it takes 1-2 people to operate the machinery to does that. You'd think that this means that there would be 10 unemployed people for every two people doing harvest. But that's not the case. The farmer no longer has 12 children, and the fact that the modern tractor exists means that there are tons of other jobs needed to build and maintain tractors. As far as musicians go, there will be less commercial need for musicians. I wouldn't pay a random artist to make some random background music for a YouTube video if an A.I. could do it just fine for free. But at the same time, A.I. is really far from replacing a live performance. Which is also the place where most money is made in the industry.
RareGodzilla replied to vindicated erudite's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This is a good example of the populism that led to Brexit. Migration actually increased post-Brexit. The immigration argument is just a way they scared the normal working people into voting for it. But the economic elites don't actually care what nationality the workers making their profits is. -
RareGodzilla replied to vindicated erudite's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I find Brexit a nice example of a collective ego reacting to change. The UK is no longer the colonial empire that it used to be. It's merely a regional power that had to work together with the EU. Being in the EU, certain compromises need to be made. The UK did quite well in the EU. Its geographical position and the very accessible English language combined with the EU common market gave it a really good position within the Union. Despite all the advantages, the fact is that the poorer EU states also get a vote and need to be taken into account. In the EU, the richer countries pay more money into the common coffers compared to the poor ones. This is key to keeping the EU working, because clearly the poorer states can't compete with the developed ones on the free market. The developed states actually profit from this. It would be very hard to export to places like Romania if they don't have developed infrastructure. On the long run, the highly developed states are still better off, but on the short run, it's easy to understand how a random British worker can be manipulated into thinking that the poorer states are just leaching off the UK. Despite the UK doing well within the EU, it's still not that hard to understand that it's not that easy to cope with the fact that you're just a piece in the puzzle instead of a great empire. I see Brexit as a natural reaction to that. The UK's political leadership caved in to the demands of the Brexit camp but had no vision as to what exactly a post-Brexit UK would be like. Which has manifested itself in this political crisis of changing leadership with no clear long term goal. The biggest irony is that a move that wanted to give the UK its sovereignty back is making the UK cave to the influence of its former colony, the USA. When they were in the EU, they were bothered by regulations made by the EU parliament, while now the US is making them change their own regulations to suit that of the American market. -
RareGodzilla replied to StarStruck's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
How certain are you about this? Will you move to some third world unaligned south hemisphere country to avoid a nuclar strike? -
RareGodzilla replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I think the host is overgeneralizing the situation. Someone like an artist or a designer can maybe contribute personally to the work and even have a "relationship" with the company's leadership. Since they might have good individual bargaining power, they might not need a union personally. A McDonald's wage slave can only have so much individual input. Unions are very important for these kinds of jobs. Individual barging power of a garbageman is almost 0. However, if all of the garbagemen go on strike, the system stops working. This kind of profession needs collective bargaining. The host compares the workplace to a relationship, seeing a union as being unfaithful. But keep in mind that it's important that the power is balanced in a romantic couple. We don't allow 16 year olds to date their teachers because we are aware that it's not a healthy relationship if one spouse has such power over the other. In business, it's only fair that both parties negotiate in good faith on an equal footing. I also really don't understand this sentiment that people having more free time and better working conditions is a net negative. Bad health caused by overwork is a net negative for society. Bad relationships caused by a lack of time to socialize are a net negative. -
Is there really nothing we can do to make our western governemets ease the sanctions imposed on countries like cuba?