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About paoloww

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  1. Basicly anything from Allan Watts. He is misguided in many fields but hes unprecedented ease in talking about stage turquoise is capturing in words many thoughts that other way would be unspoken (at least for me).
  2. I think the logic here is that you can attain nonegoic state but you still need your ego to comunicate with other beeings(ofc with different relationship with ego when your in turqoise). So if you dont master your ego it will reflect on your relations with other and ultimately on your own mental health/development. Im not sure if Im 100% with this idea but its best Iv got for now. Also I have observation of my own that when I had this turqoise experiences all of my blue/green/orange and yellow parts were gathering ego and the backlash was massive, self deception rose tenfolds for some time. Maybe thats exacly coz of lack of full integration
  3. Today weed is strongly addictive. Proffesional developing of new strains disrupted natural cbd and thc balance, which was actualy counter acting addictive and strongly psychotic effects(look for mellow weed without much kick in it). I am using weed for few years now and althou I can safely say that it impacted my life in many positive ways, I can also say that its something that you should outgrow(at least systematic use) as a person or it can do much dmg to your personal development.
  4. Tried to disagree but you got me. Thx for help. I suspect this notion is just my lack of emotional discipline ,trying to find a reason to do less work and get same results.
  5. Hi, I adressed this issue under utube video for stage yellow but in more personal manner. Lets try destille it a lil bit. Lets assume a person that is somewhere in yellow but has many not integrated parts of other colors. This person also had some deep mistical experiences after which it concluded that it must strip its mind of everything. What could go wrong if this person just sat on his arse for next few years and gradually trough spiritual work striped itself from its ego? Whats the value of integrating other stages completely before striping them away? I understand that some things like neurotical entanglements etc. will eventually be resolved during this spiritual work but there are many very conceptual lessons with little to no use in turqoise IMO.