Etherial Cat

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Everything posted by Etherial Cat

  1. Bio-essentialism is not 'logically consistent', which is why it has been under attack for decades.
  2. Well, you asked me what I fear most. The answer is: everything that leads me to being afraid. Fear is always about refusing an experience. It is a rejection, a resistance of the present moment. I dislike indeed that rejection per se. If fear is not there, there is acceptance. Of course, the emotion of fear is useful to a certain degree. But to know I don't need to put my hand on a hot stove, I don't need to fear it. Fear is useful as long as you aren't mature enough to know whether an experience is dangerous or not.
  3. You might be able to cure it already with something milder, like Retin-a. Have you looked into that? Accutane is much more aggressive.
  4. @Preety_India Hey... It's okay. It's going to be alright. Have hope. This forum is not a reflection of how the whole world functions. This place is full of people who do not value vulnerability and compassion. It's not personal. Most of them don't have it for themselves either. You can't find love and compassion given from those who think it has to be earned. Just like you can't find water in the desert, you can't find much love in a space where people are afraid their love makes them weak. Find for yourself spaces on the internet where the Feminine is valued and cultivate it. Your progress and your resilience is truly impressive. Here is a quote from Matt Kahn: If you're not telling yourself what you are doing right, or telling someone else what they're doing right or telling someone how beautiful and worthy of love that they are; no truth is being a spoken. - Matt Kahn
  5. Trust, Peace, Love, Joy Fear
  6. What is going on? Do you want to express why you feel so hopeless? You know, quite often we want convince ourselves a situation is desperate when things can definitely go better. Do not believe all the thoughts or emotions going through your mind. And do not harm yourself. This too shall pass.
  7. @Michael Jackson Whenever you come down from the trip, I would advise you to have a look at shadow work. Try to precisely identify the emotions under the narrative at play in your mind by the thoughts. After that, do shadow work directed at the targeted emotions. Go through your childhood memories, teenage and adult ones in search for each time you repressed these yourself. Explore particularly highly identified negative emotions, as such as shame, despair, and lack of power. When did you internalize those? Search for them and alchemize out of your body through some emotional release. For instance, I use crying them out a lot. What it makes you feel is probably your own shadow. These are probably internalized feelings and complexes coming at the surface while you trip. Do as much as possible shadow work until you've got them. I think that what people call or perceive as entities are in fact autonomous, disowned part of ourselves coming back in the consciousness. And they feel foreign because of how much we've rejected them. An emotion is like a file holding potentially thousands of thoughts. Delete the file, and the thoughts will be gone. I have noticed for myself that thoughts are stickier when there is a huge emotional charge behind. They get energized and feed out of the emotion. Also be wise. You don't need to use psychadelics if they do not make you feel good. Be gentle with yourself. Lots of love. You've got this.
  8. Great! Thank you for the recommendation, tsuki !
  9. I keep hearing about the I-Ching lately. It's the 3rd time this week, I think it means I must have a look at it. There are stage yellow/turquoise feminist books that discuss the heroin's journey through the prism of an integrated feminine/masculine way of being. You might want to see if you can get any insight from them. These are great books, really. As a woman, I was mind blown to the new reality it opened. So as a man, you might be even more surprise that this way of seeing thing is even a possibility. Here are the two books: The Bridge to Wholeness by Jean Raffa The Heroin's Journey by Maureen Murdock
  10. For the ego to exist, it artificially creates a sense of separation between itself and the rest of the what is. This separation is created by generating fear, which prevents it to merge with the rest of what is- which is infinite love. Fear isolates the ego. This is what we experience as the fear of death, which is the mother of all fears. As life unfolds, we store emotions, thoughts and beliefs in our body and they are then projected outwards, on actuality. What is inside the ego tint our awareness's experience like some colored paper on a lense, and the lens is anyway useless because you can directly experience what you are looking out without resorting to the lens. As human beings we need an ego until we get mature enough to survive without it. It is like a protective shell that unlock with maturity. You spend the first part of your life building your ego, and then when it generates too much suffering and the desire for truth happen you should shed it.
  11. Enlightenment is not a concept. It is actuality. The reason why one needs to deconstruct and get rid of the ego is because the ego is responsible for creating an overlay of unnecessary projection upon reality that are caused by its perpetual underlying feeling of fear.
  12. You divine creature! You surely know how to MAKE LOVE ??. Too much beauty has been spoken. ? I can't handle it. *sigh*
  13. No, you guys are a correct, it also touch females as society shove onto us masculine ideals that are internalized. Hence the recurrent pattern of female hero with a strong masculine orientation. I suffer from it too. True femininity isn't very valued because in order to cater for the masculine hero ideal, we tend to collectively go away from anything perceived as antagonistic to that model. Femininity appears to us to be at odds with it.
  14. Oh yes! I thought I was the only one having a thing for that. That some holistic fapping material. For the soul, the heart, the mind, and the body. Haaaa! I even own a big painting I bought years ago. It just resonates with me a lot.
  15. Sorry to hear that. While I get the issue, I've always thought that this perspective brought spiritual diversity to the forum. I personally benefited from Nahm's work, even though it took me some time so start seeing through his teaching style. To me, it was clear he wasn't for everybody. But those who resonated with him got access to deep wisdom. He's great to remind you of the fundamental, and to remind you that actuality is where it's all at. Thoughts and emotions tint awareness, his teaching is about getting yourself free from that occlusion. Also, it was nice to have someone enlightened around. Kudo to him for his work as a moderator.
  16. @soos_mite_ah I just had a quick look at your journal, and wanted to send you a bit of love and support. Regarding your difficulties with food, I am wondering if you had ever had a look at meal prep kit solutions like "Hello Fresh", to help you with your diet? I have been using them for 3 months now, and I find their meal great. I also shed a few kg, only from the fact that I am eating better in average. In the country I am located, they've got each week some low calorie meals, and you can select your meal by calorie intake if you wish to do so. So that's quite handy. If you are on a budget, it might be pricey but it should be still affordable.
  17. @Karmadhi This girl behaves as if she sense that she's got the upper hand on you. In my opinion, the comments she made were all hinting to that. This type of energy coming from a person you're interested in should get old very quickly. You don't want to engage in that type of dynamic from this position. I think already by the time she reframed the kisses as due to alcohol, you should have shown her threats of disinterest. She also tried to friendzone you by highlighting it was friendly. And she wants to make sure you guys are meeting as a friends... She was into you that night, but now she's trying to backpedale on the whole thing. The good thing is that she clicked enough to hook up with you at least once. Which means she's at least attracted to you. But you've got to get her to respect you. I suggest you to have as a standard that people should be as excited for you as you are for them. When they drift from that principle, you should mirror that energy. And I'm questioning whether she's really worth it, from a personality/attitude standpoint. Overall, that stuff hints at "games" and bullshit on her side. Theoretically, a high value guy should not be interested in that stuff. Of course, you are because you want a girl, but she sense that, and she exploits you to boost her ego. I would restrain contacting her again for now, because you're finding yourself into quite an humiliating position if you keep seeking contact. You need a totally new dynamic with her.
  18. Your own post vs your coherance from one thread to the other @Leo Gura
  19. Philosophy > Spirituality is probably the same as saying that Mind > Consciousness. Philosophy is the art of mind activity in the form of thinking, while Spirituality is the art of Consciousness. Both are important. But at the end of the day its consciousness which is having a mind, and not the contrary. Descartes notoriously also fell into this trap. It's the biggest trap westerners fall into. The identification of consciousness with mind overall also lead to more bias than in a clear, ego-less state. I had a kensho experience a couple months ago, and I'm always surprised at how much crap distort my thinking when my consciousness is super charged with ego activity. Not being identified with mind, and losing your self-concept makes you realize you couldn't use properly your mind before. So ironically, spirituality leads to better thinking as it clears up one's perception. Lots of biased are removed, when you just "see" things through that state. Philosophy also can turn into the ultimate ego-mind jerk off, answering problems created at the ego level that disappear in a transcendental state.
  20. Yeah, exactly. A girl who's got the feels' for you and is turned on will be in total surrender. And the more she trusts you, the more she opens up and become receptive. That dynamic between the masculine and the feminine is what everyone is after... But a lot of people misses its healthy expression. Though I don't think it means she's passive. A lot of the work can be done on both side.
  21. You too. ! I wish you tons of Love on your path.
  22. When I was 20, I fell in love with a guy. He had a car crash, and his family insisted he needed to go back to his home country. He wrote me a beautiful love letter and told me his biggest dream was to see me again, and his biggest fear was to have to live his life without me . He then disappeared totally. I cried everyday and night for 2 years, reading his last letter to me. I was still going out and meeting other guys, but none of them had that "thing". Years after, he reappeared and it turned out he was in fact a very lame dude, falling in love with one girl after the other. So I get the "I wasted so much and energy, etc" thing. And for me, I didn't even get much of the positive aspect of being that relationship. It was mostly the attachment and the suffering, without the perks. He gave me suffering, and I turned it into gold - more awareness. In no way would I have sought spirituality that fast, and seek to understand ego-love if this guy hadn't crossed my path. You too!
  23. I've been there too... My biggest regret has been not take my losses at the very first warning signs. My feeling is that I've let myself down, now. I think you'll love it. Check out on Youtube.