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Everything posted by inFlow

  1. So I was sleeping tonight and I woke up slightly, being like 50/50 wake/sleep state. Then I just felt something really weird, I started to shake as hell, felt like something is ressisting something for some reason, actualy it felt like a somewhat of a mystical experience, so being half asleep I though that surrendering is the best option (which previously I wasnt capable of doing so in normal states). Thought that if I would die now then let it be my death. And I just completely shifted from a shivering state to total calmness, my body became so relaxed when I surrendered to the experience, actualy it felt like I died then, the body relaxation was seen as a death of some sort. The next thing was that I was observing this and thinking in my mind and then an insight occured that my thoughts are also me, the nonduality was so total there (not only in material sence) that I just laid in bed with such an empty mind being total calm and just accepting everything that I actualy am. Then I just fell asleep and woke up all happy with energy. Maybe someone had this kind of experiences?
  2. @Inliytened1 It's true, you just wanna bask in the calmness of that state which the realisation brought to you
  3. @Mikael89 Oh wow, this sound disturbing to have. I remember everytime I smoked weed I always shaked as if my body had been exposed to alot of cold, I just couldn't understand why that was. I heard that the kundalini energy becomes more active when high on canabis.
  4. @iTommy wow what an interesting post. Maybe that was some kind of an energy release idk. I will have to investigate this
  5. Omg I'am so back to my ego, but woooooow, that was the 1st time I done yoga while smoking. Damn and I thought I knew wtf is going on, never did I expect that to be even a posibility. But how to know if that is truth? I observed everything as if it was comming out from a mind, it was like manafesting itself into existence also with myself, I felt inside of 'it' and 'it' itself was me, but it was like a 'play' a game that 'it' was playing it and the end game is realising who you are with tapping into infinite intelligence. Its such a perfect creation. Perfect everything, magnificent, amazing, powerful and just wooow..
  6. It's as if the higher self, when doing kriya, numbs the human side of me down so it could take control of this body.
  7. It's like intelligence can't be measured, how do you understand it without a direct experience of the creation itself.
  8. It's just an intelligence without a substance, damn I just said oh my god so many times because its so amazing just wooow, its just shockingly intelligent..
  9. @moon777light you freak out because your mind thinks you will die, thats why you stop. You actualy can die doing Kriya.
  10. @moon777light Face east every time. Also when the moon is full try doing Kriya at night time, you will notice a difference. About the personality - nothing is permanent, everything changes.
  11. My mid backs right side hurts from doing kriya. Its like a very tired muscle pain, ant it gets to the point where im doing my kriya that it just burns me so bad that I just stop on the last part - concentration. Are there any exercises that can help me strenghten this section, or will it just get stronger by itself?
  12. Actualy you werent aware of your desire to do the sabotage (which, when you think about it deeply, you were conscious). Also all of this was created, think why and how are you responsible for this. Also I could say that all of that is just an illusion which also you will definately encounter in the future, but I think these kind of answers wont help you. My tip is just look how are you creating all of this.
  13. Sometimes I wish enlightened beings would speak in a lay-mans language, cause it alienates a lot of new members. As Leo himself mentioned he could do the videos using academia terms, what would sound really "smart" and "geeky", but he understands that would be an instant block to newbies. The info he is communicating itself is really hard to wrap your head around it, add science terms on top of that and you wouldn't understand a bit of what he is talking about, especially when it comes to new foreign subscribers.
  14. A question to the people that already gone through the course.
  15. @Michael569 How long did it take to finish it?
  16. Was tripping on the weekend. Later in the evening my head started to hurt like shit. Worst pain I ever felt, literaly felt like I was hit with a bat really hard. Wanting to ease the pain I somehow thought I could just go into a meditative state and numb my head. So by just thinking about it I closed my eyes and just numbed my head on command. It felt like I was becoming pure awareness and exiting the body, but being fully aware of the surroundings. First time I did it I just jumped up from fear that I thought I wont come back, but literaly I could numb my body on command. And so I just played with it wanting to see how does it work. Woke up the next day and tried to do that again, but failed. Does anyone have any info on these kind of things?
  17. @TheAvatarState Time traveling? Will doing Kriya give me that? @Nahm This past week I had some interesting experiences. One of which was that I became aware that my mind is projecting ant constructing reality for me on autopilot. I became aware of my own mind, but it felt like my mind became aware of itself playing tricks on itself and believing it, then I felt the separation between consciousness/awareness and the mind very strongly, then I began to listen with care of everything that people said to me, recognizing with my mind and trying to communicate what I really wanted, but the communication had to be spoken very precise and accurately for me to understand. In that state I felt this total no-mind consciousness, just being aware of the mind what it is saying to me. As being in that state I didn't feel myself. I saw myself as this biological being and I just could't recognize it as "myself", I couldn't take ownership of this body. btw I felt really great being in that state, anything that negative came up I just recognized it as just the mind becoming angry and emotional because of the programming that it has. Now can you tell me if I'm going the right path? Or was that some kind of self-deception?
  18. @Gabriel Antonio but that didnt feel in a bad way. It felt like I consciously just turned off my body as in being asleep, but being fully aware of everything. Its sort of like being in a coma, but you can awake in any moment if you want.
  19. "Strange loop -> Infinity taken to itself through itself "Strange loops to infinity Who is aware? Myself being aware of itself looking for itself who is aware The question arises: Does it go deeper?
  20. My experience on doing Kriya for the past 3 weeks: - Breathing improved. - Focus improved. - Felt more conscious overall.Improved being in the moment. - Felt inner peace. - A lot less craving for low vibration activity. (porn, junkfood, being in a bad mood, reacting to drama, etc.) Once I found the right posture how to sit with a straight spine while also being relaxed, my practice immediately improved. Kriya feels like working out the spine muscles. You just become so aware of the spine. Once the spine connects to your head - damn, you feel like a consciousness rod. Tip: If you are working out in a gym or doing hatha yoga, practice mindfull workouts, be conscious of the muscles you are working on. It will help for Kriya. Conclusion: Kriya is very powerful
  21. has a great gravity pull (yellow/turquoise) if you are smart enough to take in the info. From then it's like cruising in life up to a point. Then you actually start seeing less growth as it needs more action. Then you can find life to be confusing after a while of following But after a while you just build your own foundation that mostly resonates with your life and just follow Leo weekly as usual for new ideas, concepts and "tools". You are no longer dependent on him after a while, but it takes time to grow out of cause I've yet to find such a man speaking so deeply about these profound things. 2 hours per video is still nothing comparing how deep some of the content goes.