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Everything posted by inFlow

  1. @OBEler hmm I should invest some time in researching this theme, should write a topic on it, atleast the written "facts"
  2. @OBEler so repeating the process by charging it again the negative energy is sort of "destroyed"?
  3. I practice reiki and one friend of mine gave me a stone of some kind, idk what it is exactly, but it's one of those 'spiritual stones', and once I meditate with it, I can sense subtle energy going from it by holding my hands above it, but that might be cause I'm charging it with Reiki energy. And the deal is that you can charge anything with Reiki, food, water etc., but my given stone feels stronger energy comming to it that any other item, it's almost as giving reiki to any other human being. I can't actualy confirm that it works or doesn't, but I can feel something though. Also I can't say that it has any benefits or not. I will probably read some books on these stones in the future for sure.
  4. @John Iverson I'm not saying that it's impossible to cure ADHD, but weed doesn't cure it thats for sure. Kriya Yoga works like magic, a few weeks is enough to see results
  5. @John Iverson You won't cure ADHD for sure. I'm smoking for the last 4 years, it only worsens ADHD. Yeah I can agree just smoke on the weekends, never do daily smokes it not only worsens your focusing abilities, but the insights won't come that often. My go to route is just do Yoga and other consciousness work and then once every second weekend I smoke and just contemplate everything I know. You can reach great depth by doing this, but in the end you will see that weed slows down your progress and you wont wanna smoke. Don't get addicted though, you will be playing with highly addictive substance
  6. The main concern is that many of the people who are here are not in stage yellow (Spiral Dynamics). I see people with great insights, but most of them still they lack that yellow'ish outside the box thinking. Over-all this forum is great. Lots of people helping what they can. Tons of love also.
  7. @wesyasz I can relate to your story. In the evenings, if I'am not tired, I can be super conscious compared to morning. I found out that the mind still sleeps in the morning for a while until some time passes and you can feel your mind working normally. My tip would be do some consciousness work in the morning, maybe meditate or do Kriya yoga. But still it not might work wonders, but it will definitely improve your awareness in the morning. Also morning cardio is great, it gets the blood pumping and the mind sharpens quicker.
  8. If this is true this being won't sleep for probably a week.
  9. You are experiencing what is called "The dark night of the soul" Your ego is rejecting God that's why you are suffering. It doesn't want to know the truth. This is the half-way to this work. Please continue and brake through, joy will come.
  10. @Identity What kind of work do you do? I had the same issue in the middle of my back near the right side. I actually found out that it's my job that's causing this - repetitive movement with my hands.
  11. @TheSomeBody Get silicone ones, on ebay or aliexpress. Works like the wax ones but its built for longevity
  12. @Dlavjr smoke mindfully, be conscious of every inhale of the smoke and you will quit within a few packs. Inhale, feel the taste of the smoke, feel what it does to your throat, to your lungs, how it affects your heart, then exhale feeling all the smoke come out. You will notice that you are just poisoning yourself with actual burnt smoke. DO IT MINDFULLY
  13. @lmfao he actually noted that if you wanna go somewhere in this work you must avoid some things. Like ice-cold water and other things that you mentioned. Sometime ago I deleted all gluten products from my diet and wow how sharp I was.
  14. @White Monk I could agree with you that people do need physical yoga. You gain so much speed in your over-all consciousness development when you combo your techniques, the growth becomes so great that you even get an ego-backlash. Happens to me always...
  15. @themovement Good luck and keep going!
  16. @Matt23 My path was: #1. Listening to all of the videos Leo has uploaded. Than re-listening to some of the really important ones at least 5 times. (You need theory) #2. Developing mindfulness. Meditation, body-scan-awareness, and the most growth had came from Kriya Yoga ( I always stress how important yoga is) #3. Self-reflecting, being mindful how I'am a liar, a manipulator, how I avoid the hard stuff, etc. #4. TAKING ACTION this one is huge. The best growth. #5. Only trusting direct experience. Everything else are just concepts/mental-masturbation/brainstorms. Also reading books is quite important, you have to develop your ego in the RIGHT way, this will be rewarding after some awakenings.
  17. @Nirvanalight Maybe you were the actual Jesus in your previous lives and now you had a vision about being a Jesus 2.0, but the better one. Who knows. Probably you just felt like God, but you aren't yet conscious of that. Also the body probably opened some chakras in the experience that's why you are so happy at the moment. Be mindful if you fall back, become aware of what is happening internally in your head, thoughts, body sensations. Be aware of what is changing.
  18. God tricked himself to believe he is a individual human. He created a duality within the mind. It has to be like that in order to play this game. There is nothing other than you, the ultimate self-deception. But the God within can awaken from his own illusion to observe what beauty he created. To take a peek at his own children. One consciousness within them all.
  19. @Nahm So what is it actually? It feels like it had to create an illusion in order to play
  20. The main plan is to play and create. God gave beings the possibility to play with everything that they wanted. To play a leader, to play with fire, to play with chemicals. Everything is just play, but from an ego's perspective - a serious game.
  21. @aklacor727 Good luck! Also don't feel bad if you don't make it the 1st try, repetition is key.
  22. @Javfly33 I suffered from this and believe me what a relief it is to say everything that you want and not feeling bad about it. It takes time ofcourse, and also being conscious that you arent speaking falsehood is key. Always speak from a standpoint of Love and Understanding.