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Everything posted by Torch

  1. Day 2 20 minutes of meditation 18 minutes of yoga I'm just gonna switch over to another simpler kriya yoga book for yoga since ksr has too many techniques that aren't as effective as the main ones.
  2. Day 1 1 hour of meditation 18 minutes of yoga The hour wasn't done all at once since I kept interrupting it to wake myself up from a sleep i was getting into. The yoga session wasn't that good because i would lose focus for certain techniques.
  3. Another Fail I fell back into my youtube addiction yesterday and that destroyed my willpower to do much of anything else. I disabled the browser that I was using it on so now I'm gonna watch a lot less youtube from now on.
  4. Fail I barely had any free time yesterday and fell asleep minutes after getting home.
  5. Day 3 (yesterday) 20 min. of meditation 16 min. of yoga I did meditation in corpse pose because my hips hurt. I procrastinated doing the yoga but I felt better and more clear headed after doing it.
  6. What addictions did you have and how did you cure those addictions?
  7. I haven't really considered if it was a harsh position for SDS since I just did it out of habit but I guess I should probably do an easier pose for SDS.
  8. Day 2 (yesterday) One hour of strong determination sitting with meditation 18 minutes of yoga 20 minutes of visualization This was the first time I tried going one hour straight and I kept having to stop after every 10 something minutes or 8 minutes because of my legs getting numb. Plus, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep several times because I don't remember much from that period of time and the hour went by quickly.
  9. Day 1 (yesterday) 20 min. of meditation 20 min. of yoga Sleepiness was bad during meditation but after an unintentional 20 minute nap, I felt sorta better. The yoga session went better than meditation although I wasn't doing om japa 100% right because I wasn't used to it yet.
  10. What are some good techniques for building self discipline? Also, what resources like books or videos teach techniques for self discipline?
  11. Another fail Sleepiness kept kicking my ass during meditation to the point that even when I was stretching and moving around, I knew I had to lay down and sleep or else I would fall asleep while meditating.
  12. Another fail. I thought I got it out of my system but I fell asleep unintentionally again and didn't get to meditate.
  13. Day 2 (yesterday) 35 min. of meditation 19 min. of yoga 30 min. of Leo's shamanic breathing technique I'm just gonna restart the number of days I've been doing meditation and yoga if I miss a single day to see how long I've been doing them without missing a day. The shamanic breathing technique made parts of my body hotter and made my hands tingle at first. I kept letting my breath slow down because of my sleepiness and I had to keep bringing my attention back to it, to keep doing the technique right so this probably didn't let technique be as effective as it could be.
  14. Well, I work 6 days of the week and I don't have time for that in the morning since I only have enough time to get ready for work so I can't.
  15. Day idek 48 minutes total of meditation Around 9 minutes of yoga The 48 minutes were done in different sessions with the longest sit being 18 minutes. Note to self: don't drink more than a little bit of soda before a meditation session or else my stomach will hurt while sitting in half lotus and screw up the sit.
  16. Another fail Fell asleep unintentionally again and woke up at 4 in the morning. Somehow the light still being on and the air turned all the way up, making my room very cold, didn't wake me up at all before that.
  17. Half fail I got 20 minutes of meditation done but then gave in to the temptation of watching youtube and watching porn for hours and then fell asleep before I got to do yoga.
  18. I'm struggling with pretty much the same problem and my best solution to the problem was that I use the rest of my free time to do self actualizing work instead of entertaining myself. It's still a very flawed solution since I fall asleep a lot because of my tiredness.
  19. Triple fail I got six minutes into meditation but stopped to lay down because of back pain but then quickly fell asleep and before I knew it, I woke up in time for work.
  20. Double fail I unintentionally fell asleep at around 9 and woke up in time for work meaning I couldn't do meditation or yoga. I thought yesterday was a one time thing but now I should probably do meditation and yoga first thing after coming home.
  21. Fail I unintentionally fell asleep at 8:40 pm and woke up at 4:00 am which means I didn't get to meditate or do yoga since I usually do that at 10. I had to prepare to go to work after waking up so I couldn't meditate even after waking up.
  22. Day 12 (yesterday) 20 min. of meditation Around 9 min. of yoga Throughout the day I gave in to the temptation of watching youtube and being on social media for hours and hours so because of that, it was very hard to sit and start to meditate and then keep at it for a full 20 minutes. The meditation session ended up being full of monkey mind and distraction. The yoga session went along better except for the concentration part since I'm still bad at it.
  23. Day 11 1 hour and 50 minutes total of meditation Around 9 minutes of yoga That one hour and 50 minutes of meditation are 2 sessions of 35 minutes and one session of 40 minutes. The first session took place in the morning and the other in the afternoon and were interrupted by family and my leg pain but they still went a lot smoother than my usual sessions at night. The third session at night was full of monkey mind and sleepiness and I probably fell asleep at some point.
  24. Day 10 (yesterday) 20 min. meditation 11 min. yoga The usual monkey mind, sleepiness, and itchiness happened but at least I didn't have to do corpse pose this time.
  25. Day 9 20 min. of meditation Around 11 min. of yoga My meditation session was full of sleepiness and itchiness as usual but also the pain in my hips started to get intense to the point where I had to do yoga in corpse pose again even after all the stretching I did.