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Everything posted by Hansu

  1. Dang, that would be amazing! Finally someone whos vocal output makes sense is making a video about detox ? I really hope this video becomes reality soon
  2. Ah! I didnt mean that the videos you posted are shitting on original artists, but videos like "Elsa from Frozen giving birth" on Youtube are in my personal opinion taking a major dump on what the characters represent in the original art. Fanmade and indie movies are amazing when they honor the original creator, like Star Trek spinoffs I think absolute freedom is a terrible idea when it comes to many things, including copyright (And freedom of speech)
  3. @Extreme Z7 I meant to agree with you, apologies if my message came through in a bad manner Disney has been butchering our current copyright laws by pushing their copyright on Mickey Mouse and other characters because they are still popular. I was just imagining the consequences of taking away their copyright on the characters, I didnt mean to "lecture" you about what would happen if we took away their copyright, but I can see how my message could be perceived in that way "Also, I'm not even sure how what you said addresses what you quoted I said. It feels like a non-sequitur." I was imagining how hack artists with a severe lack of creative vision would run amok and create extremely low quality derivative works that steals works and ideas from other artists.
  4. Imagine the original Disney characters finally going public domain. We'd start getting the bizarre shit from year ago when there was these youtube videos, for example "Ella from Frozen giving birth" back on Youtube that were made just to get shock views from kids and make money on low quality content. Way to shit on the original creators EDIT: This was a thought idea about how abolishing copyright laws would ruin popular arts, its not attack on anyones point of view on the subject
  5. @Stretch Thanks for giving us the insider knowledge! You actually got me interested to looking up on my local ER movement. If they are as clear headed as you described Britains movement to be, I just might join it
  6. How about games that keep updating, like World of Warcraft?
  7. Cool design! Superb choice on the sticker material too
  8. You are correct in your own perspective, but you need to understand that your perspective is not someone elses perspective. What is logical for one person is not logical for another. You have been bullied, just like I have been bullied, and you have learned to not give a fuck about bullies, just like I have learned to not give a fuck about bullies, but our perspective is not the absolut true perspective. Just because there are individuals who have the ability to not break down due to bullying but even to grow does not mean that we shouldnt stop bullying from happening in the first place. Personally I feel like I have achieved a lot despite my background, but almost everyone else I know was bullied in school have grown up to be so called "losers" with no future plans, bad financial status and to whom even smallest daily problems become immense. Meanwhile the popular kids have grown out to be high officers in the army, have gone to colleges and achieved so much more than the average bullied kid. Step out of your own perspective and try to see the world in the perspective of others. Ps: Im not saying that trans activism hasn't gone overboard, but at least I can try to understand why it is so deep and important for some people that it has come to this point.
  9. These thought patterns are such a bitch even if you understand their fault. Like you can acknowledge how you are not much more intelligent than the average joe but then your mind makes up horseshit like "Understanding that is really intelligent thinking! You are really special and intelligent for realizing this!". And then when you start to finally give up the last parts of that thought pattern and your mind dont have any diversions left, it starts to reason that your thought pattern was real all along New experiences really are the best ways to uncover and disassemble subconscious programming. I used to be mgtow until one night a 9/10 girl came up on me in a bar and brushed her leg on my crotch. Didnt take long to discover pickup after that experience!
  10. @Scholar @Serotoninluv Inspiring replies right here! Really helped me understand on more deeper level how this is not about me, this is not about races or character traits but about creating equality between the groups in our society who happen to predominantly be a certain race or have certain character trait/traits. Words like "passable white" and ideas like "white acting black guy" are actually starting to make some sense now that I make it about groups and not about the individuals race. I find ways to victimize myself so I can continue thinking in ways like "race is just a race", to keep it being about myself and not having to think about others. There is definitely work to do here I will 100% be revisiting this thread from time to time. Thank you!
  11. @JustThinkingAloud I try to learn about other cultures and understand them on individual and mass level. For one, I have spoken with enough Philippinos to understand how British and Spanish colonies have shaped their culture in ways that are irredeemable and no amount of alms will buy British and Spanish history out of this shame. For second, I have read enough articles to understand how food and cloth aid to Africa is hurting their economy and creating depency on the said aid so I dont support food or cloth aid to Africa. Im not wise enough to know great answers to the question of how we can reverse damages done by colonisers, but I think it has something to do with teaching and spreading wisdom. What I do know is that one cant buy a ticket to heaven with alms.
  12. @JustThinkingAloud How exactly would money help, for example, the philippino community? @Keyhole Gonna watch it after work ?
  13. Compensated? Like with money? Thats gonna bring their culture back? And what for? Something that our ancestors did or something we have done during our lifetime? Does your grandfather being cultural oppressor make you cultural oppressor? Thats what they think in North Korea where shame is applied on everyone of a family line for 3 generations
  14. You can start by trying to understand these people better. They just might be more intelligent and open minded than you think. For example, the words immigration and asylum seeker have vast difference in spoken language when speaking with a racist, and you need to understand this difference if you want your debate to last longer than 10 sentences. Many racists dont have probelm with immigrants, but asylum seekers. In fact, many racists are fucking stoked on immigrants who bring them new services, but even this is rarely understood by many anti-nazis who seem to think that racists are only against skin colour. Lol. EDIT2: After learning more about cultural appropriation, I found that my claim about anti-nazis not understanding how its not only about the race to be hilariously ironic. However, my claim stands as its based on my first experience. A racist might already be thinking objectively! He is fucking pissed that he is giving out his hand to an asylum seeker and then he reads news about new rape gangs developing in his ex-peaceful country. What do you think happens when you then come and tell him he is a close minded piece of shit? That wont make him understand the big picture! That'll just close him up even more and make him even more racist! As someone who has seen both sides of the immigration debators, I usually dont participate in these debates because neither sides seem to understand one another so the debate always ends up with one of the side creating straw mans and no, its not always the so called "nazis". I can already feel how someone out there behind a monitor just pulled a huge pea up his/her nose because I wrote how a racist might actually be open minded but uneducated. They can be, I know because that was me 5 years ago. I have about 5 years of experience of participating in these debates on both sides. They are seedless, they rarely create any developing communication and always end in a straw man. My message here is negative and might feel like finger pointing, but it is not meant to be accusing of anyone of anything. Please dont take it personally Edit: If there is any question about the perspective of these racists, you can ask me. Sadly I have good understanding of how they see the world.
  15. While the video is correct on CO2 emissions, its incorrect and very shallow on many other points. Take it with a pinch of salt.
  16. @Octafish Can you open their way of thinking to me? Im actually interested to knowing more how these individuals think and come to the conclusion that they need to act the way they act. I admit that me thinking that their mission failed miserably can simply be my own smugness and "Lol I know how they should have acted" way of thinking and Im open to suggestions that contract this, as long as the result is what they planned all along
  17. @Danioover9000 So they had a grand scale goal in mind, the will to do something and the energy to act on that will but no tools necessary to do anything productive towards the said grand scale goal?
  18. I know what they are protesting for, and I know why their choice of time and place was poor. However, I figured that in their mind they had a good reason for both, so Im trying to understand their perspective on the choice of protest, time and place. Like did they choose protesting as a desperate attempt to drive a cause that is important to them, since they dont have enough political power or social connections to do the same without taking over a train station? Why did they choose a poor residence instead of the one where the London cream lives? In short, what is going on in their mind when they plan and do the protest?
  19. Im hoping that someone who understands young green people could explain me what was the goal of this "protest"? What on earth can you achieve for the environment by bullying peoole going to work? Edit: I mean, like if everything went like they planned, what would have happened? What was their expectations, did they feel like it was a long shot or did they think that those people going to work were going to join them in an instant?
  20. One of the ways affirmations work is that they are part of law of attraction. Yous subconscious may pick the words you say or hear, but if you listen like a monkey then thats all that happens. Your subconscious picks up the message. So? Magical gnomes appear and start working for you to achieve whatever your goal is while you sit on your ass? When you concentrate on those affirmations, you are not so much changing your subconscious with the words but instead you are priming your mind to change your subconscious so that it will pursue those words You tell, with conviction, to yourself that you are going to make a million dollars long enough and eventually you start to think like a millionaire. The three or four words in themselves are not a magical sources of wisdom that pull in some kind of universal energy that turns you into a millionaire. One sentence is not that strong, its the work that you do around that sentence that is the power behind your path to being a millionaire. Monkey listens to something with one ear and lets whatever it hears out the other. Dont be a monkey Edit: I may have made this sound more difficult than it is. You dont have to understand any of this for affirmations to work for you. You simply need to concentrate on your affirmations, thats the most important note to take away here. Do them for few months and you'll probably learn what I explained in your first hand experience, you'll be amazed!
  21. @Michael569 What I really like about what I saw in the few videos of Primal movement is how it combines the different sets to a kind of a dance. I always found timing a set of stretch to be tidious and boring, so turning the workout into this kind of a ritual is really intriguing!
  22. So, stretching. Who wants to do it? I guess not many I've been dealing with lower back pain and as I have built some body-mindfulness, Im slowly learning that my lower back problems are probably not due to lack of excercise but lack of stretching. My body is extremely stiff all the way from my lower back to my toes. I have found stiffness in my back, frontal AND side leg muscles. Is there any good stretching program that is designed to go through the whole body over a long period of time? Something that would help me loosen up and also to build mindfulness of my body. Something that starts with something simple and builds up to more stretches and overall is designed to loosen up the whole body Im ready to spend 1 hour per time 3 times per week on top of daily stretching. If anyone here knows a program like this, that would be awesome
  23. @roar Lol, we do everything Sweden does with a few years of delay ?