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About johntimber

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    United States
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  1. Hello, I'm going to apply for my Master's program in Organic Chemistry. Apparently there's not much careers for a synthetic chemist and medicinal chemist in the upcoming future, so I'm thinking about working with a professor I know on Biochemistry, in particular Proteomics. I can possibly work in the field of Computational Chemistry as well, but only in the context of Biochemistry. I also intend to get a Ph.D abroad. I'm going to choose this path with the hope that I would be make my options more open, my concern is would this choice actually narrow down my choices too much? Or should I be concerned when I'm going to apply for Ph.D and choose a field there? Please help I didn't find the right solution from the internet. References: web video company Thanks
  2. Hello, Does anyone have any links/website that talks about meditation and how it increases focus and productivity? I talked to a friend how it helps with chronic diseases but I feel that it also improves your focus but cannot find anything. I am sure that I read there is a link between meditation and being able to focus better. On that note has anyone felt that experience first hand? Please help I didn't find the right solution from the internet. References: Corporate Animation Agency Thanks
  3. Hi guys. I feel like a have a cognitive disability. I mean when im with my friends and talk about my problems they are so peacefull and in sync with themselves, they know if something is wrong and everything. But me, after talking to them today i realized how much better they are than me. Honestly. Their coping mechanisms are so much more developed than mine. I mean these people talk about riding their emotions naturaly without even training mainfullness. Me on the otherhand i feel like i have no concsiouss controll over anything, i feel like a victim of my own emotions. Im aware that i have a huge problem, sure i dont have depression but i feel like i have no choice over anything, i want to be authentic but i dont know how. I dont know myself on any level whatsoever almost as if i have no soul. I feel like idont have the capacity to be authentic, and that i wont ever know why. I just dont know what to say or do. It is so difficult to put my problem into words. I feel like an emty shell. And honestly now it feels like im going crazy. Im not living life. I dont really honestly know what im living. And if i tell this to a shrink they probably wont know either. I honestly think im doomed. Meditation has kind of stoped working for me even though i try to remain mindfull of my actions throughout the day. I dont know nothing anymore. Meditation sounds like it is for me, but i doubt it very much. I dont know if i will ever be true to myself in this lifetime. I have never been for the last 21 years, i dont know what my authentic self feels like.. Please help I didn't find the right solution from the internet. References: Creative Marketing Company Thanks
  4. Hello, I am currently working on loosing weight. Since I am not sure, I would like to ask the following: Would it be okay for me to drink one cup of coffee per day? Can I cook my chicken or filet mignon with olive oil? Can I drink Club Soda? What would you eat with chicken or filet mignon while on a fat loos program? Please help. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References:- Motion graphics animation service Thanks!