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Everything posted by whatishappeningtome

  1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2019/06/05/oakland-california-legalizes-magic-mushrooms-and-peyote/1347888001/
  2. I don't think he has much Stage Blue in him actually since i've heard him say he's an Atheist for years and years now. I also don't think he believes there is only "ONE" right way to live. I remember him also thinking that Jordan Peterson actively claiming to be a christian gave him less credibility. Pewdiepie is definitely moving up to green. To what extent he will move up, I am unsure but here are some green moves he has made in the recent years. He stopped eating meat and is pescatarian following his fiancé Marzia who I noticed became a vegetarian a few years ago. All of his clothing brands do not use sweat shops, he makes an effort to make sure they are all ethically made. He donates hundreds of thousands to charities.
  3. https://www.actualized.org/insights/study-survival-in-animals Leo's latest blogpost using this video is incredible. This video highlighted three things to me: 1. These two animals are incredible as I've never seen these specific species. I can clearly see how God appreciates aesthetics, as so many magnificent creatures are created. Mouse with kangaroo legs designed to run on sand? Why the hell not? 2. The jerboa's life of survival and the wolf's life of survival are one in the same. They both play their role in their environment in such a balanced way. The jerboa has the ability to make erratic movements, while the wolf fox is able to move faster. It's like God created a perfectly balanced video game where each character has it's own strengths and weakness and it's really exciting to see who will win out in the end. 3. I cannot believe that the general public's material paradigm consensus is that design is completely random and lifeless. All you need to do is look at the leaves on a tree or the beauty of the fox in this video to see how magnificently designed the world is. Even just look at the complex mechanisms animals adopt in order to survive in the circle of life in any natural environment. Not even a billion human minds could imagine such complexity that seemingly works!
  4. In my analysis of the latest GOT episode, the reason why some people are backlashing against it is because Daenerys character is Stage Green and they suddenly have her turn Stage Red which at her level of development typically would not happen! Sure she has been harsh before but as you know she's guilty of attacking innocents recently which for a Stage Green character is not really fitting. I think people sense that this is kind of left field and are upset about poor writing. I actually still like the series but yeah I believe this might be why people are reacting negatively against it, cause the major plot twist was not developed over time
  5. This is highly accurate, in my last chapter during phase three- all I was thinking about was work and was rarely learning any new self help concepts and was just interested in executing the concepts I learned during phase one and two. Fast forward 2-3 years later as I approached limbo phase of the next chapter, a solid year of reading and attending self-help seminars and courses just seemed like the best, smartest and most aligned move.
  6. Of course it's important, I have just heard Jordan Peterson warning creative people not to expect to be able to make money from their art. I think for aspiring artists is not the advice they want to hear and is akin to the way many people of that generation speak and instruct creative types.
  7. I really liked Jordan Peterson's content when he shared interesting things like the Big 5 Psychology Traits and how learning more about yourself directly impacts your life. I thought that content was really useful for me at the time. Here are a few errors I have not seen criticised enough of Jordan Peterson. 1. His support of corporal punishment in his book 12 Rules For Life when clear scientific evidence shows how harmful physically disciplining children can be. 2. His interpretations of the religious texts he studies are plain wrong because he doesn't have an understanding of this non dual/oneness of reality. Instead he interprets really strange & abstract beliefs from the text. 3. Even though he teaches self-help to an extent from what I have seen is that he believes that men would be better off carving a forward path into a trade like plumbing or carpentry. This is I suppose, decent advise to a young man who might be drifting- but he seems to be stuck in a baby boomer mentality of find a job and make a safe and secure life for yourself. I was a fan of Jordan Peterson and still like him but especially regarding Point 3. I think what will truly make most people more fulfilled is what Leo has expressed in his content. That finding your true life purpose rather than chasing safety and security is what makes life most fulfilling.
  8. Most healthy thinking stage green/left leaning individuals actually are Pro-CHOICE. They see that particular issue as more nuanced rather than on the same grounds as murdering a fully formed human which a more stage blue mind might believe. They also want laws to allow women to be able to make that moral decision themselves. I actually think this discussion leans into Stage Yellow and tier 2 thinking which might be why it's quite complex.
  9. You might find a lot of benefit in reading say 10 pages a day and finishing a 300 page book in one month. You'd be surprised how much information you can retain even stopping and starting each book! Some books are much more effortless to read when it is exactly what you need in that moment.
  10. Do you think there is any benefit to praying for help in times of need? I find myself doing this when I'm really struggling. I'm not religious but I always felt that I was going to be taken care of in these moments of intense plea in my prayers
  11. Finish LP Course first, I tried to do the LP course while doing another intense course and had to put LP on hold. Back into it now and can say that it's truly invaluable
  12. I used to feel like you but after 4-5 years of working full time and setting up a business and trying to crush goals, you realise that you don't really need to be a workaholic to get your goals done. I took Leo's advice of having a longer time horizon for goals and just allowing myself more free time to do whatever I want. I like taking my wife on a date, doing spiritual work, playing a video game or browsing Youtube etc.
  13. Prime example of Stage Orange's short-sightedness
  14. Happy Birthday Leo! We wish you the best.
  15. Thanks for sharing this video, I can deeply relate to it as I felt brainwashed by that community and fell into that echo chamber. Some thoughts: - Leo was right in his assessment that young autistic type males easily fall into the trap of watching this kind of content and becoming radicalised by it. - He felt that when people criticised him as a racist, it only strengthened his far-right beliefs as he believed he had special knowledge and had seen beyond the matrix. - You can see that he is a good and reasonable guy who just happened to have gotten sucked into this ideology when he was desperately looking for guidance. - He had a Stage Yellow understanding of the lefts inability to comprehend what he was experiencing as he was involved with the conservative/right wing. I had a very similar experience with these conservative ideas which I found through Youtube. In 2014 I was listening to Stefan Molyneux and Ben Shapiro talk about Islam and the dangers of third world immigration. At the same time I was working in a couple of low level jobs with many new islamic migrants in Australia. They shared some archaic views with me regarding women and gay people, so being impressionable I began to believe the ideas that I had heard that these foreign cultures are not compatible with western society etc. I'm grateful that Leo shared the model of Spiral Dynamics as it gave me a better understanding and a lot more empathy to understand the perspectives that each human experiences.
  16. Leo has shot what..30-40 hours of Enlightenment content. Remember his gift is the ability to put things into perspective and show us the bigger picture. I think you underestimate his ability to reflect on himself and maintain his own self awareness. There's many paths up the same mountain.
  17. Watch this video: It can be very depressing when you first learn about the truth. When you REALLY learn. But you get used to it
  18. There are so many distinct opposites we create within language, culture and sciences such as birth and death, fire and water, heaven and hell, dark and light, sleep and wake, true and false, sowing and reaping, as well as 0 and 1 within binary code. I understand this could be just a mind made distinction but do you believe balance is a feature of this reality the same way that love and intelligence is?
  19. I found this great piece of knowledge in the comment section of Gary Webers videos. Somebody in the comment section asks how they can stay engaged within a book. I interpreted Garys answer as "As soon as you become the "I" or "doer" that is reading the book, your mind will begin to wander." It's almost as if to stay engaged in what you're reading your mind has to shut off and your entire being needs to become the words on the page without a 'reader' or 'doer' consuming anything.
  20. I'll have a go Purple- Red - Blue - Orange - Green (really easy to find examples) - Yellow (harder to find in my opinion because song lyrics are hard medium to express complex thoughts)- Turquoise-
  21. Green musicians make the best art <3
  22. Green entrepreneurship
  23. Orange in a nutshell
  24. Thank you everyone for sharing and talking about these ideas. I love that the spiral dynamics model has accounted for the necessity of INTEGRATION of each stage before properly moving to the next. As Leo just posted in another thread, the fastest way to grow Orange is to attempt to run a business. I am so grateful that I have began to move into Green only now, after I have exhausted orange to its limit while working on my business. If we do not integrate orange, we would likely demonise 30% of the worlds population. Just like our green culture does today.
  25. Hey everyone, I just wanted to share some images I have created after I had quite an intense experience last night after doing Leos Neti Neti Enlightenment Guided Inquiry. After I watched Leos video on The Truth about Spiritual Enlightenment multiple times, I thought I had gained a logical grasp of it. Neti Neti has been the only way I have been able to accept what I actually am in reality as truth and experience a glimpse of it myself. My favourite thing about it is that your mind begins to open up while doing the inquiry until it is open enough to question the very nature of all your beliefs systems. It honestly feels like your mind is being warped and every belief system you once held is just recognised as a story and thought. The kind of thoughts that ran through "my" mind when doing this inquiry were - "Could you have actually been born if there wasn't a thought confirming this belief?" & "How could I possibly die if my physical body never existed in the first place?". I'd be happy for you to let me know if you think I'm on the right track after reading the text on the images I posted. I decided to create them because unfortunately even though I am aware of this truth, it is very easy to get sucked back into the mundane world. Thanks