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Everything posted by CreamCat

  1. I never knew John Travolta was a self-actualized person.
  2. @ansimuz How long is `a while`? Is enlightenment not ego-death? If 5-MeO-DMT induces ego death, it seems like enlightenment.
  3. It seems I need to focus on improving my career first before taking self actualization seriously. Currently, I have difficulty with focusing on a single task at a time. I suffer from procrastination. I thought I was balanced and could focus well, but I was thrown off balance by advanced self actualization materials. I am now easily distracted. It's difficult to get back on track. Shall I just practice meditation and doing nothing for a while? What other techniques should I practice?
  4. Nice theory, pluto. But, I know better! If everyone was existence, why would a hot girl not agree to have sex with me? Perhaps, my ego is not so well connected with God.
  5. I am accepting my worthlessness. Once you accept your worthlessness, you become freer and less neurotic. Worthlessness is where you start. Accept that you are worthless and your life is meaningless. Even if your IQ is 160 and above, you are worthless.
  6. What is the whole purpose of the universe? We are all curious. Even if it is beyond description, you can capture a describable subset of it.
  7. That reminds me of jordan peterson a bit. A lot of leftists attack jordan peterson for his opinions, but those attacks only make him more famous. He makes a lot of money from his fame. He still has a lot of fans. I'm not saying jordan peterson is unethical. I didn't think his speeches were unethical. Perhaps, jordan peterson's goal is not to convince people, but to entertain people with controversial topics and direct people's attention to him with which he does a lot of things. People pay for his programs. People donate money to him. People provide him with valuable research data. If that's true, he's a genius.
  8. Are Coral people guardians or ruthless systemic exploiters?
  9. I already meditate for 10 minutes before I start working. My diet is already very good. I'm fit. But, I want to add some bodybuilding to my daily routine because I am a lean guy. I do a bit of calisthenics and stretching between work sessions. 10 minute meditation is not enough. I am trying to install a habit of meditating 20 minutes after I finish working each day. Because I'm a beginner meditator, the results I get from meditation are less than mediocre. I want to at least get some basic success because my finance is dwindling. Are there high-yield techniques that produce results fast? I need help with procrastination and distraction and addiction. If I conquered those, I would be much more productive. Perhaps, should I ingest the mixture of MDMA, LSD, 5-MeO DMT, and salvia while electrically stimulating myself with CES machine as TJ Reeves suggests? TJ Reeves talks about his vision of mass-produced instant enlightenment by taking 4 drugs at once while electrically stimulating oneself with CES machine. He seems to call it infinity gauntlet. That sounds crazy, though.
  10. Sorry for being mean. The idea of having sex with a deaf woman felt like a fetish. Imagine that I could call her all the exciting names like bitch and pig during sex and she would not know. This stokes a fetish in my mind. My mind saw you smiling at her while you imagine such a wild monkey sex. I'm a perverted monkey.
  11. Ocean is an emergent phenomenon of various kinds of molecules. In theory, ocean is just molecules of water, salt, and so on. But, ocean displays emergent properties that do not exist in individual molecules. Perhaps, ego is an emergent property of a physical body in the universe.
  12. You might need to learn more english grammar because I see grammatical errors in your sentences. As you learn grammar, practice writing by writing on forums, blogs, and chatting servers.
  13. I don't want to multitask, most of the time. I usually want to focus on one thing at a time.
  14. @Victor Mgazi I'm still confused about ego and consciousness. My vision is not my thoughts. My senses are not my thoughts.
  15. I quit my last job. I'm making my new career.
  16. I'm a man. It's hard to get more ethical than direct communiation of your desire to have sex.
  17. @11modal11 talks about coral as guardianship. talks about coral as warriorship. says I don't know which one is correct. We know very little about Coral.
  18. @11modal11 I just read and It seems Coral isn't the perfect level I thought it would be. It seems Spiral Dynamics seems to collapse after Stage Turquoise.
  19. It reveals human's machine-like nature. I remember the following quote from "Detroit Become Human". Man, I'm starting to contemplate death again.
  20. If you omitted spiritual growth, you could look like a pervert.
  21. According to research, girls' priorities are 1. Power // Wealth and social status required to push genes down many generations. Pushing genes down generations requires power. 2. Personality // Intelligence, Humor, and other personality traits related to being good partners and fathers. Psychopaths fail personality test. 3. Good genes // Appaearance
  22. Let's be honest here. Men are attracted to simple visual cues primarily. Bad personality repels. Good personality is secondary to visual cues. Personality : Kind, open-minded, mentally stable, playful, lustful, difficult to annoy, clean, orderly Body : Full bodily symmetry, healthy hair, round face, straight teeth, no gum smile, high cheek bones, mature leg-to-body ratio, waist to hip ratio of 0.6~0.8, large beautiful breasts, a bit of fat on body, a bit more fat on thighs, shoulders should not be too wide, supple skin Financial : No debt. Doesn't spend money a lot. That looks like specification of an optimized machine. Basically, a kind fully-grown fertility goddess. I don't care much about fashion. The opposite of man. Such a creature may not exist on this planet. Perhaps, my standards are too high.
  23. Leo again blows our minds. My mind is blown. Thanks leo.
  24. @Outer It's too late for those already trapped in compulsory education. But, you can plan for a future in which your children are free from compulsory education, jury duty, and military conscription. Save what you can. Create small bubbles of freedom.
  25. @Outer Systemic oppresion exists. Read my previous reply. Systemic oppression is visually apparent in the form of military conscription and compulsory education.