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Everything posted by CreamCat

  1. Yes, culture will evolve in the big picture. But, level of consciousness is not limited to support of rape. Level of consciousness pervades every aspect of life. Let's talk about a population of extremely ugly people. Their ugliness comes from genetic defects. Men think their women are ugly. Women think their men are ugly. There's no point in pointing fingers at each other because the problem is not that the opposite sex is ugly, but the gene pool of the population is ugly. In a population full of people who have ugly mind, there is no point in pointing fingers at the opposite sex or the opposite something. So, when the thread poster, a man, points fingers at his women for caring only about themselves, he should question whether he cares only about himself. The same for women. When a factory worker blames his CEO for greed, the worker should question his own greed, too. When the CEO thinks workers are lazy, the CEO should question one's own laziness. The problem is generally that the population is lazy and greedy. I think lots of problems are in the population, not some malfunctioning parts of the population. People may misinterpret a population issue as other issues. The solution to the thread poster's issue is to increase selflessness of the population. It's a long shot. It's going to take time.
  2. In any society, men and women are roughly at the same level of consciousness because they are in the same society. For a man who perceives feminism as a threat to men, there is a woman who perceives MRA or benefits for (conscripted) combat soldiers(~99.9% of whom are men) as a threat to women. That's my observation. Your observation may differ. Let's talk about a viking society for example. The male warriors of the viking society rape and plunder foreign citizens. You may think their men are bad and evil, but if you examine their women, they are no better than vikings. They are just as vile and treacherous. There is no angel. At least, we have progressed a lot since the viking age. Scarcity mindset is still prevalent among the earth population. It's also prevalent among corporate managers.
  3. I drink milk and yogurt. What alternatives do you know? Can there be ways to produce milk without torturing cows? Theoretically, milk doesn't require butchering or torturing cows.
  4. You talk about women. What about you? Dating websites are not much better than a supermarket.
  5. Write your journal in plain text. I use as the format for my text journal. You don't need to know more than If you think asciidoc is too complex, you can use your own format or Those simple mark-up languages can be read in the text form or be rendered as a document. Here's my folder structure. Journal/template.adoc // This is the template for my journal. I copy it everyday. Journal/2019/2019-11-18.adoc Journal/2018/2018-10-15.adoc ...
  6. Did the pedophile damage your child physically?
  7. And, there are psychopaths that operate out of the web.
  8. Can you define self-love? Is it non-dual God self or a human self?
  9. Suffering is worth caring about because it is useful information. You learn that you should not touch hot objects after you feel pain of touching hot objects. You want to be cautious not to inflict unnecessary suffering.
  10. Personally, it's not ok to murder and eat conscious creatures. But, we tend to prefer beings that are similar to us.
  11. Murder of human is a subcategory of murder of animal. Human is animal.
  12. What would Yellow presidential candidates tell americans? How would americans react to Yellow? Haven't you integrated Yellow so far? What would you tell americans if you were a presidential candidate? What is there to worry about?
  13. @Surfingthewave I'm not perfect at letting go and being happy. Happiness is more than a feeling. You can be happy when you are angry or frustrated. You can feel pain while being happy. Happiness and letting go are interconnected. I also discovered that it sometimes helps to let go of happiness. Sometimes, I have to admit that clinging to happiness backfires. Sometimes, I allow myself to be unhappy and uncomfortable. Counter-intuitively, letting go of happiness improves my life. Sometimes, I let go of letting go because letting go doesn't always work. This work requires careful balancing so that I don't develop ideology around concepts. Letting go of concepts at the right times makes me more functional. Spiritual ideology is a common trap that users can fall into. Concepts that leo's videos teach can backfire if you apply them ideologically or dogmatically. For example, you can easily misuse or abuse unconditional happiness in dysfunctional ways. One of the dysfunctional ways to utilize unconditional happiness is to avoid emotional labor and justify being lazy and financially poor. To be honest, if I'm very poor, I probably will forget about personal development and be distracted by things I have to do to survive. You need to have realistic expectations about yourself. I don't want to make it hard to do personal development by not pursuing money and success. I'd like to have personal development and success complement each other.
  14. They are the two most powerful techniques I've ever tried so far. As I watch more of Leo's videos, I will find even more powerful concepts. Practicing unconditional happiness has the following benefits. Your discipline increases significantly. Your satisfaction increases significantly. Headache decreases a lot because I don't ruminate about failures. Stoic awareness increases a lot. Stoic awareness increases your discipline. You do not stress over failures or mediocre results, so you are happy to try even more with beginner's mindset. As a beginner, you go back to fundamentals over and over again without being bored. Your will power increases significantly because your will power is proportionate to your happiness. Unconditional happiness means infinite will power. If practice of letting go is combined with practice of unconditional happiness, it becomes much easier to combat distractions. It turns out that I had screwed my performance by being unhappy about thousands of little things that don't go in desirable directions. If you are often unhappy, your will power reserve runs out quickly. Your discipline plummets. Happiness is an end by itself and a means to attain other ends.
  15. You don't have to dissect beliefs. You don't have to touch beliefs. Just try to be happy in the current moment regardless of what happens to you. Try to be happy regardless of what you believe. Focus on being happy even when you are angry. You can be happy when you are angry. Be happy when you are mediocre or after you failed. Be happy while you procrastinate. Be happy when a creepy person makes creepy noises. You will discover that you are actually creating your negative emotions because you "want" to enforce rules with regard to when you are allowed to be happy. Break the rules about when you are allowed to be happy. You actually want to be unhappy when you fail or when you are mediocre. You think being happy when you fail will make you a useless person because you would then have no motivation to pursue success. If you allow yourself to be happy when you fail, your current motivations will fall apart, but you will naturally find higher forms of motivations. You think unconditional happiness will ruin your motivations to avoid failure and succeed, but it will upgrade your motivations over time. To upgrade your motivations, you have to let go of your current motivations and conditional happiness. This is all said in the video. Leo actually gave you an instruction. He said things like To drill the lesson in your mind, watch the video again later.
  16. On the first day that I started practicing unconditional happiness, I played all day. After relaxing for a day, I naturally wondered whether unconditional happiness can lead to more work. I take a rest when I want to. I work when I want to. I can be disciplined without a desire to be disciplined. I can relax without guilt. That's cool. When you stop clinging to things neurotically, caution and consciousness take over.
  17. Yes because they have to be done by anyone anyway. I divide them into deep work and shallow work. You want to minimize shallow work. Deep work revolves around your core skills. Shallow work is usually maintenance.
  18. I want to try working 70 hours per week for a week and see if it sticks. One of the major reasons for wanting to try it is to practice unconditional happiness in tough situations. I may sleep for 7.5 hours a day and exercise frequently during the 70 hour workweek schedule. I'm not going to count workhours, but I'm just going to use 70 hours as a reminder that I should work when I don't need to do other things. Unconditional happiness and letting go are the two most powerful techniques I learned from Leo's videos. I want to push those techniques to their limits. Working requires letting go of distractions and some degree of unconditional happiness. If my happiness is conditional on various things going in the right direction, I cannot work many hours because I am going to exhaust my will power very soon. My will power is proportionate to happiness.
  19. One million cars are dispersed evenly. One giant ship emits sulfur in one tiny spot. That's problematic for nearby citizens even if it doesn't emit as much sulfur as one million cars.
  20. @Hansu Did the video exaggerate cancer risk to nearby citizens?
  21. Perhaps, you didn't exercise and go out? Lack of exercise can lead to problems. Your body needs conditioning, too.
  22. Or, he could be an alpha psychopath/sociopath. Psychopaths do that without feeling insecure.
  23. I had at least two dreams today. I sat next to a sexy girl in a university lecture hall. I was at the front row. I recognized that the girl was a coworker at my last job. She kissed my chick and my lips over and over. I liked her kisses, but I told her to stop kissing me so much in a public place. She didn't listen to me. She just kissed me anyway. It was kind of weird. But, I enjoyed it. Perhaps, I enjoyed kissing in public. I kept seeing autopsy results over and over. Human intestines were already cut into triangle shapes. Those triangle shapes resembled nachos. I wasn't really fond of seeing triangular pieces of human intestines, but I kept seeing it. I was a body-less spirit which saw it over and over. While the first dream was ok, the second dream was really weird. Who wants to see triangular pieces of human intestines? Why are most of my dreams so creepy?