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Everything posted by CreamCat

  1. I don't even know what she means by "sex is real".
  2. @Leo Gura Thanks for informing us of the amount of time and energy you have to put into dating. It's important to have realistic expectations.
  3. I think we will master biotechnology far before we discover God within ourselves.
  4. No more dental implants. No more crowns. <-- This is about a tooth paste that fills your dental cavities.
  5. @pluto That may be possible, but even if it's possible, that's way too difficult for 99.999% of people. That requires becoming God. When you discover a way for even a child to easily do it, let me know.
  6. @pluto From my perspective, I cannot know whether what you are saying is true or even verifiable. Perhaps, can I grow back a lost limb, too?
  7. That's more a fight in a jungle than a boxing match. In an unlimited fight, I can use a knife, a gun, poison, or anything. I doubt they really want an unlimited fight outside war zones or movies. I also think you mean a specific variant of libertarianism because libertarianism means different things to different people. There are variants of anarchism and libertarianism. What you refer to is more like an anarchist libertarian.
  8. Initially, you need to do a lot of research and learning on personal development. I have entered the phase in personal development where I want a lot more practice than theory. As I practice personal development, I get more work done while being happier. Work and personal development go hand in hand. That's how you bootstrap your startup company. That's not going to be always the best way for a content creator. It may be the best for a phase in my career. Also, I think that's more a guideline than a rigid rule. You cannot stay competitive by sticking to one tactic throughout your whole career. That tactic may remain useful, but I will definitely need a lot more than that to succeed and be happy.
  9. I don't want to reveal what specifically I want to create. For now, I'm just an aspiring content creator. I'm too poor to pay for tutors. I am still able to pay for affordable online courses. Since I'm at the very beginning of my career journey, I can only think of a few big strategies. Prioritize personal development over skill development, at least until your level of personal development becomes rock solid. Without personal development, you are going to be sucked into distractions, anyway. Focus on learning and practicing basic fundamentals a lot consistently. In a field that exhibits logarithmic growth curve and may exhibit exponential growth curve at times, just learning the basics consistently guarantees fast growth in the beginning. As I progress, logarithmic growth curve makes sure that consistent practice alone will stop being effective. I will have to focus on breaking existing habits on top of maintaining the amount of practice in order to make the learning curve exponential. Create a mastermind group of peers. This can have a good effect on long-term growth. In weekly mastermind group meetings, we set goals with each other and keep each other accountable. Interview 2~5 people who have had some success in your field. This is basic because a beginner doesn't need much more than a lot of learning and practice to grow explosively in any field that exhibits logarithmic growth curve initially. I just need to make sure that I learn the right things in the right orders. There is no right order in which to learn things, but you certainly want to learn to walk before you learn to fly. Do you know better strategies for content creators?
  10. @Leo Gura That's an extreme example. The vast majority of bullies on most parts of this planet don't and can't do that. That may happen where security forces don't reach(e.g. prison, warzones, ...). Most bullies aren't like that. That's certainly not an average bully. Also, I would call such people criminals or gangsters rather than bullies. In my mind, bullies work in subtler ways.
  11. Being bullied is not that bad as long as you don't live with bullies in a confined physical space. When you are not stuck with bullies, you can walk away.
  12. That's a great fantasy to realize although that's a fantasy for now. I know what they are thinking. They are thinking about a utopian future when they are biologically immortal and free of disease and wage slavery. To be honest, I'd like to live that future, too. Some may want to become demi-gods walking among humans, too. Who wouldn't want to become demi-gods?
  13. @Leo Gura Awareness is great. Pushing people into privileges is also great.
  14. It is still the case. I still need to work more on personal development. My personal development is still in its infancy. To drive more actual work, I need more personal development. Basic personal development complements actual work and is something you should do for your lifetime.
  15. @SoothedByRain That place looks susceptible to robbery, theft, murder, and rape. Make sure to have security robots there.
  16. If you go to prison, you will experience gay rape with a knife on your neck. By the way, living where no one had much of a chance to exploit you is a remarkable progress. That used to be for less than 0.1% of the population a few centuries ago. it's good that at least some people live that kind of life. It'd be better to democratize freedom and privileges. I want people to live enormously privileged lives.
  17. Understanding happens naturally. It is mystical. Understanding is a function of intelligence. Universal intelligence orchestrates everything so that you understand. Watch leo's video about intelligence.
  18. That's just the start. The problem with doing that alone is that you will soon reach plateaus if you don't break existing habits. I've seen many get stuck at plateaus. You need more than just a lot of practice if you want to stay competitive and if you want to be the best that you can be. Deliberate practice This usually means designing practices that will push you beyond comfort zones. Pushing beyond comfort zone is uncomfortable. Break existing habits if you want to push beyond plateaus. But, for now, practicing a lot is good because beginners don't need to worry about being stuck at plateaus. The problem with practicing a lot is personal development. You assume that you can just practice a lot if you want to. Without personal development, you get sucked into distractions. Personal development requires a lot of practice, strategy, and planning. Remember that Leo Gura said making it so that you can meditate all day long requires a lot of planning. If you want to sustain long work hours, you also need to put some thoughts into your scheduling. I've been thinking about how to apply minimalism to my schedule. You also mention remaining passionate. This requires some strategies, too. It's a little bit more complicated than you explain.
  19. You increased the clarity of your mind. Clarity is important.
  20. This usually doesn't happen outside USA. I think american cops need to learn to deal with harmless unarmed people.
  21. Just assume that you have free will. It's a good assumption that prevents you from wasting your life.
  22. This question is not practical. It is not going to help you get better at living your life.
  23. My favorite woman of the day. I love AMD products.
  24. If you create a mastermind group, the group members are acountability partners, too.
  25. Leo Gura's videos are like movies. They are two hours long, and they have narratives. Think of them as one-man movies.