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Everything posted by Deano

  1. I am interested in investing in real estate and wondering if anyone here has that interest as well?
  2. In the video Leo posted from joe rogans podcast on the cult of Scientology, Ron Miscavich mentions subtly that he was drawn to Scientology because someone in the organization healed his son of his asthma condition through the power of communication... I am interested in types of language and communication, and healing, so this stuck out to me. After some research, it seems L Ron Hubbard discusses 2 major entities in the experience of life: thetan (from theta), and MEST (matter, energy, space and time) universe. He claims that we are not our selves, we are thetans underneath our egos. Which, from why I’m gathering, is God, and anything we identify with in this life is not real, it’s just an agreement that we forgot that we made with with MEST universe so that we could experience life this way. He also claims that we can cast off the agreements we hold at will to experience things beyond the natural laws of this universe. I have only begun to research all this, but from what I’m reading, many of his critics are stuck in a dualist paradigm and wouldn’t understand the depth of some of this content. Does anyone know anything about this?
  3. How can you work on overcoming fear of being vulnerable? background: In a 3+ year relationship and she has seen me go from die hard orange capitalist, to my strong focus on seeking truth in life. It must be a lot to live with someone going through such drastic change... but having that close relationship helps give me perspective on areas of growth that I am blind to. One of those I think we have identified is my aversion to be vulnerable. This came most to light through my recent disinterest in sex. She can’t help but think that it is something she is doing... “I’m not hot enough”, “I’m not sexy enough”, “he doesn’t find me attractive”, “are you gay?”, are all common concerns that she expresses to me. Now, she is beautiful, and I’m pretty damn sure I’m not attracted to men... so that makes me think that there is some underlying fear with having sex with my partner. I have no problem being naked in front of her, and she has already had an abortion once during our relationship. So this all makes me think that there is something about being sexually vulnerable... if that is a thing.. and that carry’s over into being vulnerable in other areas of my life. I am curious if other people have identified this in themselves and how you guys have worked to overcome this “fear”?
  4. @Gabriel Antonio thanks for the thought. Questions: what do you mean by spiritual bypass and authentic desire? Also do you mean that my fear of being vulnerable in my daily life may be causing me to mitigate other places in my life where I am more in control of my level of vulnerability? Like my sexual activity?