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Everything posted by WindInTheLeaf

  1. Do you believe there are people walking around society, that are actively trying to stop those on their way to self-actualization/enlightenment/whatever, whether they are part of some kind of organization or not? If yes, have you ever encountered anyone that you suspected of doing this(and what did they do that made you suspect it)?
  2. @Joseph Maynor What if the false guru/anti-guru/cult-leader hides his/her intention so well, that you are led to believe that he/she wants to help you. Isn't this the reason why people have fallen into the trap, and continue to do so? How do you distinguish between the illusion of a guru and the true guru, if you are still half asleep? Isn't it after we wake up from the dream, that we notice something was strange?
  3. @Nahm Wouldn't that depend on your ability to see through their disguise? If someone encounters one at an early stage of their spiritual journey, and the 'anti-guru' is a master, how would they be able to tell whether he/she is a guide or the opposite? How would you test them?
  4. @zoey101 Any path that is not your path, is not the path for you. You can never know what is your path, so better walk the no path path. This is the path not tied to the idea of a path, which means it is just the path you walk, not the one you believe you should walk to get to some specific destination. Or as @Faceless mentioned, walk for the sake of walking. edit: (don't listen to a word i say, it is all nonsense)
  5. Indeed. Too bad many won't walk unless they know where they are walking, while they constantly talk for the sake of talking.
  6. Hehe But hmmm... Can there be any path without an anticipated destination; without at least an idea of it? Is exploring without anticipation of the destination spontaneous exploring, meaning a path that is no path - the no path path?
  7. It depends. Can you feel love towards all things if you have not let go of all attachments? Forcing yourself to love those you are not ready to love, might prolong the process of truly getting there. Directing your awareness to where love already flows naturally to you, you will find out where it does not, and then you can figure out why it does not. But i dont know, im just saying stuff, and i dont know anything about AL-LAD. Just beware of taking any powerful psychoactive substance with a egoal in mind.
  8. The state of western science is a fish on land, essentially already dead, but we keep it alive by pouring water on it. Quantum mechanics should have ended the search for objective truth, but for some reason, whether it be that those in power want to keep the illusion of an objective truth going to control the masses or we are all part of holding the illusion going as we have become dependent on it, is up for interpretation. Science is the search for cause-effect-relations, but as we get closer and closer to a definite understanding of the cause, the effect becomes more and more illusive (look up Heisenberg's uncertainty-principle). However, I do believe science, and the search for objective truth, has an important part to play as it unveils the truth, that there is no truth.
  9. Whenever we search something, we can never find it, as what we search is a manifest of the mind which is inherently tied to something to be sought. Like a cat chasing its tail, we will keep chasing something that can never be caught, unless we stop chasing and it will be right there. When we seek, we create something that is hidden. And what we seek is always something based on an idea of something that is worth seeking; something that is better than something else. But as soon as we seek, we can never capture it, since what we seek is an illusion, a concept of a thing and not a thing in itself. And if we do catch a thing that resembles what we sought, it is corrupted by our idea of what it ought to be. We can never capture what we seek, and if we do capture something 'similar', we will either be disappointed and start seeking something 'better', or be worried that we might lose it. Unless we stop seeking we can never find lasting peace. Unless we stop desiring we can never become whole. Unless we surrender our struggle will never end. Could it be, that when we stop searching for meaning, meaning will be found. Could it be, that when we stop trying, we no longer have to try? Could it be, that when we stop searching for love and peace, love and peace will search for us? Could it be, that when we stop searching for enlightenment and nirvana, the universe guides us to it, it to us?
  10. @Mikael89 Most search for something. Few search for nothing. Fewer still don't search at all, and they become the hide which the universe seek.
  11. @Nahm I can understand your doubt. A newbie pointing the finger against a search for enlightenment, is surely another troll trying to spread doubt on a forum dedicated to self-actualization. My intend is quite the opposite. How can people ever be actualized if they keep following anyone but themselves?