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Everything posted by Kamo

  1. Different era, location, culture, beliefs of the people.
  2. Speaking from personal experience, I served in the United States Marine Corps, and let me tell you the idea you have about the military is completely different from what it really is like, your right its a different world. Its kind of like before ever taking a psychedelic you have an idea about it but then you take it and BAM its completely different than what you expected. The social image that it portrays is not the experience you will have. This is a designed portrayal in order to recruit people. Bravery and Valor come from you, under military like circumstances does the need for these attributes arise, but its not taught and cannot be given out. The military will restructure your paradigm by means that are less than comfortable. Primarily fear based and culture shocked yet effective in conditioning into you a specific perspective that allows you to fit into the structure of military life. They will break you down psychologically and then build you back up, However they do instill you with higher conscious values and build personal discipline and respect for self and others, as well as teach you certain skill sets that prove useful under a wide range of different circumstances. The reason I joined was to obtain the skillsets and traits because I intuited having that background would be useful as a survival function to me and has proven to be useful to my life. So you do want to have an intention to why your going to spend at least 4 years of your life doing this. Survival becomes very easy in the military. You do not have any bills to pay besides your own cellphone-vehicle-or internet bills. All your food is had at the chow hall, 3 meals a day, and you can still purchase your own at a discounted price from the commissary. Shelter is taken care of if you live in the barracks, so no rent payments. If your married, you can apply to live at on base housing. Income is rank based and promotion is time and effort based, based on a point system. You reach the cutting score, you rank up. You get paid more but you now have more responsibility that is to include managing and protecting the lives of the troops below you. This builds lasting friendships and trust as you work with your comrades. Your set at a higher standard. Depending on your personal job or (MOS) you may never see combat or go overseas or you may go a few times, it depends. Its 4 years at least for active duty and most deployments are only 6-12 months out of 4 years, so you will if you deploy, experience places and things that you never have and probably never will again and the rest of the 3 years is you training, taking classes, doing courses, preparing for deployment, learning skills and studying information related to your job and the military as well as meeting requirements like uniform inspections, physical fitness, gear inventory, cleaning weapons and building connections with your fellow troops. So its not like your in combat for the whole time like people imagine it to be, and even then your spending most of your time on post or doing patrols and still can never see any combat. The psychological toll it takes on some people who do experience combat who fail to integrate in a healthy way can inhibit the quality of their life for the rest of their life, such as those with PTSD, if they do not properly learn how to psychologically ground their selves and do shadow work on their experiences. The impact it can have on leaving the military can be troublesome to adapt back into normal society, which can bring its own set of challenges. But with the work actualized.org teaches you can recontexualize your experience and adjust into a new perspective that transcends and includes the military one, making you more diverse in the way you can think and interpret experience. As a side note; generally when you meet another military member outside there is an instant connection and trust that you don't experience with many other people. That can be valuable when you need someone to talk to who can understand your experience. Also, it is useful when working in groups, as people will relate to you differently when they learn your a veteran. This can helpful when applying for jobs, as your skillset and attributes are ideal in the workforce. The general experiential format here is based on my own experience so it varies depending on what job you have in the military. My MOS was Field Artillery and we deployed as a Provisional Infantry Unit to Afghanistan. It sounds like you prefer to join as an infantry member based on your expectations so my experience is relevant to that idea. I feel i covered the majority of whats to be expected as well as potential concerns. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
  3. @Preety_India Heal your relationship with yourself. Often we are always looking outside ourselves. We're looking to heal something external. Try to turn inwards and observe your relationship with yourself. When have you paid attention to your own inner voice? Do you judge your self harshly? Repair your relationship with your "self." How do you approach beginning the process for this? Could you give some examples?
  4. These both induce state changes in consciousness. I have tried both and 5MeO drops the ego where as salvia it is still very much there. Salvia just doesnt compare in the level of insight you get from 5MeO. The methodology is based on your own interpretation, so no one can really tell you. The Truth speaks for itself in a sense.
  5. Reality=Imagination, Can the ego dictate what it can imagine? The ego being an illusion it doesn't really have a say in the matter so, in other words because everything is imagined by God (You/I/Me) is it possible to select content of experience in which to be experienced? Or is it as such that experience simply unfolds on its own accord through a mechanism of imagining? Do thoughts play any part in the process? Do certain states of consciousness facilitate intentional creation more than others? Also im not asking like can I just imagine a certain object into my current perception but more like does your seemingly inner-world of thoughts and imagination influence the seeming outer world of perceptions and to what degree, I would think is dependent on your state of consciousness?
  6. Surrender and letting go of old belief structures, thought patterns and concepts about yourself and the world. Becoming more present and reduction of mentation. Letting go of the idea of "frequency/vibration"
  7. Could you elaborate a little more on this?
  8. @kag101 Yeah same thing happened to me! I was conscious of the field itself, "thought" was no longer personal, Its terribly challenging to live in that state when thoughts seem to be shared, because people can still react to the thoughts you have if they have a personal bias against it. If its oneness im curious how thats suppose to work if there can still be opposing biases? Its like there are degrees of Oneness maybe? Any insight into this?
  9. You can replace protein powders with, blending Peanut butter, oats, banana, egg and almond milk.
  10. Yes I have been taking creatine for over 3 years regularly with no negative side effects at all. It increases performance in the gym and I noticed it helps to add muscle mass depending on your type of training routine.
  11. I can understand your statements here, I tried to share it often in the beginning, never considered being judged but most people nearly everyone, was not too interested in it. As the years went by I started seeing my own growth become more developed than those around me. I stopped sharing it because I assumed others simply wouldn't understand this domain of knowledge as it took me years and being active with it to understand it. Further growth followed and now I think its a good idea to simply plant the seed in the minds of people. Going out of our way to get people to watch who aren't interested is a waste of time and not sharing it at all is a waste of potential humanitarian progress, Planting seeds is the way to go, When topics that Leo covers happens to come up in conversation with others, or when observing your own direct experience im sure you noticed content from his videos comes up. Find the video that relates to your conversation or your observation and introduce it to them. Also observe those you communicate with when you notice something in their life that relates to a video, bring it up to them and introduce them to the relating video and thats planting the seed, when it seems personal to their own direct experience it increases the chances of that seed growing, and them following along with Leos content, Then if their personality type resonates with the material they may naturally gravitate to more of it the way we all did. If not thats okay too, It keeps us engaged in noticing insights and allows for direct experience verification. Its a small role we can play to be a medium for this content to reach others around us, but it isn't something we need to focus on doing, just accept any opportunity to do so when it arises. As we all know most will not be very receptive to this type of content, a certain discernment on your part of screening people may be necessary but dont let that limit you and be mindful to not prejudge others, follow your intuition. You never know when you might be the catalyst to shift someone's thinking in a brand new way.
  12. I do agree with you on how it seems to ground itself in Belief. What can you recommend to help "dropping a belief" or "stop believing something"? The conditioned establishment of a belief seems to really hold on within the mind. It becomes like a memory that cant be forgotten? Any advice would be appreciated.
  13. To "want" requires selfishness or an ego. God is completely Self-less. There for "want" doesnt apply to God because God IS everything it could even want. Want cancels itself out because everything is already had.
  14. @Theperciever When microdosing LSD, its important to use the volume metric method. This consists of taking 1 tab, the UG varies but simply 1 tab per 10mL of distilled water into a small dropper bottle. 1ml of the dropper will be 1 dose. Let the tab absorb for 24 hrs. The protocol used is Day 1: Dose, let 2 days pass, Day 4: Dose. These are subperceptual amounts of LSD so the tolerance will not be very noticeable. If you notice a diminishing return add another NON-Dose day in between dose days. Morning is the best time, right when you wake up before you eat anything.
  15. Because he is on the path of becoming a Sage, children consume time an energy which he needs to put into Self Actualization work. Less distractions.
  16. Same as Oras response but instead of Vodka used Distilled water, because alcohol could delude or destroy some of the LSD.
  17. I too went through that as well. The mind functions in such as way that it picks up on patterns. So your ability to notice these patterns has been noticed by your awareness. The patterns in your attention are consistent which is why your noticing the matching numbers because your mind is primed to look for them and your behaviors are in a homeostatic resonance with your impulse to observe what time it is, aligning your observation with those number periodic and randomly. Then the mind tries to give "meaning" to these patterns at an attempt to understand as well as assign a reason for them, which are all arbitrary.
  18. @EmptyVase Thank you for your input, I understand what your saying. Its a nice reminder to hear that these things are "pointers". I havent really had the thought process of getting rid of ego as most seem to assume is the point, Ive been aware of what it is. Its been more of realizing that what motivates taking action on the process is stemming from the spiritual ego, therefor when seeing that the motivation to continue wants to fall away with it since I understand theres no where to get to. How ever at this point theres more of a letting actions carry themselves and observe "happening" Like i still routinely meditate (more awareness focused on awareness) and read and watch specific material, and that is because i have conditioned my normal behavior and developed patterns of it all. I dont plan to stop because it is all useful, and It is all quite interesting when you see exactly what your doing. Its like you noticed theres "something" here that thinks its doing something, for some reason, and when you noticed it, its like "wait wtf exactly is "That"? Followed by any other questions about it. lol
  19. I feel like you explained this very well! It seems like one is to just live life and let everything go and everything happen. This also seems to drop any reasons to do the work? What is the reason of doing any of the "spiritual work" without a spiritual ego that seeks, questions, and wants to understand reality. I feel like at this point I'm just cultivating knowledge, insights and constructing my ego. There seems to be a desire to improve quality of life. It feels like this too is ego. Ive made it a lifestyle and feel like I'm getting to a point where I'm like questioning why do any of this (besides for self betterment) as it all is just spiritual ego, as It feels ego driven, useful for survival, and "the best method" to live life, to be meditating, and introspecting to construct the highest quality of person I can be, which is all ego. Then the awareness of the fact that even "seeking" to see through the illusion of ego as if that "State" will be more optimal is also ego. I experienced non-duel states before and it's as you said your ego is on standby and your just existing there until "You" come back. It's been highly useful for me however I can see how it keeps looping back to the spiritual ego? It's as if I'm trying and usually not even trying but happening to realize myself again and again, Where do people see a point in it all after having realized deep Truths, who aren't coming from the spiritual ego? I feel like there is no point, but it's happening anyway. The mere appearance themselves are the point it seems. I'm open to your opinion here if you could offer some feedback, if you don't mind?
  20. Yeah totally know what you mean, thats what makes this rather tricky, because our minds want like a tangible exercise to do or a way to think your way to a disengage from the experience of the reactions. Its not always easy to use another persons explanation and expect it to shift our mind. It has to be realized within your own mind, i can only help facilitate it but im limited by language. You just have to introspect and do self observation. Thats the only instructions im aware of that can be more direct. You'll need to observe the "psychic attacks" for what they are in the moment over and over until the insight hits you, on what exactly is going on in your body and thoughts. An analogy is kind of like doing a word search. You looking at that thing over and over till the word your looking for pops out. So your doing this with your Internal experience.
  21. The way Ive interpreted it has been like this, let me know if you resonate or not im curious of your answer as well. So when it's mentioned that we ARE whoever, I look at it from the state of "being" like before thoughts or interpretation, so look at your hands, that same sense of "being" or even "sense" is not even necessary, but just "The here and Now" It clear that would naturally be present of all things.. and then you extend your perception to objects, so now look around, the object is also just "being" there, like a cup sitting on desk. Its just "there" ,This also extends to your own thoughts so the "thought" of Hitler is all that can exist of Hitler since hes dead, there for that is also "Being", but when he was alive we would default back to the example of him looking at his hands, The same "thereness" The "thereness, of Being" so that would be the common ground of all things. therefore i see how what he says makes sense. Its the awareness you gotta Identify as then you can see how "You"-Awareness are everything. All that can only apply to the exact present moment which is all there is. It gets tricky with the minds linear perceptions but I think i described the point well. What do you guys think?
  22. No offense taken, I wont try to persuade you, your still learning. Everyone is somewhere in their experience. I can understand where your perspective is at. I would like to attempt to provide information that may help you, how ever your defense is up and your mind is closed so to do that I would need you to be willing, or to keep an open mind. Only you know your reality so no one can deny your interpretations of your experience and can only provide you another angle to see it from. Ive experienced what you described in my own life, so its not rare to me. I had a similar interpretation of it at the time.