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Everything posted by SoothedByRain

  1. Bump Love ya Leo
  2. The Stages Of Growth. 1. Awareness 2. Understanding 3. Acceptance 4. Positive Action 5. Positive Change/Growth 6. Peace Can't remember where I got this. Possibly from Leo's Awareness is curative video. We can't understand nor accept nor change something if we first are not aware of such. To accept we have to understand. To even begin to change and grow, we have to accept. Peace can only come through this process. Do note however that positive change or growth may not be Action. Peace may come from letting go and doing nothing. "Flow in the living moment. — We are always in a process of becoming and nothing is fixed. Have no rigid system in you, and you’ll be flexible to change with the ever changing. Open yourself and flow, my friend. Flow in the total openness of the living moment. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Moving, be like water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like an echo" - Bruce Lee.
  3. @SgtPepper two weeks means nothing . . .
  4. Lentils. Chickpeas. Chia Seeds. Potatoes and Dark Green Veg. One giant arse bowl and three glorious feasts daily.
  5. Clearspring is what I buy here in the UK. Grown and shipped from Kyoto.
  6. Completely bastardized the mans work . . . .
  7. Paul Chek
  8. A gift for those of you who are sharing with everyone
  9. Ya'll need to play some Bloodborne to get some Insight. Ya'll need some Madman's Knowledge Skull of a madman touched by the wisdom of the Great Ones. Use to gain Insight. Making contact with eldritch wisdom is a blessing, for even if it drives one mad, it allows one to serve a grander purpose, for posterity. Ya'll need some Wisdom of the Great Ones Fragments of the lost wisdom of the Great Ones, beings that might be described as gods. Use to gain Insight. At Byrgenwerth Master Willem had an epiphany: "We are thinking on the basest of planes. What we need, are more eyes.
  10. The vast amount of humanity isn't actualizing, it is degenerating. Because we are such myopic, egoic beings, even when we are building and growing in our lives it is often at the exclusion of other fundamental areas. Stage Orange often disregards health unless it is for the sake of vanity. None of my friends or family mindfully consume, breath nor move. When we are unconscious we are automatic mechanical animals. Most people don't even sit, stand nor breath efficiently nor mindfully. First step to all change is awareness. Here is a little map I wrote out for the stages one goes through, when moving out of stagnation and towards being. * Awareness. * Understanding * Acceptance * Positive Action * Positive Growth/Change * Peace (within this conversation, peace comes through health and being in one's body mindfully) As I finished typing this I became aware I was clenching my jaw. Stress is something I am personally attempting to redirect my awareness towards since it is a huge factor of my ill health and disease. Our brains produce serotonin to get us up and moving first thing. When we move and deplete/use? this serotonin our brains produce lushness and peace as a reward. Cardio, yoga, walking, deep breathing is vital for clear thought and action. First step. Awareness. Shame about that whole marketing thing aye...
  11. @Solace Just found this bro who rocked it
  12. Yoga, Stretching, Qi Gong style movement and Deep Breathing with lots of Shaking and Bouncing. Body scan and rotate and move all your joints starting from the eyes, mouth, jaw, neck downwards to your toe's. Amazing how much tension we hold in our face and jaw. Self massage is something I've just started learning also. Not doing the above is like leaving your house without washing ones mouth and splashing water over ones face. Like the beauty of the cold side of ones pillow.
  13. Success in Being isn't about accumulating more, it is about going Deep with the Fundamental. Cut back, de-clutter, breath deep and then flow from a state of silence and presence. Just like @Shiva said.
  14. @Nic Thank you for sharing friend For you.
  15. Brighton, UK. Chuck me a message if you're nearby.
  16. Only time I've ever heard of this Religion is through Elliot Hulse on Youtube
  17. @Pernani@Shin And a speech bubble saying "But Leo!"