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Everything posted by sholomar

  1. It could be argued that the fact sex is so stigmatized by our culture that we make a big deal out of it. Our closest DNA ancestor the Bonobo us sex as a form of affection and greeting including the adolescents. I do think from an evolutionary perspective sex at puberty is normal. All mammals do it. The age at which Mary supposedly got impregnated with the baby of Jesus was 13. The question these days is more a cultural one... does natural selection care about human imposed morality? I care when anyone of any age is forced into prostitution against their will. Nobody should be a slave to anyone else through using fear as a means of control and threats of death with non-compliance. No human being should be property of someone else, period. Doesn't matter if they are 10 or 25. The men behind these trafficking groups should have their testicles removed in public with no anesthesia as far as I'm concerned. Beyond that it's more of a grey area as far as mutual attraction goes. Developing young girls can definitely have attraction to older men. The real question is whether we allow anything to happen as a society or not. It definitely happens all over the world in many cultures. In most of our specie's evolution it was basically normal for girls to be having sex and marrying in the age 12-18 range. What was NOT normal was waiting until 30, or even 40.
  2. The problem is a human nature problem. Someone is always going to try to rise up to power and/or try to control people around them. There's no way around it. There will always be people that challenge authority, rebel, and want something else that what they have. Again, human nature. The best you can hope for is a system that works the best for the most people that divides up power with heavy checks and balances. However, once a society becomes well off, they tend to become lazy and victims of their own success, leaving them open for overthrow. You'd like to hope that won't happen and that humanity can vibrate in a state of enlightenment, but that's a tough thing to achieve. I believe China is going to become the next "world order" because they are playing the long game. I don't agree with authoritarian dictatorships, but they can work. In the end the extreme left and extreme right end up using the same tactics to maintain power, which is why I chuckle when people seriously think Trump would be a dictator or "threaten democracy." He's an immature smack talker, that's all. In any case, the laws of the animal kingdom... the most powerful survive and thrive. If you want something, you take it... with any means necessary. Morality be damned. CHINA
  3. Do people here really think someone should be able to identify as a cat or a cow? I want to separate the sane leftists from the ones who would be better off institutionalized. I consider myself fairly moderate and tolerant, but so many policies seem like they're taking things to an extreme. I do take pride in not aligning with any group of people, personally. It makes you more prone to echo chamber thinking, hive mind mentality, and not being able to see someone else's point of view. I've tried to see the point of view of the cat identifiers, but I'm not getting it. Call yourself whatever gender you want, but to me this smells of psychological grooming, not genetics or science. "You need to go to a different school" "you need to have a proper educational conversion" ... pathetic really. If you don't support freedom of speech, I will stand against you to the end. Left or Right. I suggest not getting assimilated into any cult, and right now the woke is the "in thing" among the progressive establishment to try to assimilate people into. Enough keeping quiet about it to remain polite, I'm going to call them out on it.
  4. I think it's a bit of a joke. All presidents possess classified information after they leave office and we've never held any of them to this standard except Trump. They never even asked him to give it back, they just decided to go in for the kill because they don't like him, LOL. I am not a huge die hard Trump fan or anything, I just see the left becoming dangerous because they believe the ends justify the means. They are not playing the game fairly. They are like the religious right when I was growing up... an undeserved sense of moral and intellectual superiority that clouds their judgement as they are assimilated into their cult belief system. Just another group of people who think their poop doesn't stink who happens to be the ones in power right now. Human nature being human nature. In any case, Trump was the least likely candidate to win the election if he was nominated on the republican side in 2024, so the democrats just shoot themselves in the foot if someone else gets the nomination, say a Desantis/Noem ticket.
  5. I don't have kids because modern women don't want boring guys. I always wanted the white picket fence being responsible, clean, making good money, and even being in good shape (6 foot 1, 175 lbs) but I've come to a certain level of acceptance and I don't really feel like cultivating the type of personality that turns modern US women on. Just not my thing. I'm okay with that. People who don't raise kids because they think "the world is going to hell" are victims of media propaganda. The world has always been a hell. There has never been an ideal time to raise a family besides very small windows of 20-50 years every once in a while. If you truly look back on our history with an objective lens, you'd never say modern society is a hell. It's paradise compared to anything we evolved with the last 5 million years. I'd say either a person wants to settle down and have a family or they don't. Modern culture doesn't push loyalty and monogamy, it pushes novelty, experimentation, new experiences, dopamine hits. There's nothing good or bad about that, it just is. Find your happiness. Stop worrying about what other people are doing.
  6. Imagine being a human being incarnating as a soul into a North Korean... personally I'd rather be a wild animal in Africa than some human being who's life is robbed from them by a dictator.
  7. One thing I've learned about these self help authors is they all take their stuff from earlier material. This includes Hawkins and his scale of consciousness which is derived from earlier work. There's nothing wrong with taking past work and improving upon it but it's often interesting to go back to try to trace the earliest works that have modern usefulness. I find "How to win friends and influence people" to be invaluable, but there was also the Master Key System which was released 100 years ago and is what The Secret was based on. It would be interesting to trace back the tree of personal development to it's earliest beginnings. I know we have Buddhist teachings which managed to be preserved and the like. I've never really gotten into his muscle testing to use to calibrate things. Personally I don't believe in it's validity. The ego of the participant would cloud the results.
  8. Anyone with the least bit of intelligence and psychological stability would know to use puberty blockers and surgeries to alter the bodies of young teenagers is probably not the best idea. This is another case where I believe the left are being fooled by big pharmaceutical companies and hospital administrators and other interests making a killing off of these procedures and drugs the government now green lights and pays for. What kind of person would think that changing the gender of an 11 year old is a good idea? Not somebody with a good psychological foundation in life. We have some questionable people in charge these days. That said, we kind of always have, and people in charge are always trying to control the masses by controlling the information. Even during the "good old days" we were largely controlled through propaganda. See the BBC series "century of the self." I don't care what people do with their lives, unless they become lifetime government dependents. There's a lot of people who think they deserve cradle to grave support system where they don't ever have to work, which defies natural law and evolution. We are not genetically wired to operate this way. I wish the left was better with "the science" they always talk about.
  9. It takes all types for a society to function. The real question is why are humans so obsessed with what everyone else is doing and feel the need to impose themselves on the way other people live their lives? The answer is simple: genetics and evolution. We are the sum of a few million years of evolutionary history, and I would argue our level of free will is actually rather limited. We are the sum of our culture, genetics, and upbringing, and tend to default to monkey mode, where we let past habits and emotional impulses and drives guide our behavior. The self mastery process I would define as Leo says in his video on addiction, to sit there and do nothing, observe the craving and sensation, notice it's a full body experience. Self mastery is not allowing impulses to control one's behavior. Self mastery is developing new habits over time. Loots of books on this. Intellects are just addicted to intellectualizing and conceptualizing. They get emotional juice off of it. It's become a habit for them. Anything can become a habit if done long enough. Eventually it becomes a personality trait. It's no different than if a young buy with an alpha father teaches that kid how to be a smooth ladie's man or have a high emotional IQ. Personally I am self aware of my deficiencies. I can tell you that the programming to put people at ease and be playful is underdeveloped among my software package. I never had strong peer group bonding as a child. That carried through to adulthood. Being offended by people's behavior is a trap to one's peace of mind. Most often their behavior is rather impersonal, a result of life circumstances, defensiveness, projection, etc. Not everyone can be a socially well adjusted happy person plugged into the pop culture matrix. I mean, anyone can reprogram themselves with practice, but that takes emotional labor and discomfort.
  10. Here you are:
  11. The left in the US have some bad traits to them. The main ones are going soft on crime in big cities creating a sort of lawlessness. Wal-marts are starting to shut down in the worst offenders such as Illinois. Why such a badge of honor by allowing criminals to not get punished for crimes? Society needs law and order. Virtually all these locations are places that prosecutors and judges make it a badge of honor to not punish criminals. There's also this push by the American left (not so much the Europeans) to reward mediocrity in society. It's okay to do bad in school, not graduate, because they're a different culture... their culture isn't good at math, and other excuses and justifications. These two things aren't going to end well if they aren't nipped in the bud. Leftists have this socialist utopian fantasy of how they think the world should operate that would never actually work if applied due to human nature and evolution itself. Leftists ignore the science when it offends them. It's their one major flaw. Because they are a sort of cult, they like to take the opposite side that the "right" does just to spite them, which makes some of their policy choices not make sense. It's like a drug addict who knows the drug is bad but refuses to quit.. that's what the left reminds me of sometimes. That said, I'm not a huge fan of the right either. Pick your poison I guess. Still, lots of leftists can't see why someone might vote republican, and there are justified reasons to do so. I see them as brainwashed by mainstream media narratives, just like the right gets brainwashed by their alt right media sources. All conservatives are authoritarian racist nationalists, blah blah blah. LOL No, as a moderate I want the best and brightest to excel, no matter their skin color. American society more and more is rewarding mediocrity and outright bad behavior. I see this push for equity over equality that is NEVER going to work, and will not end well.
  12. Took the test 3 times. I seem to bounce between Delta and Sigma but also identify with Gamma. A lot of the questions are not really the best however. Another imperfect test but still fun to take. This kind of meshes with political tests where I end up scoring as moderate as you can possibly get. A blending of all of the traits. Master of none. Not an alpha. No interest. The problem with Gammas is that it takes coming from a position of negative emotions to be one, so it's counter to any sort of personal development goal. Not something I strive for, to have my sympathetic nervous system, my neurotic fears, jealousys, etc running the show, so over time those traits WILL go down. Resentment is a waste of energy. Nobody with an excess of negative emotion should be in charge. To the degree I have no desire to be an alpha, I respect their ability to command and lead effectively. I also threw in my Ennegram chart from that site that charges you for the full report. I swing between 4W5 and 5W4 on every Ennegram test I've ever taken... typically 4W5. Myers Briggs is typically INTX.
  13. Resentment towards women for desiring high status male is simply a natural part of our DNA. Recognize it, watch the feeling... don't let it control you. Perhaps seek to deprogram it over time with mindfulness practice. Get on the hamster wheel of self improvement to better yourself if you think it will provide you happiness... hit the gym, master your cravings, create healthy habits, things of that sort. Women would date a broke-ass man if he has an easy going personality and makes her laugh and feel comfortable. A lot of men are too serious or have an underdeveloped playful side and lack confidence. These are traits that are genetically more desired than money, considering women can provide for themselves these days. A lot of men say women are after looks and money, but really they are after the right personality, a personality the men who make these statements simply don't have. That said, if he's totally lazy and doesn't contribute at all, she probably won't stick around forever. Who wants to live with a slob? Another slob.
  14. I tend to agree with the OP that promiscuity tends to hurt long term monogamy because the brain's dopamine centers are ratcheted up to permanently desire the higher levels of stimulation that come with fucking a dominant male with dark triad personality traits that women desire for that raw, sensual, animalistic experience that often a provider guy doesn't know how to provide. Not to mention new experiences provide a surge of dopamine and we are sort of genetically wired to a degree to desire multiple partners and get bored with the same old same old after enough time has gone by. Do you give into animal cravings or stick to principles? This is where cultural mores come into play. If there is no punishment for chasing one's genetic urges, most people will give into them. That's not good or bad, it just is. Culture and values make it good or bad. I could see a society where sex is more open and monogamy is not such a thing. It all comes down to values. Look at Bonobos, our closest genetic ancestor, who use sexual stimulation as a form of greeting. That said, a lot of guys use this master key argument to try to justify their high body count, and I found those men to be hypocrites. I have no respect for hypocrites, who apply different standards to others than they do to themselves. If you want a low body count, you should have one. It's helpful to be aware that we are animals subject to evolution, and if you look at things from the standpoint of how we evolved, it makes the whole game much easier to figure out. We are just another animal species on this planet. The DNA provides the answers. We like to fancy ourselves beings of intellect and free will, but most of the time our emotions and animalistic drives and cravings determine our actions. You can't negotiate attraction.
  15. I learned a little bit more about you after your other post I just replied too. Enjoy the journey! Those genetic cravings beware they come with a double edge, but hey at least you're having fun! Women like men who are confident and sensual especially when it's raw, primal, and animalistic. I actually think what the OP texted works.
  16. This is your story. Personally I'd rather have a sweet, cuddly, feminine, nurturer who's not a looker. Also fiscally responsible, Thrifty, not plugged into this pop culture matrix of being on the consumption hamster wheel of having to have the next new toy or the next flashy experience. The chasing of the dopamine high. Someone I can meditate with. Go on nature hikes with. No bars/clubs. Not my thing. What kind of man needs a hot woman? The man who has lots of options so you're fighting for his affection over other women. Stop pursuing such men. There are plenty of good men out there... they just aren't making lots of noise to get themselves noticed. A lot of people of both genders have kind of checked out of the system, so if you want a guy's attention, initiate. I get it... women's genetic makeup drives them to be have a raw, animalistic attraction towards men with certain attributes. Try to look past your genetic drives. Being human .... sigh... it's not really my cup of tea, but I'm here, might as well make the best of it. Some genetic engineering in 50-100 years might improve our specie's psychological makeup.
  17. It takes practice and repetition. Judgmentalism is basically a sympathetic nervous system response often based on subconscious negative emotion combined with a thought story whereas a DMT trip or enlightenment is basically a profound parasympathetic response. Is that thought story a valid one or a cultural construct? Is it part of "your story?" Reality just is. There is no ultimate right or wrong incarnating into this physical dimension. We are here for the ying and the yang. You can do what you think is right and still have it backfire on you. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Do what you feel obligated to do, but beware you create your own suffering for what actions you take and thoughts you decide to hold and believe.
  18. Screens and video games. I had to delete my Zelda Tears of the Kingdom save this morning and be done with it.. the game has hundreds of hours of content. Also mindless youtube browsing. I even enjoy some thought provoking stuff, but it's still a time waster. I just found the "PBS Eons" youtube channel that has tons of fascinating science content on it. Sigh. Don't get me wrong, I love knowing that all the heavier elements came from supernova explosions, but it's still all mind candy. Reed Timmer is doing his live storm chasing right now. Sigh. Is he going to get cut up by broken glass from hail taking out his windshield again or his partner get his elbow pelted by hail? I saw this one live. He's had two of the best chase videos of his career in the last month, and this is one.
  19. Honestly I believe in heavy checks and balances to keep human nature in check. I'm skeptical of anyone who says they have all the answers and thinks they should lead in any way that suggests they dictate to people. I honestly haven't read enough into the WEF to know what to think of them. I've seen some wise things come out of them and some not so wise. I don't believe in the top 5% getting special privileges, so if they think they are going to get everyone to eat vegan or insects, while they enjoy their Ribeyes, that's not going to fly. Either they apply the rules equally for everyone, or don't bother at all. It wouldn't hurt if they all got rid of their private jets also, if they are so concerned about climate change. People see these wealthy elites doing all the things they tell everyone else not to do, and thus don't take them seriously. Rules for thee, not for me, is NOT, I repeat NOT going to cut it. Lead by example, or don't lead at all. The major problem with our system of checks and balances is that right now, it can be bought out if you have enough money, and these people print money out of thin air, known as quantitative easing.
  20. I see politics like a horseshoe. The extreme left and right have more in common with each other than anyone in the middle, and tend to lean either anarchist, authoritarian, or a combination. They are lower in the spiral dynamics scale due to fear, jealousy, anger, or other negative emotions, and basically want a society in which everyone is like them, because it makes them feel more comfortable. Diversity is a threat to them. Most Germans in Germany did not actually support Hitler. If you read up on how he achieved power, it was almost entirely by happenstance. He ruled through fear, like all authoritarian leaders do. People did what they were told, because to not do so was to risk yourself or your family. It didn't help the nasty reparations Germans were made to pay after World War 1. There's a lot to it the history books don't talk about. History is written by the victors. There was blame to go around.
  21. I just like to point out to people talking about how they don't drink Budweiser that Busch Light has the same parent company when I see them drinking it, so if they are trying to boycott something they accomplish nothing switching to Busch. In the end I think they're just trying to be trendy in their social circle rather than actually make cultural change, which is fine. Whatever. I like $3.99 Aldi peach wine. I'm having a bottle tonight.
  22. Both the keto types and the vegans are unnecessarily extreme. Going zero carb and eating nothing but meat is just as silly as eating nothing but fruits and vegetables. It won't hurt you to have both, unless you're doing it for ethical reasons. The main dietary problem is refined carbohydrates, namely chips (including so called healthy crackers loaded with MSG like Triscuits), pop tarts, cereal, donuts, ice cream, regular soda, french fries, fried chicken, pizza, and mostly because they're addicting and make people put on weight. Too much fructose and alcohol can lead to metabolic syndrome and a fatty liver also, especially with a choline/betaine deficiency... so if you eat gluten free (wheat is the main source of betaine in the diet) and no eggs (egg yolks are the main source of dietary choline), with a caloric excess you will quickly build up liver fat, subjecting yourself to metabolic syndrome and prediabetes.
  23. You need to immediately go to a doctor and get an A1C test done. Also get a fasting glucose test done by them. Report back here after you're done. Follow the recommendations of your doctor. He'll tell you if it's type 1, type 2, or what the problem is. I'm assuming since this post is a month old the problem is resolved.
  24. Here you are. This guy's a walking science experiment. His diet is in this video.
  25. I wear sunblock on my face and neck always, use tretinoin on my face, and take glycine supplements. Glycine is a component of collagen that people lack in their diets that helps maintain skin firmness. That's good enough of an anti-aging protocol for me. I allow my legs to get suntanned for the Vitamin D. Sometimes my arms too. UV exposure causes skin to age faster. Ever notice how African Americans look much better as they age? Whites are ugly when they're old. Some people also use things like NAC, NMN, and Fisetin. I don't really bother with any of that.