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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. @mikeyy I'm 19, you're not Leo's little bitch
  2. @mikeyy If I told you I would have to kill you HINT I live in a country filled with wild plants and trees that have it. I've had it for a while(before Leo's mushroom video) and decided to take it after his video.
  3. Hi guys, When you are very ambitious, sometimes its easier to dream about the stuff you are going to achieve instead of actually doing the work to do it. For example, just say you want to start a business, instead of doing the work to do it, you may find yourself dreaming about how awesome the work is going to be, and sometimes that dream can distract you from doing the actual work. How would you overcome this, and make sure that you focus on the task instead of daydreaming about something you are trying to achieve Thankyou!
  4. @Emerald Wilkins Feminism in a lot of respects, also are negatively orientated and projecting. To solve the gender gap for example, they would rather lower men's wages, instead of increasing female wages.
  5. For the last 8 years or so, I have been struggling deeply with being self conscious, and being a people pleaser. I have looked at Leo's videos, and I am applying methods such as the 6 pillars of self esteem, but the problem I have is very severe, and hard to resolve. Its mainly because in the past(particularly secondary education) I've been involved with people who did not respect me, constantly bullied me, constantly made out as if I was stupid, constantly made out as if I was selfish/nasty/horrible etc and it happened for at least 4 years, constantly. If you haven't had this done to you before, this skewes your ego up something fierce. The ego is extremely insecure, extremely unsure of itself, and extremely afriad of being rejected by someone, and looking like an idiot, or a harsh person. And you can't just 'switch' it off I've tried fixing this issue being pushing myself to being more social, trying to assert myself more, but what I've realized is that, this didn't actually fix the problem, it just changed my external environment to something else. I'm currently in a group a university. And right now I'm confronted with the toughest challenge the ego could possibly encounter, an Asshole, who doesn't want to give any roles or jobs to anyone else, because he is afraid that I will 'stuff up all of the work he has put into it'. I havent confronted him, because my ego fears a return of circumstances of my unfortunate past. But I've had enough. I've had enough of being like this, afraid, and non-assertive. I've spent 8 years like it. I want to be an asshole. I have the group project tomorrow, what should I do tomorrow? What steps should I take to calm my ego down, and confront this person about his behaviour. How do I let go of the past to make sure it doesn't haunt me when I confront people? How will I tackle my fear of looking like a jerk, of being excluded. How will I stand my ground and be sure of myself? I appreciate your time to help me tonight.
  6. @reez Lets just pretend for a moment hypothetically, that the gender was reversed and that OP slapped his wife to put her into the right mind (with the same force) would you still be ok with that? To be totally honest, i just dont understand how gender relates and affects morality in this context. I dont understand how its appropriate to use gender as a completely direct way of determining how wrong a particular violent crime is. Especially after all of the dogma feminism projects onto our society about equality. If you want equality, go all the way, or be happy with specific gender roles that have been used for hundreds of years. If youre going to neglect a females ability to hurt a man, while also advocating women power! And the empowerment of women, and how women are stronger than men in some cases, then its clear to me that unfortunately you are supporting a movement that's main aim is female supremacy, and not genuine equality.
  7. its the man's job? Sorry I must have missed the memo god sent us about how we should live our lives. There is no job that a woman or man has, that's absurd. I'm not sure what masculine and feminine polarity is either. Yes men CAN cause more damage than woman can, but that doesn't mean that women should be dismissed from punishment all together for hitting someone else. Domestic violence happens in both directions. If a woman hits a man, they should be punished in the same way if a man hits a woman. This girls are pussies and can't hurt anyone, and all men are pussies if they get annoyed about women hitting them is just discriminatory and sexist. Like women aren't physically capable to handle jobs in warehouses and being tradies because of the physical strength, yet we still let them. In the same way men shouldn't be criticised and discriminated against when females hit males, even though their physical strength is larger.
  8. Since meditating, have any of you noticed that you are doing things much more slowly than you normally would? I mean do you guys walk around and have you noticed that your decision making is much more slow? For example when you are going to the supermarket, you select things to buy much more slowly? And have you noticed that your head is much more decluttered that what it normally was? And this is hard to describe, but do you feel more submerged in your head? Like you are submereged into reality more? A really weird slight fading of that screen that barricades you from the 'real world'? If so, I have too, and because I come from a type of Personal Development that is neurotic(Tai Lopez, Eric Thomas, Les Brown, Tony Robins) I see this effect(guessing its from meditation have no idea what else causes it) as a negative, because I am really struggling to fit in all of the goals and tasks I've set for myself. And also, I love the feeling of being submerged into reality, feels a little like floating, but its really distracting me from achieving all of my goals, because I'm too busy observing and in a way being reality. If you guys have been through this, do you mind telling me how you keep productive? And if this effect is actually an ego trap maybe? And how to avoid it? If you haven't please help me anyway. I am really lost on answers with this one because there are not books or articles of this problem on the internet. Its a meditation sort of problem.
  9. @Armand Its our job to protect women? What ass did you pull that belief from? Sounds like something a white knight from the 1500s would say. I find it fascinating that in this day and age, we are all about giving men and women equality, but at the same time downplay and even sweep under the rug the fact that the OP's wife hit him as well, because she is a woman. Seriously if a woman hits a man, that is just as wrong and serious as a man hitting a woman. OP, violence usually isn't the answer, but your preconceived beliefs about how you hitting her is worse than her hitting you is internalized misandry and quite troubling to someone trying to self actualize. I would work on those, along with the rest of the points made on here.
  10. @Wormon Blatburm Lol, I don't wanna be a tree!!!! nnnnnoooooooooowwwwwwww @ShaharA Wow that's awesome!!! I want to be in that place. I'm experiencing something negative though, I got especially alarmed when I realized I spent 7 minutes in a shopping ile today just to buy a pair of scissors. Like with no thoughts hurrying me up. How does it help your productivity? Are you experiencing any like slowness? Mainly because there are no thoughts pushing you to hurry the hell up with activities? Not particularly cool when you're frantically running two businesses, and trying to achieve HDs in all of your subjects.
  11. im suprised mathew hasnt given his input on this yet
  12. Hey guys, I've noticed on this forum that people on here have a neurotic, almost ADHD like attachment to what others say in their posts. I've seen(and been involved in) like literally 10 post debates about a certain interpretation of enlightenment, as if someone's interpretation of enlightenment is really going to change reality in any impacting way... And the amount of posts I've seen where people have to reply back to a dialogue, just because someone took them too literally, and consequently started accusing them of not knowing what enlightenment is, being a fraud, being too literal, and hence mentally incapable of handling the big boy self inquiry stuff(usually the ones who dont do the work write this stuff). Like seriously, us as a group would get so much more insights, and save so much more time, if we didn't have Mr. Dali Lawyer up our asses, turning our posts into incriminating evidence for "Saying something about enlightenment that doesn't fit my belief of it". Wouldn't we all much rather ask questions, and get answers about insights and advice, rather than trying to defend a position, that really doesn't matter that much anyway? It saves time, eliminates the need to clarify what you have said, it stops off topic and completely useless arguments about which belief is better, and reduces the amount of BS you need to read to actually get to the answer of an OP's question. Whose with me?
  13. @30secs What if your worldview(Chemicals in the brain causing consciousness) was couched in consciousness? And its actually the reverse?
  14. Where abouts can one find find girls to talk to? I've heard on this thread that you can go to shops or coffee place, but isn't it creepy if a guy goes to the shops purely to pick up chicks? Which areas are appropriate for picking up chicks, areas that do not require a lot of money for access. Going to clubs, in my opinion, is a very cost ineffective way of finding chicks, because of the amount of money spent on alcohol, and how clubbing deteriorates your sleeping pattern
  15. How much time per week do you spend socializing with friends: meeting up one on one, going to concerts/clubs/movies, etc? Do you think socializing is waste of time? What are your thoughts on this?
  16. When socializing, its very important to express yourself well. From my experience, half of the meaning in communication is physical expression. I have a series of problems, including: - stuttering - pausing for long periods of time, because I have issues with finding the right words to say. - muddling up my words While these problems may seem small, expression can catastrophically impact the influence within a date, the person may be turned off by it. The second half of the issue I have with verbal expression is my knowledge field(that Leo talks about in his latest video) is radically different to everyone elses, because I am a very weird person, which interests that are rarely shared with others. This leads me to interpret things said by someone on a date incorrectly(take things the wrong way) and generally be very awkward on a date. Are there any specific tips I can take to overcome these issues? Sorry for the overwhelming list of problems, I have researched extensively and found little help on this issue
  17. @Anna It's not about splitting up the community, its about knowing a few more people on a deeper level, and possibly fostering active encouragement from those relationships, independent of the forum.
  18. @Matthew Lamot ive tried Matthew, I re-read all of your posts, i looked at your profile, and i came up with the summary i wrote down, how much more can i really do? Again, you are not cooperating with me, you are helping others who look at this forum, I am not the only one involved here
  19. @Matthew Lamot you're not working hard for me, you're working hard for people who will look at this forum. Remember what you said about how you are trying to negate me?
  20. @Matthew Lamot ok one last time: If you are giving me good advice, its very indirect and construed, I've looked at all of your replys just then, and cannot find ANYTHING that I can actually implement in my meditaiton habit. NOTHING. You have written heaps of shit about karma, and about how karma makes me a lost cause, and about how im the product of the jiva-> niave because im not listening to you, and about how im too gullible, and about how I'm misguided for sitting down every morning for 30 minutes and watching my thoughts(because thats new agey), and about how our enlightenment is half baked, and about how you are already the self, and about how my belief about reality is wrong. Like wtf does Maya and jiva, even mean? ^How the hell is that going to get me higher awareness? Just give me one quote that will help me get enlightened? just one little step. like idk distance yourself from thoughts, then let them go. Just one. Why wont you do that? I've looked at your profile, you dont have shit about self inquiry, just arguing with people on other posts again about your belief. Here ill even give you a template because you are so lofty and airy fairy: True Enlightened leaders: 1. blabla 2. blabla Enlightenment steps to do every morning: 1. sit down and take big breathes 2. focus on your breathing 3. get into the present moment 4. watch all of your thoughts Links and resources for further reading: 1. www.whatever.com 2. www.MatthewIsAwesome.com I know you wont do the above, because if you were really sincere about changing people, you would have already given us this information in the first place. I'm just writing this post to negate you lol
  21. @Matthew Lamot and one last thing before I stop procrastinating on this forum, stop identifying me with the new age movement, because I have never been involved with it. Everything I am saying has been produced by me, and me only. I heard the word new ageism for the first time on this thread. If you really care about helping others, you wouldn't falsely presume things onto other people
  22. this isnt techniques btw, its just your opinion on what the self is. You should watch Leo's videos, he gives actual concrete instructions on how to get to enlightenment. Thats what we are all after
  23. @Matthew Lamot Matthew please, stop misinterpreting what im saying. You have misinterpreted me at least 8 times in this post. and it will take too much to point them all out. I'm after step by step process such as: 1. look at an object and distance yourself from the thoughts of it or whatever your teachings say. I have asked now 3 times for this information, and you just reply with your BS about what your perspective of enlightenment is. Why not give me links RIGHT NOW, instead of showing me how wrong my worldview is, and how right yours is. Give me the links now, give me the steps now! If you can't do that, no one is going to listen to you, because on actualized.org, we care about enlightenment, not being dogmatic. If you don't like that find some 3 year olds to brain wash. and I love that excuse you give, that you are only replying to me to negate me, and to help others. We all know that you are replying to me because you are emotionally stimulated. funny I use to use that BS excuse once too. Reason why I'm replying, is because I am considering your prespective, in case you do have some good information about reaching higher levels of consciousness, but you don't seem to want to give it to us, is it because you don't have any and youre just bluffing? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and if you really need me to prove to you that I HAVE read your stuff, here you go: "if you want to create a 3 Michelin Star meal you use the right materials." -> youre saying your ways are better than anyone elses, see that? That's what you accused me and shamed me of doing. "Non duality means "truth". Its the truth. This means it is not an "experience" of non duality. It means weeding out all the lies from the mind which destroys the binding vasanas. So true non dual teachings ARE the ultimate no bullshit path. Thats what Advaita means, its literally means NO BULLSHIT! So when you say that the jiva (relative self) must learn to accept others, this is a fallacy. It is a fallacy because it is not part of the teaching. Its true that in reality there is no hate, but you cannot give the POV of the Self over to the Jiva to make a belief out of. That is not how it works. How it works is we respect the relative realm and give the jiva Self Inquiry and teachings to Realize the Self." -> I don't know if you realize this, but all of this is dogma, and you are saying that the above ^ is the truth, and what I wrote is wrong, can't you see how this is dogmatic? You accuse me of doing things that you do! "Youre a dreamer, but I post responses so I can negate you. Not because I give a fuck about you, or your liberation. Someone will read this and say "fuck me, he might have a point". Those mature and sincere students are few and far between, but they are around." -> you have a lot of hatred against me for an enlightened person.
  24. @Sultan lol Sultan if you want drama go watch Kim Kardashian. It may be fun to watch, but its also a distraction and an impedement to PD
  25. @Matthew Lamot i dont really want to read enlightenment books because it will add to the dogmatism. Would much rather just see what America looks like instead of wasting time memorising the error prone map of it. Just you seem to do the same as me, and say that my concept is wrong and your concept is right, like on 80% of your replys. Isnt that being hypocritical? So lets say i do take on your advice, where are the resources for these ultimate teachings? Where are the meditation techniques? What religion are you even talking about?