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Everything posted by Cocolove

  1. and when the human dies, what experiencer dies with it? point to the experiencer.
  2. What you're describing is the 6th and top layer of maslow's hierarchy of needs: self transcendence. It seems like this isn't coming from a neurotic place. Having children is on the 3-4-5 layer depending on your motives.
  3. here's from my experience. It won't make you happy. Work on self-actualizing and this sadness will drop away. then you can freely pursue whatever. Now strike a balance between that and filling the lower end of your hierarchy of needs(maslow's)
  4. @peanutspathtotruth I'm not too sure about the idea of a trans personal degree anymore. The reason I wanted one is because I want to integrate psychoanalysis and psychology with meditation, stages of insight, etc. (Imagine running a retreat where you're not only deeply realized but also a Ph.D in psychology, and can therefore help people awaken while also navigating their "stuff" skillfully as it gets in the way). But anyway the trans personal psychology schools seem very stage green, just not what I'm looking for. They have failed to meet up to my fantasy of being all about ken wilber's works (ken wilber is a big inspiration and does the type of work I would like to do). I think I can get this integrative facet in a career from reading on my own, which I'm already deep into. @Shiva Good point and my thoughts on this are threefold. 1. Suck it up, knowing all that shit will be helpful when I'm really learning the stuff I want to. 2. My masters and Ph.D would involve me expanding on it to take it in my own direction and 3. I will go to a college that meets my desire as close as possible.(there are lots of varieties of psychology bachelors these days, e.g. there's even some chose your curriculum ones). @SgtPepper helpful post thank you. Of course I would end up covering psychoanalysis very deeply, since I would get a graduate degree in it. also yall psychoanalysis is so cool: transference is very cool. check out this video that explains one facet of it. you can just get a sense for how intricate and genious it is Dream analysis is also cool, very cool. I'm reading this Jung book on dreams rn. that dude analyzed 2000 dreams a year apparently.
  5. hey yall I've done a bunch and I mean a bunch of research and I think I want to be a psychoanalytical therapist. The theory gets me so fired up. My friends who are in AP Psychology talk to me about what they are learning(you can't take the class until I'm a senior, next year for me), and I feel so passionate about it, like I get filled with so much energy I can barely handle it and want to sprint outside. I'm suprised the LP course is pointing me towards a normal job, although I would start my own practice and be able to spend at least half of my time on retreats, so it wouldn't exactly be wage slavery. Here's a good link for basic info, I'd get a Ph.D in some sort of psychology, e.g. transpersonal, clinical I would be able to help people, and after having some experience I would be able to do work integrating my mastery of the field with spirituality.
  6. I smoke weed about once a month, sometimes more often, sometimes not for a long time. When I do, I have no tolerance, and smoke as much as I can physically handle. Then I lay down and contemplate I've had some fairly deep -mostly relative- insights, sometimes as much as psychedelics, but not very blissful ones or super deep ones.
  7. this was a joke that RSD Julian posted on his twitter, which caused a huge media scandal. This is the chart for emotional abuse they teach you in sex ed in highschool, trust me, i learned it last year.
  8. @Soulbass I sit in a chair like that except my lower legs are vertical from feet to knees in meditation and kriya. Works for me. @-Rowan Are you doing any other techniques? Maybe if not you could benefit from something like self inquiry, to synergize with kriya I'm a month or two further in than you, and I've just started to get some cool experiences, so maybe it'll just take more time. Now that I think of it I've started to get cool experiences only after Kp3 and doing the Kriya Bow from gamana's book, have you tried that?
  9. I've already read that article I will continue to research through @SgtPepper what exactly do you do?
  10. I forgot to mention Sofia university and its trans personal psychology class looks amazing. that's the type of stuff I'm interested in. One thing I've got from the Life purpose course is: Connecting the fields of psychology and maps of awakening & meditation in order to help people awaken more effectively, since their psychology does play a role in it. e.g. someone might turn to spirituality because they have a need to feel superior to others and it could make them toxic in their efforts and waste time or maybe take for example the therevada buddhist stages of insight and dark night of the soul stages(knowledges of suffering), and study and use what's going on and how it effects people. Also good point that psychology as a general field probably isn't what I'm looking for.
  11. The way of the shaman by Micheal Harner. Haven't read it yet, just paged through and it looks good. It's just on shamanism though. If you're looking for something broader idk
  12. Eggs, 100% dark chocolate, macadamia and brazil nuts. cauliflower, tomatoes, grapefruit, pineapple, berries, coconut flakes, unpasteurized green veggie juice, huperzine a, L theanine, lions mane mushrooms, Alpha GPC.
  13. Like Nahm said get up early no matter what, you will go to bed early then if you didn't sleep enough.
  14. I went mountain biking once last summer, I loved it!
  15. Is this an effective technique? I sit down daily for an hour, and do vippassana, just being mindful of my sensations and thoughts. Once I get in the zone I start self inquiry, focusing on the actuality of thoughts and the body, seeing that it is happening on its own. After a while of that, and only if I feel like it, about half of my sits, I am able to watch the process of watching, I notice that the self that is watching seems to be in the head, various spacious sensations make up the watching, and I sit there doing that. When I get to the final step I often get into a deep meditative state for a while after, and get cool things like it feeling like my brain is melting, my hands and body parts feeling very big or very small, reality feeling very weird, etc.. I also (try my darnest to) do this constantly outside of formal sitting, except when doing. This way of doing things feels intuitively best to me after trying many techniques. Strait to self inquiry I get stuck in thoughts and distracted, just mindfulness feels ineffective. Is this a good way of doing things, I'm worried that since I'm not doing strict self inquiry, and I'm kind of mixing it with noting/mindfulness it might be not.
  16. @luckieluuke I do it earlier before my routine and it seems to work fine. That is how you should do it, eventually it wont hurt to stretch it all the way
  17. @Garuda enlightenment is a great place to work from your shadow from. You'll never completely eradicate the shadow, it's a function of the mind that can't be stopped, and that's okay.
  18. This is what I've observed with me & with others. It seems very different from adults. is it true? and why?
  19. explain what you just explained to us to them. maybe get a book on it?
  20. just start going down the legs until you can get to toes. It took my about two months of doing it daily to go from unable to touch toes to almost able to get my elbows to the toes, forearm past them. kriya secrets revealed mixed with gamana's kundali exposed and secret power of kriya yoga. @Pouya absolutely nothing wrong with mantras, it's just concentration meditation, speaking of concentration, the buddha talked about two types of meditation, concentration and insight. It's best to be good at both, although you could get completely enlightened without ever concentrating. Kriya is a more concentration type practice, it helps quiet the mind and get you focused. My self inquiry practice would be shit without kriya compared to what it is with kriya. @OmniYoga kriya bow is meant to build you up to two minutes, it'll take time to get there. I'm doing it right now and am a little under 1 minute. yes do the chakras and chanting, that's the exercise. If you don't like chakras then think of them as parts of your body, and think of chanting om as just a form of concentration. Also I reach for water like every 10 minutes during shamanic breathing, works fine for me. get some daily pranayama's going
  21. do whatever it takes to cut that shit out, it's worth it so much