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Everything posted by Flowerfaeiry

  1. The world will always tell you you're not enough in some regard. Whether it's your body, your fashion choices, the money you make, the creations you create. Good!! I think it's great to have high standards. It means you respect yourself and want more for yourself.
  2. Lol he's a super high level psychonaut and personal development master who engages online regularly. What do you expectttttt. Dope outfit choice btw @Leo Gura
  3. 1. Yes but it doesn’t always look how you might think and it’s not necessarily easy even for experienced healers 2. Of course. When you can tell someone is mad at you without them saying anything—you are reading their energy. There are thousands of energetic clues you read throughout the day without even noticing. You can manipulate the energy of others but it can be unethical. You could change your energy which can change someone else’s (more ethical). 3. Yes. Stop thinking of energy as an invisible fantastical force. 4. Happens all the time. Some are more in tune than others. 5. Not even gonna answer this one 6. Infinite amount of things. If someone wants to build their powers they can study and practice. It does help to be naturally gifted with these matters, however.
  4. @Javfly33 I don’t know how it is in your country. I’m in the US and I would be turned off if a guy had 3 women roommates. Not turned off enough to not sleep with you that night lol. But going forward you’d probably have to be really amazing or something for me to want to come back. I don’t want other bitches around hahaha. In terms of safety it makes zero difference if they are male or female roommates.
  5. Because you’re still out there trying new things. Even if you don’t stick with it you are putting yourself out there and exploring life That’s good. It is going to feel weird taking small steps. Like you aren’t doing anything meaningful, but small steps do matter. It takes patience and faith to know they will lead somewhere good. Focus on being really kind to yourself. Notice the times you’re beating yourself up for not doing “enough” and change the narrative. You have to know that you’re in a viscous cycle right now and the way out is to actually take a step back. Slow way down. Be super nice to yourself. Take small steps.
  6. @Yoremo This was me for a long time. The little things you’re doing that you aren’t sticking with are still growing you in a way You need to stop telling yourself you’re sucking at life and start noticing all the ways you’ve shown up for yourself No more shaming yourself, we don’t improve through shaming Stick to small steps
  7. The suffering of animals in our current system is a reflection of the way humans have been treating the earth for hundreds of years. We disconnected from our roots and began living out of harmony with nature. We can’t fix this through animal liberation first. That’s backwards. We need begin to listen to nature and break down current systems that oppress ALL.
  8. It’s more blue and black actually
  9. @Irina Wolf Wowwww this resonated so deeply with me. I used to tear the skin off my heels and fingers as well as bite my lips raw. I feel for you and am sorry you're going through this <3 One of the things that helped me was having a loving romantic partnership with someone who really cared about me. It wasn't the perfect relationship but it was very healing and I noticed that is when my picking began to reduce in severity. Couple other ideas... do you have a passion in life? Friends and family who love and accept you? Are you being kind to yourself about this? Try not to beat yourself up. You can't shame yourself into healing.
  10. In Vipassana they teach that the sleepiness is part of the process. You have to keep bringing yourself back to your breath over and over again.
  11. What happened?
  12. I love that you are wanting to explore this! The stuff that’s shown in this video may not be good for a brand new partnership. It takes a bit to build the type of comfortability that is needed. It isn’t glamorous, but building good communication skills is very spiritual and will help build a good base for the relationship.
  13. If not for pregnancy wear a condom for the STD factor. I wouldn’t put my fertility in the hands of a surgery.
  14. After cutting out fragrances I became extremely sensitive to them and get a headache when I am around perfumes.
  15. The things you are doing now are preparing you for your life ahead of you. It’s ok not to see meaningful change because your practices are still in you. Sometimes it takes awhile to look back and see “oh yea, all that stuff I did years ago is finally paying off”. Life is a precious gift. Sit with your numbness. Rest. Don’t let society tell you you have to do and be so much. You are perfect. From a healed and gentle place, much growth happens.
  16. Of course. The most enlightened people feel extremely deeply. Look at Leo, even. How he tears up when talking about God. There’s this idea in enlightenment that you are unaffected by pain and pleasure. Which is why people becoming attracted to enlightenment because it promises a relief from the difficulties of life. But pseudo-enlightenment is nothing more than spiritual bypassing. A truly enlightened being really feels their pain.
  17. So I’m actually going to say that the more enlightened you are, the more you allow your heart to break open by grief. You feel more deeply and are touched by life more intensely. Being enlightened isn’t a state of ignorance toward pain but rather a full integration of it so there are no points where it gets stuck. Pain does not equal suffering. An enlightened person feels pain very deeply.
  18. Couple thoughts: You may benefit from sharing your artistic process. Especially on social media. It might get you inspired if others are more involved with seeing you If you’re making art that’s just “pretty” and that’s it—make different art. I love art because it moves my soul and inspires me to make my own. Are you putting your soul into your art? Also, there are very famous artists who didn’t become famous until after they died and I think what you’re describing is one of the many dilemmas artists face so know you’re not alone in that. Getting others involved in your creative process may help if that interests you.
  19. You will shine from the outside when you are in touch with your life-force energy, it’s undeniable.
  20. Anxiety is your body’s way of telling you you have so much goodness to come out that you can hardly contain it. So when it comes to being on stage you have anxiety because you have so much of yourself that is just bubbling to the surface. Try movement. Like jumping around, moving your arms up and down, going for a brisk walk and taking deep breaths. Try to have the mindset of working with your anxiety not trying to get rid of it.
  21. This is your answer, dear. It would be foolish to long after him in a way that is beyond casual. You can have fun with him yet be careful so as not to get carried away. He has informed you he is not interested in anything serious and you must respect that for yourself.
  22. Practice in the mirror with yourself. Really look into your own eyes for extended periods of time to get more comfortable with that weird feeling. I still have problems with looking at people in the eye when I’m telling them a story. I think it just takes practice and being ok with being uncomfortable.
  23. https://native-land.ca/ You can plug in a zip code or look for your spot on the map. Especially relevant for those in North America. I feel more respect for the land I am on with this information and it reminds me of the history that has taken place here.