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Everything posted by MarkusSweden

  1. Yeah, exactly! 'The truth is, there is no truth' I guess you can call that statement true. (even though it's a semantic play/game)
  2. Look at my edited post above where I mentioned the 'eye'
  3. Can an eye see itself? If absolute truth is nothing but one big eye(metaphor for non duality), you must cease to see in order to 'see' the truth, because there is nothing outside the eye to see, the eye is everything that is, hence a contradiction if you like to 'see' the truth. Silly metaphor because you can't compare experiencing with seeing, seeing is just a subset within the range of experience. But it gives you a clue that you must cease to experience in order to experience truth. Truth is a black hole, that doesn't exist. All there is, are derivatives of the truth(illusion/lies that is). And you can't even say that all there is, are derivatives of truth since truth actually doesn't exist, is nothing.
  4. Haha, thanks man!
  5. I will miss you! Take care beautiful girl! You will have a great future. Hope to see you here again someday! Take care.
  6. Hear hear. I guess Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all dualistic religions. And since truth is non-dualistic one might consider to skip even the good parts. Eastern religions such as buddhism and hinduism are more aline with the absolut truth. They don't recall any thing as 'little self' aka ego. So if one has to choose, you better go with eastern religions as you indicate in OP. Having said that, I like kabbala and sufism(islam) which are the spiritual traditions of those religions..
  7. I hear you @Faceless You inspire me. Outer and Anna1 are both great, but they have a huge aversion for truth. We must give them the time they need. They are us, we are all one. Let us see it as if a part of us need more time to realise what another part of us already have figured out(Faceless, MarkusSweden)
  8. @Outer Remember that language, not just English, but all of languages are nothing but movements of minds, movements of thoughts that is. If someones language is broken doesn't matter, that has no importance what so ever. Can you see this? We are looking for truths here, timeless truths, the truths of what we really are. That goes beyond the movement of mind and the movement of thought aka 'self'(ego).
  9. Why don't you cherry pick? Study the good and interesting part of judaism, kabbala that is! There is so much of timeless spiritual truths in kabbala. Then cherry pick with the other religions as well. But know that deep down, you have all the knowledge inside of you already. Trust yourself, and know that knowing yourself fully is equal to knowing God. Sounds pretentious, but that's how it is! Doesn't judaism comes with upbringing in Israel btw? You have jewish blood?
  10. Hehe, true as well.
  11. I'm aware of my thoughts, but if I remove the contents of the thoughts, will awareness remains and be aware of itself(without any objective qualities)? Or will consciousness cease to exist if there is nothing to be aware of? To nail it.. Is consciousness/awareness only a quality in a company with an object, a thought for example. Or is it self aware, without any need for an objective "thing" in order to realise its own "being"?
  12. I know what you mean. The 'personal' mind is like goggles that makes it possible to recognise 'a world of things' Without the goggles('personal mind') put on 'your' awareness, 'you' don't experience memory nor a world of things. It's just impersonal consciousness, unbound, outside of time and space. You literary have to limit this impersonal consciousness, and narrow it down in order for memory to arise and a world to appear. @Faceless Great insights!(as usual)
  13. I know exactly what you mean! *What you said had nothing to do with truth, it was just a pointer *There is no "you" that just reached out to me with an answer, hence no memory of it *There was no knowledge(implies memory aka 'self') behind the answer. That's why "your" pointer is so good!
  14. Thanks faceless! This is great! This is where words ends, and the unnamable nothingness "unfolds"(but NOT within time) Namaste.
  15. I'll have to agree! I read it carefully just because your comment! This is some of the greatest stuff I have yet come across at this forum Pure gold.
  16. You express yourself in language and language is a movement of thought aka a movement of fear. I only use language to reach out to you within the matrix that you are stucked in. When you find your true self and become free, you'll see for yourself there is no need for language since it is a movement of the mind, which is a movement from the self "image"
  17. lol, having my mind I better do the same thing! Thanks god, authorities can't read thoughts!
  18. @zoey101 Hi you beautiful soul. There were so mush presence in you family pick you shared a few days ago. I don't doubt you are a great singer. I think one important factor is that one has to admit that only the sing/songwriting and performance has full purity to it. If you want to share what you heart has to offer with the world you have to swallow the bitter pill that the practical stuff that goes with it to shape a carrier out of it, is political(evil). You have to be somewhat ego to share the non-ego(which are your songs). Because getting the right people to work with, marketing, persuade influent people(music directors, radio hosts etcetera) is all political stuff, it has manipulation aspects to it. But don't view it as evil, that's just how the game is rigged. How the game work. If you don't show ego in regards to these practical matter, no one really knows your ambition and your goals/desires. So many talents fail to share there beautiful stuff, their art, that reveal our true underlying loving being that we all share! One has to master both fields so to speak, the non dual aspects(the heart, the singing, the lyric writings) and the dual part, the political practical part that goes into it if you want to make the leap from an innocent hobby into a carrier. You see what I mean zoey? The talents you got, that I'm sure of! You go girl!
  19. 97% of cambodian people are buddhists according to wikipedia, hence the highest percentage of buddhist people in the world. Anyone been there? Is it among the most developed counties consciousness wise you think?(Despite being somewhat economically poor) And how does it compare to their neighbours, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam? Even if you haven't visited the county(yet), please share your thoughs!
  20. You can experience them fully, but then you are naive, that's the prize to pay. Because to experience the beauty fully you have to totally forget about these evils, you have to be unaware of them. And being that naive will make you a stranger. And people are strange when you are stranger(To quote "The Doors"). That push you into a direction of solitude, but in a way, you gain the whole world and all of the peace, love, beauty and happiness that underlies everything. Personally, I think it's a small prize to pay. Great that you bring up this topic again btw. Many are not aware of the "syntax error" of human life. Which is that you can't bring the your full inner joy and potential to the outer world, to live in society means you have to pay another prize, the prize of living only "half" a life. To live life fully, solitude is required!
  21. But you don't HAVE TO play the game, right? You can be a dissident to the whole game, without judging it or feel guilty about walking a more solitude path?
  22. Some people call the only substance there is to reality for consciousness, others call it nothingness. What ever you call it - void, oneness, God's only being, consciousness, nothingness, pure light, infinite eternal awareness etcetera - after all, that's just a bunch of words, concepts that is. However, let's agree on the fact that there is only ONE substance(whatever that should be named) that makes up for everything that is known to us as realty(aka the inner(awareness) and outer world). But! Is there any way to prove that there is only this ONE substance to reality? Any proof at all? This one substance can transform itself to matter, minerals, plants, animals, humans, minds, worlds, stars, galaxies - you name it. But how can we be sure there aren't more the ONE fundamental substance that makes everything come in to existence? Why not two, three or even more substances that coexist and aren't "born" out of any of the other substances? Here's one great clip regarding "What is the Substance of Experience?"