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🍄 Mushroom Trip Report 024 - 6g - Choose to Love Fear 🍄

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Date: October 5th 2023. Taken at 1:40pm

Dose: 6 g golden teachers Lemon Tekked.

Intention: How Do I Create A Driven Life?

Here's My notepad, even after lots of cleanup, it's still feels messy, but I paste it all here such that whomever wants to read it can pull various valuable insights for themselves.


( I’ve noticed many times during my trips I’ve had a strong desire to meet Leo IRL. This is definitely a bucket-list item of mine. But I feel That I “should” put it off until I’ve got a lot of monetary success with my life purpose. However, with that being said, it would pain me to not meet Leo IRL at least once. I notice a fear of Leo dying before I meet him. )



Start of Notepad/ Report. 

17 minutes in

  • Visuals

20 minutes in

  • HARD kick in. Hardest kick in I have ever had.
  • Shrooms don't fuck around when you take a dose this high.

24 minutes

  • Hard kick in.

32 minutes

  • Hitting so hard

43 minutes

  • So hard that it's like constantly in my focus.
  • My direct experience is so intense.

At this dose, I noticed a much higher level of intensity. 

Golden Teachers appear to be the best strain for serious scholars of reality.

On this Trip, it was starkly obvious for me to become aware of the bubble of Direct experience. And how that is all that is. 


  • Adjust your fantasies of personal development and spirituality. I’ve noticed that people have fantasies of what spirituality looks like and also what personal development looks like. And as you go on this journey, you need to make a conscious assessment to adjust your fantasies such that your ideas align more and more with reality. This will allow you to pursue the correct things and also set the correct expectations.
  • Create seasons for your personal development.
    • Like “These 90 days we are going to tackle X problem with full force”
  • God is THE MOST SERIOUS. I mean helloooo? Who do you think you're talking to? What is more serious than the creator of Reality itself?
    • God is the creator of seriousness itself. 
    • I’ve noticed that to be serious about life, this is an emotionally difficult endeavor. 
  • Talking to someone while high that is focused on your trip intentions can help you articulate deep insights and bring it back to the ground.
  • I feel like God will always find losers to make fun of you until you learn to make that choice to become intelligent. And he will make this loser manifest for you in a very intelligent way. It can be anything. A Person, an object, a life situation, it can be anything.
  • I notice that God has an installed appreciation of all life within you that you didn't know you had.
    • It's installed deeper than Code to a computer. It's in the BIOS of your brain and mind.
  • The game of survival is a lot more fun and rewarding when you have to figure everything out. 
    • Why the fuck would God not want to have fun? The process of survival is how God has fun. 
  • What if the reminder you needed to focus was always present in your state of consciousness? This would be incredibly helpful. Creating as many cues as you can as reminders to focus.


Because you're God, you can create whatever Clarity you want.


  • "I'll always put a challenge at your level for you to be rewarded."
    • God is always creating challenges at your level. Meaning that you are capable of overcoming or working through whatever challenges that are put in front of you.
  • You will always have challenges at every level of life.
    • Every single level up you have in life, you’ll just have new, different categories of challenges. There will always be challenges at every level in every domain. 
    • The way you level up then is by willingly conquering all challenges that you currently face. If you are still struggling with level one challenges, then you are still a level one. And you will be limited to the level of success that a level one can get. 
    • Life wouldn’t be interesting if you didn’t have consistent challenges.
  • God will always create losers in front of you that you want to help, but you have to learn how to help them by first helping yourself.
    • The way to actually help other people is through respect. If you can respect yourself enough to set a strong example, then you can inspire other people to follow suit.
  • You have everything in your mind already equipped to do everything you want in your life. 
    • You have everything already in your mind to generate the insights required to take your next step. 
    • You have everything in your mind already equipped to learn how to become that high performer.
    • We all have that authority within ourselves to REALLY dial ourselves into our lives. We typically just need a strong example for ourselves to be inspired after. If you are going to tell someone to tap into this, then you must have THEIR respect. That respect comes from them SEEING YOU become this highest embodiment of the teaching. If you don't have their respect, then you won't be able to convince them to make that decision to become better and grow through that pain of changing themself.
      • If they do choose to go through that pain, then their character will be solidified in those moments of pain. Character is written in moments of adversity. Real or self-inflicted.
      • Furthermore, if someone is choosing to create self-inflicted adversity out of your suggestion, then they will naturally start to form a bond with you. Because now they are investing themselves in ideas that they learned from you. 
  • God gives you appreciation you didn't even know you had everyday, and every moment. Pre-installed into every decision you make to be a good man.
  • So, in my experience,  Mushrooms are pretty forgiving. Even if the trip is rather traumatizing, because you're so goddamn high, it is much less of a big deal.
  • Be READY to FAIL! 

    • When you fail at something, that failure creates a point of self-reflection to increase your awareness of ways you could have done better. This is why goal setting and failing is so important. Failure creates points in time for you to reflect, and readjust.

  • When you actually KNOW how to live the best life, you’ll do it all. You must learn how to create the momentum that you are after, STARTING from where you are CURRENTLY at. 
  • Have you ever thought about how God has the ability to just choose one day for someone to lose their mind and become insane and kill you? (My mind is experiencing that level of openness.) And he will intelligently weave it into your reality seamlessly such that it doesn’t even feel out of place. Point being, reality is possible to shift and change at any point in time very easily. It is uncanny just how quickly things can change for you. In a positive or negative direction. Notice this. Reality can change much faster than your ability to currently imagine. 

  • If you can get people behind your story, then you've got a great vision.

    • People want to make your business/ project grow because they like your story.


  • It’s really interesting to see how people treat you when they are no longer your friend. 

    • “I want to see how you treat me when you're no longer my friend to see what strength you have.”

    • This is like the difference between friendship and respect.

  • It’s interesting to see how much you can learn about someone when you are in tough survival situations. I feel this is where any real learning about someone occurs. 

  • I can see how 10-day periods of doing nothing will change your life.

    • For 10 days you need to watch yourself do nothing and suffer. 

      • Suffer the inaction for you to finally learn to Act correctly.

      • Here's why you need to meditate 10 minutes a day, do not give yourself permission to do anything for those 10 minutes! Like the solo retreat, you start to rethink how seriously you're going to make choices for your actions that you take throughout your life.

      • Every day where you give yourself those 10 solid minutes to do nothing. It's like watching all the opportunity of all the possible choices you can make in front of you for 10 minutes straight.

  • When I don't want to go to sleep it's because it's a day I regret.

  • I also notice the avoidance of winding down to sleep is an avoidance of the next day.

  • Reality is a Challenge Worth loving.

    • I need to learn how to love the experience of a wage slave job while creating my own thing full time on the side. Be happy for the life experience

    • LOVE is Loving the pain and Loving the Fear that Reality gives you. 

    • “God I Love the pain and the fear you give me.”

      • That's a challenge

      • Love the fear of going through all the challenges to create your ideal life.

    • To truly create a Driven Life, you must take on the challenge to love the pain and the fear that God gives you.

    • REALITY is a challenge WORTH LOVING.

    • All the emotionally difficult stuff, it's WORTH LOVING.

  • When you want to make high consciousness friends, you have to be willing to build your own tribe, your own village. Most people that try this never last long enough to build their own little town. People want great friends, but they don’t want them enough to go through all of this effort to create a community of their own. The expectations are set incorrectly. 

  • The way Reality controls you is through pain. The only control to expect in life is pain. You will have pain until you learn to act accordingly. So might as well choose painful things to do that will get you to where you want to go.

  • Use reality aligned with the design that it was intended.

    • When you think about doing something that works holistically well, it is all aligned with the design of God and Reality. Aligning with Love.

  • Reality will find ways to kill you. (You being any figment of consciousness that you identify with)

    • If you want to create an ego that asserts results onto the world, know that you will be fighting against everything else. This is not something to avoid, this is something to notice if you want to create anything new or create any changes within yourself or other people. 

    • For example, if you want to wake up, reality is a machine that will quench all forms of waking up by killing it through distraction.



  • God will make you choose at all times.

    • There are choices you are making at all times in every moment. Notice this.

    • God gives you infinite power to choose to become a winner or a loser.

  • God will give you choices you didn't know you had.

  • I feel like God grants us equal power to make all choices.

  • We will always be given choices. It's equal.

    • For example

      • The pain of doing the hard thing right now in this moment.

      • The pain of doing the easy thing and suffering much more later.

  • Life is like a Shakespearean play.

    • There is always a choice in your life.

  • God will make hiding shame such an easy decision. It’s interesting how that works. It’s in my programming. It's instant.



  • Heaven is right here. This is literally the after life, we are smack right in the middle of infinitude. 

    • We are in heaven right now. How are you going to respect it?


Big Insight around sovereignty and taking the authority of God:

  • You can Decide.

    • You can just DECIDE for whatever outcome you want to create. But every decision you make comes with all the costs of what you gotta do, what you gotta sacrifice to acquire what you are after.


End of Report.





Edited by ZenSwift

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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