Buck Edwards


4 posts in this topic

Just focus on those. Rest will take care of itself. 

You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.



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I have spiritual goals as well as other goals. And I'm fighting harder each day to achieve those. It takes a lot of my energy. I feel consumed. 

You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.



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With autism, hypomanic and schizoid you can feel tired very easily. 


And I'm not spiritually bypassing either. 



You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.



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Schizophrenia is a delibitating mental illness with severe cognitive deficits, hallucinations and delusions, including but not limited to poor working memory, flat affect (few emotional expressions), anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure), persecutory hallucinations (e.g. voices that harass you or monsters that want to harm you), delusions of self-reference (e.g. thinking that a song on the radio is about you), thought disorder (e.g. making peculiar conclusions about things, seeing conceptual connections that are tenuous or illogical)

You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.



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