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Kuba Powiertowski

Towards aloneness

1 post in this topic

I can only confirm that all stages of dismantling the current ego software, widely described in philosophical and spiritual literature, await everyone like the next levels of the game of being human.
From personal depression, through the first glimpses of light and then the darkness of the dark nights of the soul, to the emerging aloneness. Friends, various activities, everything that was so important until recently is still ok, there is nothing inappropriate, I just don't resonate with it anymore. I practically fall asleep on demand, I have dreams in HD quality, and I remember everything. More and more often, they do not differ from the so-called wake-up versions and are often smoother and more coherent. I often visit the same places night after night and meet the same beings. And I know it all better than this dimension. The body's needs also decrease. Although I already know that this body has at least several options for supplying energy I try to eat normally because I have a physical job and without it, it would be not easy, but the only stimulants left are coffee once a day, sometimes twice.  I have to invoke sexual needs in order to function in a carnal relationship. The most difficult are the mornings when I have to recall and activate to some extent who I used to think I was, and after waking up, for a moment I don't know where I am or what I'm doing here. If you ask me if it's worth it, I'll answer this: from this perspective, the question doesn't exist. There is no way to go back to what it was because it was obsessive-compulsive nonsense—chasing the disappearing points of the horizon or your tail. What was - it was, is what is, what will be - will be. Peace and this strange kind of childlike joy that flows from the depths of every experience restores natural trust in the order of things. Who knows what tomorrow brings?

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