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Kuba Powiertowski

The healing process

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Regardless of our views, we all experience the human body with all its ailments. Illnesses, pain, injuries - no one can escape it. As we age, the symptoms worsen, and we no longer heal as quickly as we did in our 20s. The condition of our body is not only the result of genetic conditioning but, above all, how our mind treats our body. The mind usually has completely different ideas about our real health - or rather, no ideas. Obsessive-compulsive swinging from punishment to reward takes up most of our subconscious and projects into our everyday functioning. Dozens, hundreds of patterns that we unconsciously repeat, stuck in the vicious loops of the mind that rule like a drunken monkey.
The practice of Kundalini Kriya tames you with severe discomfort, pain, and inconvenience. This breath practice leads you through murderous exercises and arduous meditation positions. At some point, you discover that the pain is no longer a problem; all mental resistance is gone. Meditations in this yogic system have a special power. If you practice diligently daily, you relatively quickly restore the experience of the absence of a physical body and other dimensions of existence. How does this relate to our physical and mental health? When the resistance to pain and discomfort disappears, the body has all the energy not blocked by the mind at its disposal and quickly starts taking corrective actions. When you know what movement and breathing exercises you can use to support this process fully and consciously, things start to happen. Things that Western medicine calls "rare accidents," different believers call "miracles." 
Examples from my life:
1. After almost 30 years of semi-competitive rock climbing, my left knee almost completely blew out. Torn lateral ligaments and torn both menisci. For many years, I limped along, gritting my teeth in pain, taking painkillers, and avoiding arthroscopy. It turned out that doing 27 squats holding the ankles daily (27 knees in + 27 knees out) for 40 days in a row solved the problem.
2. Hemorrhoids - the result of genetic predisposition, sport, physical work, and over 40 years of not caring about your body. Exercise and diet constantly for three years have solved the issue.
3. Spine - I had serious problems in the past, which is what really started my journey back home. Recently, while pulling down a heavy ladder from the car's roof, something popped in my back. The pain was intense, and I landed on all fours on the sidewalk, unable to move. Because the pain was no longer a mental problem and did not block the body's natural micro-movements, after a week of self-rehabilitation, the pain stopped. I worked physically all the time and practiced yoga every day. I didn't take any painkillers.
4. Vision - for the first time this summer, I noticed a radical improvement in the quality of my vision after a long period of gradual deterioration.
5. Sleep - thanks to the practice of Yoga Nidra, periodic problems with falling asleep have stopped.
6. Sexuality - there is a small problem here because by raising vibrations, lower needs and desires naturally disappear. This is where the teacher's wisdom is key. He must guide you through this process of exponential increase in vibration so that you can control it for the good of your partner, your relationship, and yours.
7. Typical periodic illnesses - influenza viruses, etc. They have tried hard to get me - no success so far.
8. Mental problems - there are attempts to make a mess of old patterns - here, I consider Kundalini Kriya meditation techniques to be invaluable.

My father - small cell lung cancer with metastases to the ribs. 5 cm aortic aneurysm, two heart attacks. Left lung removed. Ribs on the left side of the chest softened by cancer. Most of the lungs are destroyed after interstitial pneumonia. According to doctors, he should have been dead for two years. After being discharged to home hospice, he received no further treatment. Only morphine for pain and osporil for the ribs. According to Western medicine - he was going toward the grave.
My dad and I did a lot of mental work together. Acceptance of what is was a starting point. Trust each other and the power and meaning of life from a transcendental perspective. Implementing pranayama techniques to maximize the activation of the part of the lungs that is still functioning. Gradual implementation of daily exercise and walking. Restriction on TV and radio news. Drinking water that was kept for 12 hours in copper bottles. Wearing copper bracelets. Sessions with crystals and some rare metals. Better diet. What are the effects?
The latest results of ultrasound and abdominal tomography, echocardiography (Holter), and an extended blood count showed that my father's body had returned to the state of functioning before these diseases. This does not mean that my father has fully recovered because that is impossible. Fifty years on ten coffees and two packs of cigarettes daily has taken its toll. You have to bear the consequences of your ignorance. That's the only way to learn something. Nevertheless, Dad goes on 2-3 kilometer walks almost every day in the surrounding meadows. Alone or with our dog. He recently experienced an OBE. Maybe it's time for the next stage. Who knows that? But he smiles more than ever before. Peace radiates from his eyes. He became an inspiration for family and friends and a puzzle for doctors.

The human experiment is just beginning. I believe we are in a transitional stage between apes and humans. We are not fully human yet. We use a fraction of a percent of our body's capabilities. And as for our mind? For now, the tool controls the user, not the user - the tool. No wonder. That's the nature of the tool. This is one of its functions. Therefore, it defends itself with its software, trying to intercept every taming attempt and claim all the attributes to itself.
The moment you see this process, you will see your own mind, regain control over it, and start the self-healing process.

You will feel that excitement of discovery and exploration of the unknown. And co-experiencing this, sharing new discoveries, and the joy that comes with the adventure of life - nothing excites me more:x

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