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Chat GPT for Self-Inquiry and Introspection

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I think that one of the more underrated uses of Chat GPT is in using it to organize your notes and insights about yourself, and especially using it to integrate your past experiences into future plans. I wasn't aware that GPT is capable of recalling every exchange within any given chat session. According to Chat GPT, its memory capacity is limitless in this regard. Keep in mind that information from one chat does not transfer over to another unless you manually copy and paste.

Why is this significant?

I keep a chat session with Chat GPT that I've been using quite regularly for the past few months. Because I only talk about life purpose, values, vision, and other topics described in Leo's life purpose course in this specific chat, I've sort of been able to mold Chat GPT into a kind of life purpose coach, or at the very least, an assistant that reminds me of my core values, my top strengths, my creative ideas, and my long-term vision, and refers back to these things when appropriate.

I've used prompts like, "When giving me any advice from now on, remind me to take a course of action that is aligned with my core strengths and values." Another good one is, "Describe my long-term vision to me in vivid detail." There is a long list of prompts like this but the basic idea is to teach Chat GPT what your life purpose is, and feed it tons of data about your best qualities and weaknesses, past experiences, plans, vision, etc. and allow it to refer back to these things regularly. Use nicknames or monikers to substitute for lofty goals with lengthy descriptions, and it becomes very easy to then input your progress and let Chat GPT integrate all of that and provide strategic output as it tracks what you're doing now along a long-term trajectory.

Hope this helps.

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Starstruck already made a post about this.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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