Phil King

Phil Kings Life Purpose Journal

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Timeless movie. 

Ive been reading "Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins and "AntiFragile" By Nassim Taleb. Both great books. Thinking in terms of fragility, robustness, and antifragile seem to give tons of insight into how the world works and what to do with ones life. He says that writers and artists are examples of antifragile careers, where controversy and attacks will only popularize them. The best publicity for a book is paradoxically it being banned or having a bunch of people say its overrated. Always turn attention to the timeless and antifragile

Edited by Phil King

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Finished reading "Awaken The Giant Within" today. Amazing personal development book. I finished it pretty quickly so I need to go back and do more of the exercises and implement the info. Small incremental steps to improve done consistently will produce incredible results

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^^ This documentary always makes me cry from how beautiful it is. "Whats the pain in comparison, now that I have acquired my dream"

I read more of antifragile today, wrote, and recorded a video. I can finally notice my speaking ability getting better. My vocal tonality and articulation has improved a ton in the past few months.

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I started and finished "Psychology of Mans Possible Evolution" By Peter Ouspensky today. Very profound. You are a machine that thinks you are free. Also started reading "The Best of No BS Marketing" by Dan Kennedy. Just in the first 30 pages I can see much of what marketers like Owen Cook and Alex Hormozi are using.

^^ I watched this vid today and Jeffy said something pretty profound in the realm of discipline and consistency. " Lost days are more damaging than successful days are beneficial. Avoid putting up zeroes and get some numbers on the board". When trying to build a habit, set a bare minimum of what you need to do everyday. Like getting in shape could be something as simple as do 10 pushups or just show up to the gym and get a crappy workout in. For me this would be reading a chapter of a book, meditating for 5 minutes, writing a couple hundred words. Just get numbers on the board to keep the streak, build discipline and momentum, and build your identity as someone who gets shit done. I also recorded a video today. 

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Ive been doing more research on vanlife and have found some good options. Looks like the van itself will run for about $5000. Ill alot another $5000 for repairs, but it probably wont be that much, then another $5000 for renovations to be safe. Overall I want to set aside $20k for the van + video production equipment like a sony a7 and some good lenses. When I graduate ill finally be working full time. I should make about $10k this summer and fall and winter Ill hopefully make another $20k. I should have everything set up by the end of the year and then Ill work until June 2025 to save up. I want a location independent source of income so that I wont have to rely on savings or worry about money.

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I cried for a long time while recording a video today. Im failing 3 classes and wont graduate. I just cant get any motivation to do schoolwork that I dont care about and that I know I will never use. I dont let school get in the way of my education though, I learn more from books and youtube than from any university lecture. I dont know how my parents will react. I am not going back to finish, I just want to work on stuff that I actually care about. School takes up so much mental energy that could be better spent towards my passions

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^^ I watched this today. Amazing movie that shows whats wrong with much of the schooling system and society in general. 

^^ I also rewatched this video. One of my favorites of Owens. I need to fix my mental talk and develop a core confidence in myself and my abilities. Stack up small wins and develop your inner voice so that its a spear that breaks through all doubt. God put you here for a reason and wants to see you live up to your potential and fulfill your destiny.

Im feeling better after yesterday. I dont care that I wont graduate, it means nothing to me. It will be my version of burning the boats, leaving me no other option but to pursue my goals and passions

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I read about 60 pages of "A Brief History of Everything" by Ken Wilber today. Im writing my final paper on Panpsycism and the Evolution of Consciousness. Im going to tie in panpsychism, parts of Ken Wilbers integral model, and the Nine Stages of Ego Development into a cohesive structure that explains how consciousness is the fundamental property of reality and how it is attracted to ever increasing levels of complexity to bring about emergent properties that didnt exist before.

 I also bought Owen Cooks newest course, Blueprint Reloaded. Im pretty happy with the purchase, theres like 50+ hours of content and its all exercise based to improve communication. Ill probably give a review in the product review section when I go through more of the course content

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Read about 100 pages of Brief History of Everything. Amazing book. My weekend is completely free so I will finish that book, watch Leos 9 stages of ego development series and take notes and start writing my essay. Also want to incorporate Sex Ecology and Spirituality.

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I finished Brief History of Everything + watched and took notes on 9 stages pt 1. 

I feel like I always say this but I need to fix my sleep schedule. I dont know why but its so hard for me to fall asleep. Ive been having some crazy dreams lately. I took a nap a couple days ago and had a dream that I was talking to my grandpa on his deathbed. I wish I could remember more of what he said. All I remember was him saying that people dont change unless they absolutely need to. I also remembering him ranting about hating the Japanese lol. Strange.

A few days before that I had a dream where I went semi lucid, but it was crazy cause it felt like the dream was specially designed for me to break out of it. Before I went to take a nap, I was working on ideas for my writing and thought to myself that it would be useful to have the book "Science Set Free" with me. I had left it back at home and its content would have helped with my paper. Then I went took a nap and dreamt that I had the book in my hands, and I suddenly realized that this couldnt be real cause I didnt have the book with me. I wish I was able to stabilize the dream, I got excited and woke up quickly after

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^^ I bought the screenplay book for this movie at a flee market. Pretty interesting movie exploring fate

^^ Watched and took notes on pt 2. I can see myself in mostly the achiever and pluralist stage. Will have to develop myself over the next 5-10 years to get to strategist stage. The main problem for the essay and presentation is that I want to cover a lot of material but only have a 10 minute presentation and about 5,000 words. May have to cut or simplify some parts

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 I read about 100 pages of "Nonzero" by robert wright and finished taking notes on 9 stages of ego development series. Honestly it makes me pretty motivated to keep developing myself after learning exactly what the higher stages entail. I actually watched this series when it came out, but I literally had just discovered actualized at that point and didnt really grasp the profundity of it. Still have a lot of work to do in achiever stage though and get my survival needs handled. Its kinda hard cause Ive done over 50+ trips in the past 3ish years so I have intuitions of the higher stages but struggle to embody them in my daily life. 

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Ive been reading a lot of books. I finished Nonzero by Robert Wright and The Holy Science. Also started reading biography of Leonardo Da Vinci and The Selfish Gene. Im going to work a lot on speed reading, I plan on reading for like 6+ hours a day for the next month. I have received direct insight into a great business plan

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