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How do I handle the suffering of others? It's making me miserable in the inside

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I have been asking myself how is it even possible to be happy if there is so much unfair suffering in the world. I have been suffering in secret for so long because of other's suffering, for some reason specially animals, specially dogs. I myself am in a relatively comfortable situation and I supposedly have almost everything necessary to be happy, even the privilege to have experienced profound spiritual moments of high consciousness. 

I think this suffering have maximized in the last times for me because I have been traveling inside my country, out of the capital lets say to more rural areas and have seen very closely the unbelievable misery of street dogs, in some cases literally alone in the middle of nowhere. Nothing to drink, nothing to eat, nowhere to stay, nobody taking care, all in the apparent middle of confusion (also seeing cases of animal abuse on social media). Like they are born uniquely to suffer. It feels like this world is and could be even worse is a machine of suffering, there is no limit. These dogs can reproduce indefinitely and breed more misery with nobody to control it at all. Again, there is no limit and it will never change.  We just don't see it, I'm aware that exactly right now as I write these words there are dogs and other animals (also humans) being tortured, suffering unjustly. How can I feel good with life being conscious of this? I know it's happening right now and it happens 24/7 all around the world.

Sometimes, I have unintentionally showed my family and others that it affects me so much the abandoned dogs (not as much as it actually does) and they tell me like stop caring so much about them, concentrate in yourself being happy. But how can I? How do they do it?

I just want some explanation or a way to start seeing things because all the suffering I'm aware of sometimes it makes me suicidal. Like I can't stand it. It's too much.

Thank you so much, I feel like here is a community that may be able to understand me because around me nobody does.

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