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Photo Reading by Paul R. Scheele

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A powerful reading techniqe for those who believe and know about the power of the subconcious mind. The book is called Photo Reading by Paul R. Scheele

First you have to set an intention (a question for example) why you read the choosen book. After that you are basically using your peripheral vision to absorb the text into your subconcious mind. Then you let the information incubate for a few minutes or better for a day or over night, before reactivating the knowledge by skiming through the text, and read passages that catch your interest or in that context i should say eye. You could use a mind map or write some notes during the process of reactivation. At the end you rapid read the whole book and change the speed according to complexity of the text. This explanation is only a rough outline, if you want more details i recommend you read the book.

I only have tried it a few times, but i had moments were certain text parts did apear in front of my eyes like the were served on a silver tablet. You might be skeptical but try it for yourself. 

A powerful tool to add. In my opinion it does not replace the need for slow concentrated reading but can be used intuitively to absorb the knowledge even deeper. Also great in combination with contemplation. You could also do this with several books of the same or related subject area and write down similarities and differences. 

Edited by effortlesslumen

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