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Veerasana (hero's pose) instantly produces dissolution of Boundaries of Consciousness

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When I do this asana after certain yogic stretches/processes:

Instantly it happens a dissolution of Localization of Consciousness. 

There is nothing to be done for me, no "trying" to concentrate, not "trying to let go" of thoughts, nothing. I just sit and it happens.

This is what it means with tuning and firing up certain energy channels in the body, it means that you don't have to go seeking heaven, heaven comes to you.

If you tune your body in a certain way, things will happen. 

Veerasana: The Hero's pose. It is said it is called like that because is a way of you reclaiming the BIG THING vs the smallest things. The whole asana is a way of saying I´m not going to let small petty things (thoughts, attachments, ego), surpass the big thing (Me, Mind, Consciousness).



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