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Orion Taraban - A Good Men's Mental Health Psychologist

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Orion Taraban is a psychologist who talks about men’s mental health and relationships. Orion has a YouTube channel called PsycHacks, where he posts short and interesting videos on topics like dating, success, self-improvement, and more. He gives some practical and honest advice on how to deal with common challenges that men face in today’s world.


Rejecting women is a skill: Orion explains why it’s important for men to learn how to say no to women who are not compatible with them, and how to do it respectfully and confidently.

Weed is more dangerous than you think: Orion warns about the hidden dangers of smoking weed, and how it can trap you in a cycle of wasted time and potential.

The emotional gym: Orion shares how he changed his perspective on emotions, and how he learned to exercise his emotional muscles like he would his physical ones.

The most common male sexual strategy: Orion reveals the secret behind the taxi cab analogy, and how most men approach sex and relationships in a way that is not satisfying or fulfilling.

It’s better for women to be adorers: Orion discusses the balance of attraction between men and women, and why it’s more beneficial for women to admire their partners than to be admired by them.

You can check out his YouTube channel here:
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