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My theory on why not everything it's available to you in the present moment

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A lot of people complain that if they are God/Infinity/All of Reality, how so that they can't access 'other Povs'?

The answer is, there are no other Povs. All of Reality in its totality its happening in One Single Present Moment, this One. 

For limited experience to happen, Infinity/God/Reality, has to limit its perception, creating Individuality. 

It seems that All sounds, colours, experiences and everything that can be imagined it's happening Here, and Theorically, You Could Access them if you want. (Yes, that includes that if you are in Boston, USA, you could theoretically experience the traffic lights or sounds of New Delhi-- Because Both of 'experiences' are happening HERE).

But, God limits that because it literally stopped being Infinite to experience something finite.

Anyways, maybe this are just nonsense ramblings....let me know if it makes sense to you.

Edited by Javfly33

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