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Improving Conversations And Socializing In General By Being In An Awesome Mood!

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I'm trying to improve my relationships by improving conversation and social skills.

Lately I realized a way to do all the practices from books and self-help videos to have good conversations effortless, it all came natural to me and it just felt good! (Most of the time these conversations feels kinda akward. It's very exhausting to me to focus on all the techniques and sticking to them in a long conversation.)

What I did:  I was in great mood. I mean I wasn't just in a good mood, I was in an AWESOME mood. I stoped thinking about "what should I say next, when she will have finished her sentence? What can I do that is funny?". I was very present and didn't think that much. I just expressed my feelings and my humor without filters and I had a great time. Usualy it exhausts me but that time I build up more and more engery by socializing! I didn't have to remember all the techniques because naturaly I already new how to do it. I just needed to be in the right mood to unleash sides of me, that i never new where there! I felt like a people magnet and with my happiness the bitter peoples mood turned into fun and joy.

How I did it:  When I woke up that day I wasn't in a great mood, but I wasn't in a bad mood neither. Iremembered the things that I read about "how to trick yourself into being in a good mood". So I listened to my favorite song and started singing and dancing. I went out with the attitude that every person I met is a friend and I put a smile on my face and tried to be grateful for everything I was thinking of. Eventualy this trick of acting the good mood would creat a good mood in myself (a self fullfilling prophecy).

Unfortunately I was able to keep this state for only 1 and 1/2 hour and the whole day I coudn't restore this mood. Well I am sure you had a day like this before. What I am asking myself is,

if one day I don't have to trick my mind into being in a great mood anymore?

Will I be just a "happy person" if I keep doing this?

Do you regulary can put yourself into a mood like this?

How do you do it? 

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It's an interesting point.

I experienced this so often. When I go to socialize with people I always need some time to get warm. So I just start talking without thinking to much about what I am going to say and after few minutes I start to run on autopilot. It's amazing especially when I want to approach girls. Because when I start to talk to people and just have fun I can approach girls much easier.  Some times I start a night talking to random people just to get warm.

I can also change my mood by just laughing and figuring out what is funny in the situation I am.  It's ridiculous how your mood change when you just smile  and look in the mirror. I also take than I cold shower and try to beath in my balls. 


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You're totally right, it's so crazy how the mind can trick itself. I don't really often go in that "super-happy mood" state,  but what helped me through the last months was to, as you said, smile to every person I met and this combined with the fact that most of the time people smile you back can cheer you up so much! You've read a book about it so you probably know about all what you can do to feel happier, but what I also like to do is to just be fully aware that today is today and you only have one shot to make it sweet. It's awesome how you can create this "happy bubble" for you and your surroundings, just remember to smile and to laugh and make laugh and if you never get tired of it, and you do it regularly, then yes you will become this way and it will run on autopilot, there is no secret to it.

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