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Digital vs Analog

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Before, I was a fan of minimalism reading books from the phone. "I can have all the books I need in my pocket, without a need to move them as I switch places" - I was proudly saying. But then I noticed that I need to put the mental effort in order to open the electronic book, even if it is only a few clicks to start reading   - because the path how to get through the interface to the book is stored inside your mind and you need to retrieve it, whereas the physical book by its physicality "invites" you to grab it so the process of starting reading is more effortless.

Besides reading a book through a narrow medium such as a phone screen is limiting the experience you are getting - that's how I feel.

Also, an analog clock gives a more direct sense of how much time is remained to the event. I also noticed that I was often late because there was no clock nearby to peek at the time - that's related to again breaking my limiting minimalist paradigm and buying an analog wristwatch.

Why not use a phone for this purpose?

Because you need to take it out of your pocket and thus it's harder to track time. Also, the less I touch my cell phone, the less I am distracted by social media.

I also plan to buy a timer/stopper device for exercising, a physical Pomodoro timer device for work, and a tabletop analog watch which I assume will help me track time more easily and don't get lost in not-so-useful tasks.

What other devices do you think are better being physical/analog other than digital?

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