
Great Video About Grief

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Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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"When it comes to the death of someone you love, there is no such a thing as moving on"

Society definitely doesn't allow to grieve properly and be legitimately sad about losing someone we love. And it's not only like that for normies, in spiritual communities people have other justifications to no be sad or in grief like "there is no death", while it might be true in the absolute sense, in the relative sense they encourge spiritual bypassing instead of processing the emotions. It all comes from fear (fear of death and fear of strong and deep feelings like sadness and grief) and ignorance.

Look at elephants, they grieve the loss of their dear ones too (like many other animals), it's so natural to be in pain, grief and sadness when someone you love isn't alive anymore. There is no shame about it. 


Edited by Lila9

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Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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