
Help appreciated, for the sake of Love and Truth

4 posts in this topic

Hello Friends,

Im writing here because I am fan of Actualized forum and fan of Leos work!

However, currently, Im in a very urgent situation where I need get myself around 8.000 usd, as fast as I can. 

I need all the help I can get about how could I earn this amount as soon as possible, Im currently a humanitarian student. 

I know that nobody can understand me and what I am going through but at least any advice/input/help, will be appreciated unimaginably! 


I dont have people in my life whom I can ask for help and nobody that I know of. I had an Ayahuasca experience which showed me that we are all Love. 

Therefore my hope relies on the Love that is the people of this forum, and that you will NOT choose to ignore my real situation, and just go on with your day!

Edited by LearningMystery

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 So much so for "Unconditional Love" and "We are All One" talk.

88 people already read this post but choose to ignore, nobody wrote a dm to me to see if they can help.

I even wonder if I am the only conscious person, and everyone else is just my imagination, why are you being so cold to me? Arent you literally me?

If you were in my shoes, wouldnt you want that people helped you. Its kind of ironic how on a planet with 8 billion people, when You need help, people choose to put their heads into the sand and just say "its not my problem",

However, then they go on and try to promote "love" and "enlightement, we are all one, love Hitler". 

Forget about radical things such as trying to understand Hitler and loving him, maybe start with the people are openly ask for help, who are at least alive, right now and you can talk to them?

Edited by LearningMystery

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You didn't write why you need money. Start with that at least.

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I'm sorry you're going through this, I hope it's not a matter of life and death and that you'll find a resolution soon.

I don't think that people here don't want to help you or ignore your post on purpose. It's more likely that they just don't know how to help you because most people here are young, in the begining of their life and on the path of figuring out how to make money first for themselves.

If you expected by writing this post that people will donate you money you should have, at least directly ask and explain the reason. But even if you did that, people wouldn't simply donate money for strangers on the internet because it might be a scam. It's importent for people to be carful and aware of potential scammers, it's a form of love either, self-love, which is no less importent than altruism.  

You may want to consider an option of taking a loan from your bank, that way you can get money immediately and return it in small parts over a few months, a year, two or whatever you choose.

You can check whether the university you're studying in is offering loans, I believe their terms are better than bank's terms.

One time I was in a situation when I needed money that I didn't have immediately and taking a loan saved me. 

Another option, if the reason you need 8000 usd is a matter of life and death, you can find a local group in your city or state, it can be Facebook group for example, introduce yourself in a post and explain the situation, why you need the money and ask for donations. If it's serious, chances people will empathize with you and will donate you money. I witnessed some people who did that and it helped them.

If it's not a matter of life or death, find a job in a restaurant that supports tips and work there hard for a while (or any temporary job that pays relatively well and it's easy to be hired to).

Edited by Lila9

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