
Has Anyone Used Psych-k For Subconscious Re-programming?

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Hello Actualized Community,

Do any of you have any experience with PSYCH-K  I'm not sure if it's ok to post a video of how it works. It stands for psychological kinesiology.  Basically, it's using muscle testing, as in fitness, to form a direct connection to communicate with your subconscious mind. I watched a demonstration by the inventor Rob Williams and have tested the basic principal on friends, and it seems to work.... but I have to wonder if the part of me that thinks this would work for me is looking for a "Magic Pill" as Leo would say, so that I can cut down on my affirmations or something. If you have experience, please tell me all of the details; did you attend a seminar and learn to do it with a friend? Did you go to a professional? Helpful? Noticeable changes? Thanks!




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Dear Moderator  (or whomever moved my post),

I have nothing against alternative healing, it's great, I agree with the actualization principal that things beyond the mainstream are usually better. That said, I do not feel that my post belongs here. This technique is used by psychologists and other mainstream professionals, it was developed by a psychologist. It uses the physical body, and direct verbal communication rather than; Chakras, Reiki, etc... I also feel that there is a smaller percentage of this actualizing community that seem to show interest in the alternative healing discussions, and this potentially limits my chances for a broad spectrum of responses. Thank you for your consideration.

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Can you explain what this is and how it works? Sorry I have no experience or knowledge to provide but I am interested to learn more.


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Awesome RyanSubconscious, me too! I discovered psych-k through Bruce Lipton's work (he is a cell researcher, that has made amazing discoveries about our subconscious perceptions altering our physical health directly, maybe check out his work too). At the end of Bruce's full documentary, (I think it's called The Biology of Belief, sorry I am not sure if I'm allowed to post YouTube videos like that here), there is a part 2 presented by Rob Williams that explains how he came to discover\ invent this subconscious re-programming technique, he then shows an example using an audience member. These videos are at least an hour each, but worth watching. You may be able to find more condensed info from other sources. Please keep me posted if you have any insights from your research. I think I may invest in a few professional sessions soon. I'll let you know how it goes.


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Oops, I didn't answer your question, I sent you off to do that work for yourself, I have developed a good habit of doing that, lol. PSYCH-K: If you are asked to say my name is "x" and that is your name, your subconscious knows that, and your arm (like in the pic I posted above) will remain strong. If you are asked to say my name is " Mary-Margaret" or something that your subconscious knows is false, your arm muscles become uncontrollably weak. Using this method, apparently, you can find the limiting beliefs in the subconscious and change them. In the audience demo (I mentioned above), you can see this in action. 

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Ahh ok.

That's really quite interesting, I'll take a look. I assume these are techniques you can use on yourself?

Good luck!

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@Epiphany_Inspired I know this practice as Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) and have experienced it over the past 8 or so years with my chiropractor. From my experience, it is not a 'magic pill', rather more like another self-development/help tool you can keep in your tool box. 

Like anything, I find it best not to become fixated on any one thing to the point where it is seen as an absolute miracle solution.

That said, I have experienced numerous discoveries and releases and this has helped me (I believe) to be more open to possibilities and accept this life journey.

For example, I have found that I was particularly susceptible to feel heightened emotional states when I felt someone close to me (ie. Family and friends) was upset with me; if it was a stranger or someone at work, it didn't bother me so much. During one NET session it came out that I was a surviving twin!

My twin vanished in the first trimester of the pregnancy. And so only I was born. Most people seem to accept that twins have an energetic bond, but it's difficult for many to believe this is also the case if your twin vanished during pregnancy - they seem to need to see or know of the other twin being a human.

That said, what I learned was that at the moment of conception, it seems I developed a twin bond. My subconscious mind has this knowledge, but not the conscious mind. There are myriad reasons why my twin vanished; nature I guess. But, this is where it gets interesting for me! It seems even in the womb we experience certain phenomena and interpret this.

Perhaps I felt my twin didn't like me and just left me (abandonment issues in me). Perhaps I took too much nourishment and my twin died because of this (guilt issues in me). Perhaps my twin just gave up (people pleasing issues in me). And so on it goes. Any wonder, I believe, I felt my feelings went into hyper mode when someone close to me is upset with me - the subconscious thinks they might abandon me!

This is also why, perhaps, I tend to help people, but if after time, they don't appear to be helping themselves, I will just let them be to sort out their own issues. Perhaps this is also why I can tend to negatively judge overweight people; my subconscious reminds me I may have taken the nourishment my twin needed and I project this onto others.

It's extremely helpful to me knowing these things and I have come a long way since this discovery. I have discovered and been able to resolve and release many other things through NET. 

The other key aspect to NET is the clearing process. Essentially, when we experience an emotion, our body releases certain chemicals into our bloodstream and these flow throughout the body, including the organs (eg. Adrenalin is released when we have a scare or fright). In most cases, the body processes and releases these chemicals afterwards. In some cases, like when we are under stress or for other reasons, these chemicals can be stored in the body and affect us (perhaps causing a pain or other ailments). 

When we experience a similar emotion at a later date, the chemical release is kind of like a double dose, adding to the already stored chemicals. What NET does is identify the triggering event, the emotion, the affected organ(s), and then, trace back to the original event. Once all of this is known, the NET chiropractor 'clears' the body using techniques closely associated with meridian modalities. 

For example, I recently was feeling upset with my mother who didn't appear to me to be helping herself recover from an illness and wasn't doing what the doctors suggested. Sure enough, during a scheduled visit to my chiropractor this came up, but not as I thought consciously. I thought the emotions that would come up would be along the lines of dogmatism, frustration and so forth, but what came up was I was feeling stifled. The original event related back to a time when I was about 6 years old and related to family dynamics at that time. 

For what it's worth, I think NET is a useful thing for me. It helps me to get in touch with things my conscious mind cannot access on its own. With practice and over time, it has helped me to become aware of when I am being triggered and I can better acknowledge and accept feelings and release them on my own. This discovery at the age of 47 has helped me to understand myself better and helped to explain, in part, my life journey to date. Best wishes.

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@RyanSubconscious apparently it is not as reliable and more difficult by yourself, with a friend might be better. @JeffR1 thanks so much! What an amazing story, that must have been so enlightening to find out about the twin and make those connections! I basically just wanted to know if it would be worth my money to explore this, and from what you've said it certainly sounds like it would be. I'm glad it's not a magic pill, I'd probably be too sceptical if you said it was. I would be elated if NET/ PSYCH-K could help me develop that awareness of triggers and release process you spoke of, thanks again!

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@Epiphany_Inspired I sure recommend exploring NET / PSYCH-K with a professional. The chiropractic clinic I attend has as their motto: Uniting spine, body and mind! They also have a range of other homeopathic services and products, and specialist chiropractic practices, which each chiropractor having medical board certification. I have had many discoveries which I doubt I could have found through counselling or study alone. I reckon it's worth the money. Best wishes. 

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