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"The Higher World"

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Rudolf Steiner - Has a book named "How to know higher worlds & he talks about these images or impressions you have of reality.

As I have been meditating, watching reality, switched from judging to understanding and trying to see what really is there.. I've found that these impressions/images you have of reality which change & become prettier and more amazing - are related to you. As you keep uninterrupted attention on reality itself, you start merging with reality & reality starts to take different forms & shapes, shows you new images of it every time - Which You Imagine, Which You Want to See.. they express who you are & you see yourself in it.

Is this how you enter "The Higher World"? 

I don't know how far I am on this process or if i'm missing something.. I'm wondering if by doing this you'll get to some higher level of creativity & inshight where you're completely conscious of what reality is and you're perspective of reality becomes exactly what you imagine it to be.. would that then be Paradise/Nirvana? 


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I don’t think I really understand what you are saying. 

Yeah, you can begin to see the higher world when you begin to focus on awareness, understanding, and seeing reality and yourself from an objective place. 

I think you will resonate with Vernon Howard’s books. They are juicy and fun to read and really help point toward this higher world. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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