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the link between tragedy and conspiracy theory

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if u consider the covid outbreak at face value u cant place malicious intent on the vax. it was/is a real disease, people were dying and they had very little time to stop it from spreading. do u produce a possible remedy immediately  or or do u let people continue to die while u are making sure it works/ is safe.

the bare reality is scarier than the conspiracy theory.   the medical establishment could have been acting in completely appropriate, even   honorable  fashion and still not  produce an effective or safe vaccination given the time restraints caused by the growing death toll .  now depending on how dangerous it is, they will "lie" to reduce hysteria, also for the greater good as the damage is done  


to assume that they deliberately created the disease and the poison vax with the intent to reduce the population  is tantamount to 9/11 theories. its technically possible but there is no real reason to be cynical to the point of paranoia  rather than accept the official narrative/ truth  

our fragile psyches  prefer our tragedy to be evil and not random

Edited by Wildcattt555

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