
Strange Synchronicity Experience

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When I started out as a psychology undergraduate over 20 years ago, I was a hard headed reductionist.  I didn't believe in religion or spirituality and scoffed at the ideas of both being mere fantasy bs.  Although at some point in my sophomore year I started experiencing weird coincidences.  One week I could not for the LIFE of me get this song out of my head.  It played in my head every day most of the day for a week.  That weekend I decided to get out of the house and go shopping.  When I got back to my car and approached it, I started having a strange feeling.  I got in my car and as my keys were going towards the ignition I heard that darn annoying song again.  When I turned the ignition the same song was playing on the radio.  The song never got stuck in my head again.  Anyone have any similar synchronicity experiences?

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Many times. 

it is a particular resonance of mind that tunes in to circustances related to your state of mind or what one of its affinities.  It is purely phenomenal.

joy :)


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On 2/12/2016 at 2:17 PM, Ramu said:

When I started out as a psychology undergraduate over 20 years ago, I was a hard headed reductionist.  I didn't believe in religion or spirituality and scoffed at the ideas of both being mere fantasy bs.  Although at some point in my sophomore year I started experiencing weird coincidences.  One week I could not for the LIFE of me get this song out of my head.  It played in my head every day most of the day for a week.  That weekend I decided to get out of the house and go shopping.  When I got back to my car and approached it, I started having a strange feeling.  I got in my car and as my keys were going towards the ignition I heard that darn annoying song again.  When I turned the ignition the same song was playing on the radio.  The song never got stuck in my head again.  Anyone have any similar synchronicity experiences?

So you posted this on Friday. On Saturday morning, I was listening to the song 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins at home. A few hours later, I'm at the grocery store, and as I'm waiting in the checkout line, 1979 starts playing. I don't attribute any meaning to this, but it's just fun to experience these synchronicities. I must add that 1979 is not a new song that is likely to be played anywhere. Oddly enough, I'm going to a Smashing Pumpkins concert next month, which is why I was listening to the song in the first place. As to why someone at the grocery store played it at that exact moment, I don't know...but makes sense without resort to any divine intervention, in my opinion.

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You see I think there's a connecting principle involved (unless the guy at the supermarket likes 1979 also and is also going to the concert).  I attribute my experience to The Universe saying "wake up".  Indeed, I did wake up.  I have spiritually awakened although it was far from a dramatic khundalini awakening.  I've been getting glimpses behind the curtain since age five, but it only took me until now, at age 49 to put it all together.  Imagine someone taking a nap who keeps waking up intermittently only to fall back asleep again.  This happens for awhile until he wakes up FOR GOOD.  That's my story basically.  I feel basic joy just in Being.  I like exploring spirituality but I don't know and don't care if im ever enlightened.  The only thing that matters to me is that I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that there is more to what exists than what is apparent in day to day living.

Edited by Ramu

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I have always been rational by my nature, but as I go through spirituality, I'm cleaning my mind from all biassed and bullshit, and as my mind is becoming more empty from judgements and expectations, I'm surprisingly starting to spot interesting synchronicity in my life, and it's crazy how accurate, I still don't understand them and I never tried to reason about them or think if they ever mean anything.

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Oh yes. I have it with numbers. When I look at the time. Everyday numbers like:

  • 1111
  • 2222
  • 3333
  • 1234
  • 1212
  • 1414
  • etc.

I also say the word 'phantom' everywhere I go. It is the name of the band I am starting. I do not know what it means in that case.

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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...find a lucky penny, get the perfect parking space out of the blue...etc, you are on the right path.. And if random irritating things keep happening, like can't find your keys, or someone backed into your car... Sort of the universe saying you are not in sync, not on the right path for yourself, so you need to shift gears...get in sync (I take all these random coincidences with a grain of salt, not super literally) and sometimes I get signs I'm on the "wrong" path and I still stay on it and ride along the wrong path a bit knowing it's not ideal..

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This has been happening to me more frequently since I started meditating and learning about enlightenment, about a year ago. I'm fully aware of cognitive/confirmation bias and this is something I'm mindful of. But a few things have been pretty crazy.

For example, I was reading Eckhart Tolle on the train home from work - something about how you can heal yourself through presence and body awareness - and my mind spontaneously cleared. I went totally into a space of calm presence/nowness for about 20 seconds, which had never happened to me before. I presume something in what I read had resonated with my unconscious. When I got home I went on to Amazon or Netflix or whatever to choose a movie (can't recall the name of it now). About 20 mins in, I paused it to go get a beer and some writing on a building in the background caught my eye. It was the name of a garage. It said "Eckhart Auto Body Control". Mind blown. 

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