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The Ego Self Is Experienced Because Of This.

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I heard Alan watts talk of this and he said something of the following.

We know we exist as a ego through 

1. The self image

2. Chronic muscular tension


So first of all the self image, that we have of ourself, you know that image you experience in the minds eye, that self image, wants to look good, be validated, there will be beliefs that have been picked up throughout experience, such as I am a loser, I am intelligent, I am ugly, I am good looking ect.

But this self image is not us, it has no information about how the body/mind organism functions or how our heart beats or how are blood is circulating and so on, none of this is included in the self image.

So our real self, as a human organism is a very different thing that what the self image is, the self image has been formed and created by how people have reacted to us and so on.

Chronic muscular tension

In the last enlightenment, the body was completely relaxed to the point the body couldn't be felt but normally the body is always unconsciously tensing in some way, like Alan watts said, when one is trying harder to Focus and look at something more we frown and that has no real improvement on our seeing anyway, but you can see from this simple example we are in a habit of tensing and tightening our body and face up and this gives us the sense, along with the self image that we exist as a separate entity inside the confines of the body.


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