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5-D - L O V E

Healthy masculinity post patriachy??

1 post in this topic

I can't speak for anyone else besides me but I think many people would benefit from Leo adressing issues regarding what it means to be a man, past gender identification, patriachy and social constructions, the essence of the masculine but embodied I guess?

I thought I've had patriachy fully deconstructed and re-integrated and that I just needed to embody it through my day to day (which I was struggling to do to a hilarious extent) until I saw some videos from "left-tube" which got the coffin out of the ground just to give the final nail one last time. and it happened efter I rewatched Leo's video on nihilism for the fourth time or something, so everything was more aware and meta this time, which made the process more intuitive and everything clicked! 

Now, I feel like at last I'm in some what of a neutral position (being aware of the systemic nature of it all) to explore the meaning of masculinity for myself, not for the sole gratification of a wounded ego, but more in accordance with truth, having faith that the healing of ego will happen by itself if the process is carried with.

But this leaves anyone in my position facing an unmapped territorry, since all the material that already exists regarding masculinity, manhood... is biased and ego driven, and when other spiritual teachers speak on this matter this keep it very vague, almost as if they are shying from adressing the subject in the first place.

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