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Thought Art

Leo's Blog Post - Absolute Presence = Immortality

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Leos blog post above. I have experienced this. This, this was the highlight of my life and it trumped everything I have experienced in the finite domain. It was the most obvious and yet most surprising realization I have ever had. It was for this reason I say my biggest "Thank you" to Leo, to God and to myself.

Truly, my true nature is the Greatest Miracle... For eternity. Our true Nature is this Great Miracle. And, the only thing to do in my opinion is to master basking in the Glory of God's love and then translate it into this finite existence. It will take years, I may fail. To me, this is a game an eternal being would play with itself which makes reality make more sense to me. I know I am constructing my own meaning and there is nothing I need to do with my life. But, when you experience this Immortal State of Infinity/ Infinite Love for ever. You say Thank you to God. Then, here in my mundane state going through my day to day with all my challenges... I work to bring just a fraction of that love into the universe. 

"My mind is open wide and now I am ready to start"


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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